Cork Bible Institute
Outline of Classes on Offer 

Course Prerequisites Efforts Required for Each Class Weekly and Semester Schedules

A.     Not all of the classes have to be taken. Your course director can meet with you and help you decide which information is most relevant to what God is doing in your life.

B.     The courses with the star (*) are the bare minimum that a person should attempt to learn for the basic diploma.





Overview of the Old Testament. This, along with the Overview of the New Testament, is the first class every believer should take to develop their understanding of the concepts and events of the Old Testament. It will help every believer see the major themes and the important people of the Old Testament, as well as the grand focus of the Bible – which is the need of the world for the Messiah, Jesus Christ! All 39 books of the Old Testament are explored in a panoramic style.




Overview of the New Testament. This is the Beginner’s first study of the concepts and events of the New Testament. It briefly covers the contents of all the 27 Books of the New Testament, and generally explores many of the major themes of the New Testament, as well as the people of the New Testament Books. There is also a general introduction to the doctrines of Christianity!




The Gospel of Matthew I, II, III. This is a verse-by-verse study of this most important Gospel! So many Christians do not know the first thing about the contents of this incredible Gospel that proves the Messiahship of Jesus Christ, and lays the groundwork for the preparation of the Jews for His second coming! Every believer will find so many practical principles in this Gospel, and they will discover why God put it FIRST in the New Testament to be read and learned from! This class takes three semesters to complete because of all the subjects that need to be learned throughout Matthew’s 28 chapters.




The Book of Acts I, Chapters 1-12. Acts is THE Book of the New Testament to learn and apply to our lives as a Church! Every verse of every chapter is explored, and learned from. Many false doctrines of modern Christianity and cults are rebutted from the clear words of this study of the Book of Acts. This first semester covers chapters 1-12, and explores the events of Pentecost, miracles, the apostles, the transitions from Jews to Gentiles and from Old Testament Ceremonies to New Testament Simplicity.




The Book of Acts II, Chapters 13-28. Acts is THE Book of the New Testament to learn and apply to our lives as a Church! Every verse of every chapter is explored, and learned from. This second semester covers chapters 13-28, and explores God call to church planting, preaching, handling doctrinal problems and differences, and the life and work of the Apostle Paul.




The Gospel of John I & II. This Gospel is fundamental to learning about the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ while He was here on earth! This is a two semester class that explores every verse, and every truth Jesus spoke as recorded by the Apostle John! This is a two semester course.




The Epistle to the Ephesians. This Book of the New Testament explores the Believer’s Spiritual Relationship with Jesus Christ. Its six short chapters contain God’s view on our worship, our enemy the devil, overcoming the flesh, having a godly marriage and stable home, being like Christ at work, and more!




The Epistle to the Philippians. The apostle Paul wrote this letter to one of his favourite churches here in Europe! This letter has much encouragement, and instruction on rejoicing in the Lord in spite of everything that goes wrong in life. It is a very practical Book to study.




The Epistle to the Galatians. This epistle from the Apostle Paul was written to correct the common misconceptions about the purpose and use of the Old Testament Laws as a Christian. Christians end up in the bondage of sin again when the Law is emphasized instead of Jesus Christ. This New Testament Book is vital for every believer to learn to become free of fear, of sinful habits, and to learn how to walk in God’s Holy Spirit!




Revelation.  The Book of the Revelation is Jesus Christ’s letter to all churches concerning the future of all mankind! This Book caps off the entire Bible, and explains the coming seven years of world tribulation, the antichrist, the false prophet, world-wide plagues, the Great White Throne Judgment of all the unsaved, the new heaven and new earth, the new jerusalem, and about 100 more amazing future events that every believer needs to know about and look forward to!




Daniel. The Book of the prophet Daniel is a companion book for the Bible student to learn along side of the Book of the Revelation. Both explore and explain the future, with Revelation explaining what Daniel prophesied 500 years ealier. Daniel forsaw Israel returning to her land, the first and second coming of the Messiah, the rise of the antichrist, and the explosion of a one world government and religion that we see happening today! Every verse of this amazing book will be discussed and learned from!




The Pastoral Epistles (1st & 2nd Timothy, Titus). The theme of these three New Testament Books is Developing Servant Leaders in a Church, and it is desperately needed to be followed today! This is a verse-by-verse study of these three Books enabling the Bible Student to discover the actual Offices of a Church, what to expect of end-times apostasy among fake christian leaders, as well as the main subjects that a pastor and church leader needs to be teaching for a church to be strong in faith and doctrine.




The Epistle to the Romans. This one Book in your Bible condenses down into 16 chapters the greatest themes of all humanity - the themes of sin, judgment, justification, sanctification, victory, eternal security, and Christian service!




The Book of Genesis (Module 1 covers chapter 1 through 10). A verse-by-verse study of this most incredible Book! Genesis is the foundational book for the Bible - it is the cornerstone upon which EVERYTHING written in the Bible is based. Without it, none of the major themes of the Bible make any sense. Its theme is "Beginnings": the beginning of Sin, of Life and Death, the origin of Languages, the beginnings of music, the arts, and creativity, the origin of the races! These first 10 chapters explain so much, that, without them, much of the rest of the Bible will make little to no sense!




The Book of Genesis (Module 2 covers chapter 11 through 24). A verse-by-verse study of this most incredible Old Testament Book! This module covers the life and faith of Abraham; the wrong and costly choices of Lot; Isaac, and the curse of Ishmael!




The Book of Genesis (Module 3 covers chapter 25 through 50). A verse-by-verse study of this most incredible Book! This last module in our study of Genesis covers: the beginning of the Jewish nation through Jacob and his conversion; his messed up family; Joseph and his miraculous recovery from slavery, abuse and almost destruction in Egypt!




The Book of Exodus I, II. This Old Testament Book is a great study in the battle of God with man’s sinful nature. This Book expolains how God breaks the pride of Pharaoh, and how God frees His people from both sin and themselves! This Book also contains not only the historical record of God’s delieverance from Egypt, but also the main Ten Commandments, and many of the ceremonial laws and moral laws that are the basis for all proper laws still today. This is a two semester class.



B-060 The Book of Psalms.


Proverbs I,II, & III. Proverbs is a very practical Book to study! It is part of the set of books called Wisdom Books - Books that create wisdom, and intelligence because they force you to THINK. It is God's foundation for thinking - it is the basis of a Christians "philosophy." Proverbs is such an important Book that it ought to be read, pondered, and studied by everyone!




The Books of 1st and 2nd Peter. These two books are fundamental to learning how to handle troubles and persecution as you follow the life of the Lord Jesus Christ! We are studying them every Wednesday evening, so why not get credit for it? Sign up today for this time to be counted towards credit, and get started taking notes, and you can earn Bible Institute Credits right away!




The Book of Hebrews. A verse-by-verse study of this most incredible look into the perfect work of the Messiah on our behalf as our High Priest! This Book will illuminate so much of the Old Testament Levitical laws, and help the Christian understand just how precise and perfect Jesus had to be to obtain forgiveness for anyone! Much confusion revolves around people's poor attention to details in this Book, so much time will be dedicated to dealing with questions about eternal security of the Believer, about the position of the Jewish nation in God's programme, the future of the Jewish Nation, etc.




The Epistle of James. A verse by study of this New Testament book on practical Chritain living. These five chapters cut to the heart exposing all the lies modern Christians convince themselves about how good they are living, when they really have a long way to go to live according to pure religion!




First Corinthians. This New Testament Book will address the problems that every church faces and struggles with amongst its people and beliefs, and it equips the Bible believer with truths that protect them from cults and false doctrines that are very popular today!




Second Corinthians. This course will study the very practical theme of what is Christian ministry, and how should it be done, unhindered by the world, the flesh and the devil!




The Epistles of 1st, 2nd and 3rd John. These great New Testament Books, towards the end of the Bible are some of the most important Scriptures to learn about Eternal Security of the Believer, about the New nature of the Believer. They were written to explain both the humanity and the divinity of the Messiah, as well as disprove cultic ideas about the nature of Jesus Christ. These Books are rich in deep spiritual truths for every Believer to ponder and believe with all their heart, as they seek to know Christ!




The Minor Prophet Books (Hosea to Malachi). These twelve short books from Hosea to Malachi are called 'Minor' Prophets not because of less importance than other prophetical books, but because they were smaller in size. Containing just 67 chapters in the Old Testament. They represent some of the most neglected books in the Bible. They are primarily prophetic - both of coming judgement and future blessing. Their purpose is to prepare people for the coming Messiah, explain that God would restore all things,  WARN God's people of God’s coming judgment, get people to believe on the Messiah, and to be an example of suffering and patience.




Joshua. This Old Testament Book presents the effort that God went through to get the nation of Israel out of the wilderness and into their Promised Land. Joshua is the Old Testament shadow of Jesus Christ, taking His people into the will of God! There are literally dozens and dozens of spiritual lessons for the Christian in how to follow God’s will by faith, battle spiritual warfare, conquer old bad habits, and become firmly established in faith and obedience to God!



Baptist Distinctives. What makes a church a Baptist Church? There are some very important and good differences between churches, and they are for good reason! This study course will explore what are the Bible based doctrines that a Baptist clings to, and why all churches should be Biblically Baptist!




Church History I, II, III, & IV. This is a rapid overview of history from the viewpoint of the Cross. It will show how Jesus Christ affected not only an innumerable number of people, but also entire nations, and how the devil has sought from the start to ruin God’s great work in mankind! We will study the major people, and events that “in the name of God” changed our world, sometimes for good, and often for evil. But we will also see how that when believers just follow the Scriptures, God accomplishes His great plan through insufficient vessels! This class will thrill your soul, and open your understanding about the effect of the true Gospel, and the effect of any other counterfeit! It takes four semesters to complete the entire course!




The Reformation. Around 1400 AD Europe was starting to awaken to the idea that the Bible is the ONLY source for truth, both about God, as well as about this universe and ourselves. But the Bible was a forbidden source for the common man. So it took almost 200 years of reforming at a very high price to get the Bible into the common man’s languages, and get laws based upon God’s Law. This period of time is both exciting, and harrowing, since the Catholic Church fought long and hard to retain its dark grip on Europe, but the Reformation had its effect – a new world! This class will briefly examine the lives and efforts of people like John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Huss, Menno Simons, and Ulrich Zwingli. The Reformation was a fight between those that held to the traditions of the Catholic Church and those that held only to the Bible!




Cults I, II, and III. This is an intensive class in the study of the myriads of cults that people follow that are against the Bible, and yet promoted as being from the Bible. Cults that will be studied include: Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons), Scientology (El Ron Hubbard), Seventh Day Adventists, and some other not so well known groups. The main objective of this class is to enable the Believer to know the truth so that any counterfeit can be quickly identified and exposed! This class takes three semesters to complete.



Introduction to Missions and Church Planting. This class will focus on learning what World Missions is, and just how important Church Planting is.




Missions II – Going and Doing. How to evangelize an area of any country, start a church, and make it grow like churches are supposed to, according to the Biblical method as set out in the Bible. The ultimate goal of every Christian is to reproduce their faith in someone else – that is Discipleship. And the ultimate goal of every Bible believing church is to reproduce ITSELF – that is Biblical Evangelism, and our world desperately needs it! This class will work through practical means by which Biblical Churches can and should be started, anywhere, and everywhere!




Missions III – Teamwork in Church Planting. This class builds on the Missions II class, and explains just how a team of church planters can actually work together and quickly establish a New Testament Church anywhere.




Personal Evangelism. This is a very important class for every Bible believer to take to enable them to Scripturally deal with our culture about their need to be born again. Over 100 Scriptures will be memorised, and about a dozen helpful approaches will be learned so that the student can be confident enough to deal with most everyone they meet and effectively compel people to repent.



Doctrine of God (Theology). This class looks at and explores the nature of God as presented in the Bible. This is THE most important Doctrine Class to take because it is the foundation of all other beliefs that a Christian should have!




Doctrine of Man (Anthropology). The study of mankind, our human nature, and our depravity that requires God’s intervention to save and transform.




Doctrine of Salvation (Soteriology). This class presents what God had to do to save sinners. It will give the Bible Student a greater appreciation of all the steps God had to take, and all the things that happen when a person gets born again are studied.




Doctrine of Sin (Hamartiology). Hamartiology is the study of sin. It deals with how sin originated, how it affects humanity, and what it will result in after death. To sin basically means to "miss the target." We all miss God's target for righteousness (Romans 3:23). Hamartiology, then, explains WHY we miss the target mark, HOW we miss the mark, and the consequences of missing the mark.




Doctrine of Angels and Spirits. This class presents an extensive study of the Bible’s teaching on what angels are, what they do, and it explores what other spirits there are in the world (devils), and how to resist them.




Doctrine of the Church (Ecclesiology). The New Testament Church is something that God designed, not mankind. It is very different than what most people think of, and this class presents the Biblical blueprint for what a true Church is, how it operates, and how to be part of one.




Dispensational Theology. The Bible commands us to rightly divide its contents. Those divisions are called Dispensations. This class covers a study of the eight different Dispensations of history, and how God dealt with mankind in each. It is an exciting study that helps the Bible Student know how to understand many, many hard Scriptures.




Bible Covenants. God made many promises to His people, and agreements. Each agreement was a covenant that God committed Himself to, and expects His people to commit themselves in return. These eight Covenants are studied along-side the eight Dispensations to give a straightforward understanding of both the pastor and the future.




Introduction to Greek. If you ever wanted to learn the basics of reading and understanding the Greek language of the New Testament, then this class is for you. You will learn how to read and basically translate Bible Greek into English, and you will get a great window on meanings of words and Biblical concepts. This class will especially help you understand your English Bible.




Introduction to Hebrew. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew. It is a very ancient language, yet it is still spoken in Israel even today! The Hebrew language is rich in meanings, and learning it will help you better understand how God preserved His words even to today! You will learn the basics in reading and understanding the meaning of Hebrew words and phrases from the Bible.




Manuscript Evidence. There is a huge battle today over what manuscripts to use in the translating of Scripture, and this class will show how Biblical manuscripts (ancient pieces of Scripture) can be verified as being authentic, and what ones are forgeries. This class will look at both Hebrew and Greek manuscript contents, and their histories. This is an intense study class, but is very rewarding for the Bible student who loves the word of God!




Problem Texts. A study of about 100 confusing and often misunderstood Scriptures and Scripture problems, with methods of how to answer them, and how to handle any other supposed contradictions from a Bible believing viewpoint.



Becoming A Thorough Student of the Bible. This study course will teach the beginning student HOW to read their Bible, begin to study it, and what to start to look for as they do. This is a very practical class that will help every Believer, whether brand new, or well on in years as a Christian.




Sunday School Teacher Training. Every Teacher of Scripture feels inadequate, but with this class, they can know that they are focusing and learning the important ways to study in preparation to teach a children’s Sunday School class. Things that will be explained and taught include the writing of lesson outlines, the use of visuals, puppets, songs and crafts. This is a very practical class, especially for people who want to just help in Sunday School.




Preacher’s Workshop I,II & III. This class is taught on Sunday evenings from 5pm to 6pm. Every man needs to learn how to declare the truths of the Bible, and especially of the Gospel! Preacher’s Workshop will teach you how to study for a message, and how to deliver that message, whether to a Sunday School class, or a Church full of adults, or a Nursing home even! This class is intended to help any preacher or Sunday School teacher in their general Sermon & Lesson Preparation. It is very practical.




Teaching Discipleship. This class reviews all the content of the First Principles Discipleship course, and helps the student learn how to teach it from start to finish. The goal is to familiarise the Discipler with the important methods of instruction so that everyone they end up discipling becomes themselves a discipler in the future.




Christian Leadership Training. Every church needs Christian leaders who manage the various ministries of their church. This class helps everyone involved in ministries, to develop into the qualified Christian leaders that they need to be. Subjects that will be covered include: Developing and maintaining personal integrity, Bible Study habits and Person Walk with God, Biblical expectations of Church Leaders, the relationship with the Pastor, handling problems in the ministry, and more.




Children’s Ministries. This class introduces the Bible Student to a wide range of Children’s Ministries as outreaches of the church to young people! The Student will learn how to effectively use stories, puppets, flannelgraph, picture cards, and songs. They will learn the value of Bible Clubs and Christian Camps, and will be better able to help in those ministries with this class behind them.




Ladies Ministries. This class presents many, many ideas on how to conduct ministries to the ladies of your church. There will be much helpful discussions on not only methods, but also the tools that are available to make every ministry a blessing to the women. Also, the class will help the student to learn how to deal with problems in ministering to women and how to prepare for them, and especially avoid them.




Church Practical Ministry Experience. This is a two semester elective that puts the student right in the leadership of a specific chosen ministry, allowing them to work along-side another leader, or another student in the planning, preparation and conducting of a ministry during the two semesters. The ministry will have several major church-wide events to conduct. This is a very practical and exciting opportunity for a student to get to try out all the things they have been learning up until this point!




How to Study the Bible. A Practical Introduction on How to Study and Live By God’s Word, the Bible! In this class we will look at the necessary and vital procedures that you must have in place to adequately understand what you are reading in the Bible.




Argumentation and Debate. This class will focus on practical methods of learning to discuss, debate, Biblically argue and persuade people to the truth as Jesus did. This is an exciting way to learn how to get our world to think, and challenge themselves, but will require the student to first learn how to think for themselves and challenge themselves and what they think they believe.

  • Extended Bible Studies - A wide-range of Short-term studies *

  • Covenant Theology - Learning of the level of God's commitment to His people * God made many promises to His people, and agreements. Each agreement was a covenant that God committed Himself to, and expects His people to commit themselves in return. These eight Covenants are studied along side the eight Dispensations to give a straightforward understanding of both the pastor and the future.

  • Preacher Training  - Preparing to Preach and to Pastor

  • Teacher Training - How to Teach the Bible *

  • Overview of the New Testament * This is the Beginner’s first study of the concepts and events of the New Testament. It briefly covers the contents of all the 27 Books of the New Testament, and generally explores many of the major themes of the New Testament, as well as the people of the New Testament Books. There is also a general introduction to the doctrines of Christianity!
  • Overview of the Old Testament * This, along with the Overview of the New Testament, is the first class every believer should take to develop their understanding of the concepts and events of the Old Testament. It will help every believer see the major themes and the important people of the Old Testament, as well as the grand focus of the Bible – which is the need of the world for the Messiah, Jesus Christ! All 39 books of the Old Testament are explored in a panoramic style.
  • The Gospel of Matthew * This is a verse-by-verse study of this most important Gospel! So many Christians do not know the first thing about the contents of this incredible Gospel that proves the Messiahship of Jesus Christ, and lays the groundwork for the preparation of the Jews for His second coming! Every believer will find so many practical principles in this Gospel, and they will discover why God put it FIRST in the New Testament to be read and learned from! This class takes three semesters to complete because of all the subjects that need to be learned throughout Matthew’s 28 chapters.
  • The Book of Acts * Acts is THE Book of the New Testament to learn and apply to our lives as a Church! Every verse of every chapter is explored, and learned from. Many false doctrines of modern Christianity and cults are rebutted from the clear words of this study of the Book of Acts. This first semester covers chapters 1-12, and explores the events of Pentecost, miracles, the apostles, the transitions from Jews to Gentiles and from Old Testament Ceremonies to New Testament Simplicity. This second semester covers chapters 13-28, and explores God call to church planting, preaching, handling doctrinal problems and differences, and the life and work of the Apostle Paul.
  • The Book of Romans * This one Book in your Bible condenses down into 16 chapters the greatest themes of all humanity - the themes of sin, judgment, justification, sanctification, victory, eternal security, and Christian service!
  • The Book of Ephesians  This Book of the New Testament explores the Believer’s Spiritual Relationship with Jesus Christ. Its six short chapters contain God’s view on our worship, our enemy the devil, overcoming the flesh, having a godly marriage and stable home, being like Christ at work, and more!
  • The Book of Philippians  The apostle Paul wrote this letter to one of his favourite churches here in Europe! This letter has much encouragement, and instruction on rejoicing in the Lord in spite of everything that goes wrong in life. It is a very practical Book to study.
  • The Book of Proverbs  Proverbs is a very practical Book to study! It is part of the set of books called Wisdom Books - Books that create wisdom, and intelligence because they force you to THINK. It is God's foundation for thinking - it is the basis of a Christians "philosophy." Proverbs is such an important Book that it ought to be read, pondered, and studied by everyone!
  • The Books of 1st and 2nd Corinthians  These New Testament Books will address the problems that every church faces and struggles with amongst its people and beliefs, and it equips the Bible believer with truths that protect them from cults and false doctrines that are very popular today!
  • The Book of Joshua  This Old Testament Book presents the effort that God went through to get the nation of Israel out of the wilderness and into their Promised Land. Joshua is the Old Testament shadow of Jesus Christ, taking His people into the will of God! There are literally dozens and dozens of spiritual lessons for the Christian in how to follow God’s will by faith, battle spiritual warfare, conquer old bad habits, and become firmly established in faith and obedience to God!
  • The Minor Prophet Books (Hosea to Malachi). These twelve short books from Hosea to Malachi are called 'Minor' Prophets not because of less importance than other prophetical books, but because they were smaller in size. Containing just 67 chapters in the Old Testament. They represent some of the most neglected books in the Bible. They are primarily prophetic - both of coming judgement and future blessing. Their purpose is to prepare people for the coming Messiah, explain that God would restore all things,  WARN God's people of God’s coming judgment, get people to believe on the Messiah, and to be an example of suffering and patience.
  • The Epistles of First, Second and Third John. These great New Testament Books, towards the end of the Bible are some of the most important Scriptures to learn about Eternal Security of the Believer, about the New nature of the Believer. They were written to explain both the humanity and the divinity of the Messiah, as well as disprove cultic ideas about the natures of Jesus Christ. These Books are rich in deep spiritual truths for every Believer to ponder and believe with all their heart, as they seek to know Christ!
  • The Book of Judges
  • The Book of Hebrews  A verse-by-verse study of this most incredible look into the perfect work of the Messiah on our behalf as our High Priest! This Book will illuminate so much of the Old Testament Levitical laws, and help the Christian understand just how precise and perfect Jesus had to be to obtain forgiveness for anyone! Much confusion revolves around people's poor attention to details in this Book, so much time will be dedicated to dealing with questions about eternal security of the Believer, about the position of the Jewish nation in God's programme, the future of the Jewish Nation, etc.
  • The Book of Daniel   The Book of the prophet Daniel is a companion book for the Bible student to learn along side of the Book of the Revelation. Both explore and explain the future, with Revelation explaining what Daniel prophesied 500 years ealier. Daniel forsaw Israel returning to her land, the first and second coming of the Messiah, the rise of the antichrist, and the explosion of a one world government and religion that we see happening today! Every verse of this amazing book will be discussed and learned from!
  • The Books of 1 & 2 Thessalonians
  • Pastoral Epistles (1 & 2 Timothy, Titus) The theme of these three New Testament Books is Developing Servant Leaders in a Church, and it is desperately needed to be followed today! This is a verse-by-verse study of these three Books enabling the Bible Student to discover the actual Offices of a Church, what to expect of end-times apostasy among fake christian leaders, as well as the main subjects that a pastor and church leader needs to be teaching for a church to be strong in faith and doctrine.
  • The Book of Exodus I, II. This Old Testament Book is a great study in the battle of God with man’s sinful nature. This Book expolains how God breaks the pride of Pharaoh, and how God frees His people from both sin and themselves! This Book also contains not only the historical record of God’s delieverance from Egypt, but also the main Ten Commandments, and many of the ceremonial laws and moral laws that are the basis for all proper laws still today. This is a two semester class.
  • The New Testament Church
  • Church History  This is a rapid overview of history from the viewpoint of the Cross. It will show how Jesus Christ affected not only an innumerable number of people, but also entire nations, and how the devil has sought from the start to ruin God’s great work in mankind! We will study the major people, and events that “in the name of God” changed our world, sometimes for good, and often for evil. But we will also see how that when believers just follow the Scriptures, God accomplishes His great plan through insufficient vessels! This class will thrill your soul, and open your understanding about the effect of the true Gospel, and the effect of any other counterfeit! It takes four semesters to complete the entire course!
  • The Reformation. Around 1400 AD Europe was starting to awaken to the idea that the Bible is the ONLY source for truth, both about God, as well as about this universe and ourselves. But the Bible was a forbidden source for the common man. So it took almost 200 years of reforming at a very high price to get the Bible into the common man’s languages, and get laws based upon God’s Law. This period of time is both exciting, and harrowing, since the Catholic Church fought long and hard to retain its dark grip on Europe, but the Reformation had its effect – a new world! This class will briefly examine the lives and efforts of people like John Wicliffe, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Huss, Menno Simons, and Ulrich Zwingli. The Reformation was a fight between those that held to the traditions of the Catholic Church and those that held only to the Bible!
  • Personal Evangelism
  • Soteriology - Doctrine of Salvation * This class presents what God had to do to save sinners. It will give the Bible Student a greater appreciation of all the steps God had to take, and all the things that happen when a person gets born again are studied.
  • An Introduction to New Testament Greek * If you ever wanted to learn the basics of reading and understanding the Greek language of the New Testament, then this class is for you. You will learn how to read and basically translate Bible Greek into English, and you will get a great window on meanings of words and Biblical concepts. This class will especially help you understand your English Bible.
  • Introduction to Hebrew. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew. It is a very ancient language, yet it is still spoken in Israel even today! The Hebrew language is rich in meanings, and learning it will help you better understand how God preserved His words even to today! You will learn the basics in reading and understanding the meaning of Hebrew words and phrases from the Bible.
    Manuscript Evidence  There is a huge battle today over what manuscripts to use in the translating of Scripture, and this class will show how Biblical manuscripts (ancient pieces of Scripture) can be verified as being authentic, and what ones are forgeries. This class will look at both Hebrew and Greek manuscript contents, and their histories. This is an intense study class, but is very rewarding for the Bible student who loves the word of God!
  • Problem Texts. A study of about 100 confusing and often misunderstood Scriptures and Scripture problems, with methods of how to answer them, and how to handle any other supposed contradictions from a Bible believing viewpoint.