The Book of Genesis

Section Exam 1


Your Name: ____________________________                                Date: _________

Score: ______


1.        The following chapter divisions ought to be noted (each section is about a person):


a.        Genesis 12 ‑ 24 ‑ The story of ____________

b.       Genesis 24 ‑ 27 ‑ The story of ____________

c.        Genesis 28 ‑ 36 ‑ The story of ____________

d.       Genesis 37 ‑ 50 ‑ The story of ____________


2.        Give a basic date for the call of Abraham out of Ur of the Chaldees: ______ B.C.

3.        What is the proper name of the Promised Land? _________________________

4.        What was Lot’s relationship to Abraham? ______________________________

5.        What was Bethel to Abraham? _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

6.        Where did Lot end up living? ________________________________________

7.        After the defeat of the five kings that had invaded Sodom and Gomorrah, and taken

captive Lot, who did Abraham meet on the way back? _______________


8.        What did Abraham give to this man that he met? ________________________

9.        What was Abraham’s name before God made a covenant with him? _________


10.     What does that name mean? _________________________________________

11.     What does the name Abraham mean? __________________________________

12.     Who was Abraham’s first son? _______________________________________

13.     Describe what went wrong in Abraham’s faith so that he ended up with that baby? ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

14.     What did God say the name of Abraham’s son was going to be called? ______________.

What does that name mean? __________________________

15.     What was Hagar and her son a type of according to Galatians 4? ____________ ________________________________________________________________

16.     What was Isaac a type of? ___________________________________________

17.     What is circumcision a type of? ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

18.     What area did Abraham intercede with God for so that He would not destroy it? ________________________________________________________________

19.     Why did Abraham worry about that area? ______________________________

20.     What was the main sin of that area, so that God decided He had to destroy it? _______________________________________________________________

21.     What lured Lot into Sodom in the first place? ___________________________ ________________________________________________________________

22.     Name several things that were lost by Lot because of the sins of Sodom?


a.         _________________________________________

b.        _________________________________________

c.         _________________________________________


23.     What did Abraham fear the most when he would go into Canaanite communities? ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

24.     What did God command Abraham to do with Hagar and her son? ___________ ________________________________________________________________

25.     What two things was God testing, when He commanded Abraham to offer up his son Isaac?


a.        Abraham’s ______________________________________________

b.       Abraham’s ______________________________________________


26.     What is the name of the cave that Abraham buried Sarah in? _______________


27.     What was the name of Abraham’s Servant who was sent to get a wife for Isaac?

28.     Where did Abraham forbid the servant to look for a wife? _________________ ________________________________________________________________

29.     Where was the servant to travel to, to find the wife? ______________________ ________________________________________________________________

30.     List the typology of the people in the account:


a.        Abraham                _______________________

b.       Isaac                _______________________

c.        The Servant                _______________________

d.       The Bride                _______________________


31.     How did the servant go about attempting to find the right woman? ___________ ________________________________________________________________

32.     What was the name of the woman who did marry Isaac? ___________________

33.     Who decided that she and Isaac were right for each other ? _____________

34.     Who had the final choice? ____________________

35.     How picky was Isaac? _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________