Baptist History and Distinctives

What's the Big Deal About Being a Baptist? 

Part of the

For more information, email the course instructor, Pastor Craig Ledbetter


PDF Study Notes for Baptist History and Distinctives

Baptist History

Introduction Video Introduction
Lesson 2 Video 2
Lesson 3 Video 3
Lesson 4 Video 4
Lesson 5 Video 5
Lesson 6 Video 6
Lesson 7 Video 7
Lesson 8 Video 8
Lesson 9 Video 9
Lesson 10 Video 10
Lesson 11 Video 11
  Video 12

Class Requirements

To receive credit for taking this course, each student will need to complete the following requirements:

  1. Attend 80% of all classes during the semester – the classes are audio-recorded and are put up on the CBI website for review within two weeks after every class.
  2. Complete all the Quizzes (usually there are three, spread out throughout the semester). If you miss a quiz, you must schedule time to take it before the next quiz.
  3. Pass the Final Exam with at least a 69% grade.
  4. Write a 3-4 page report (double spaced) on one of the following subjects:
    1. A short biography of an outstanding Baptist in history.
    2. A short history of the Waldensians, or other pre-1600 Ana-Baptist group.
    3. A Biblical rebuttal of pedo-baptism.


  1. The overall grade as to be above a 69% which will be a composite of the following:
    1. 25% is based upon attendance
    2. 25% on the composite of the Quiz grades
    3. 25% from the grade of the report
    4. 25% is from the Final Exam grade
  1. There is no Textbook associated with this course at this time.
  2. The student may be able to do some extra credit report or project if needed – but you must get permission from the Teacher first.