Testimony of Ruth L

For those of you who don't already know, my name is Ruth.

My salvation testimony is a bit different to most, I've grown up in a Christian home, with both my parents born again believers and in full-time ministry for the Lord. At the age of 5 i made a "profession of faith" or in other words, I basically just repeated a bunch of words after my mom.
As I got a little older I began doubting my salvation. But, being as stubborn as I am, at only 10 years old I had it in my head that I was not only too old to go talk to someone about it, but also was worried about what others would think of me. And in turn I tried my own ways of obtaining salvation. Before I say anymore, let me tell you that salvation through your own self doesn't work! The only way to heaven is through believing on God's son, Jesus! Simple as that! (John 3:16)

The day I was turning 11, a man in our church named Paul L stood up in church and told everyone he had just recently gotten saved. I was so shocked when I heard that! Paul had been in church for as long as i could remember and i had thought he'd been saved for ages! All I could think afterwards was if he was able to come forward and announce that, being way older than i was, what was I doing being so proud and worrying about what others would think of me! That night after church I went down to my parents, my dad led me through some scripture and then at 11pm on May 27th, 2001, I knelt down next to the couch and asked Jesus to cleanse me of my sin and come into my heart. It was that easy! I was bought with a price and am sealed with Jesus blood!

My story doesn't end there though! (I'll try and keep the rest of this as short as I can)

Being a Christian hasn't made me invincible from sin or hurt. I've messed up so much since the day I became a Christian, but through Jesus' blood all is forgiven! And although I would give up in God, He never has given up in me :-D

I recently learned something I think is worth sharing. No matter how old (or how young) you are, or how messed up your life may seem - God can use you if you'll only let Him! He has a perfect plan, and a perfect will for your life! And He's only waiting for us to surrender our lives to Him. Giving God your all is worth it!

I started my testimony as a 5 year old who didn't fully understand what God had done for me. I'm now a 17 year old who has not only felt the hurt from sin but also God's never ending forgiveness! I know I'm still going to mess up, but all in all I want my life to glorify God!


Ruth L