The Husband and Wife Challenge

Home Sweet Home - Part 3

How to Walk in Love

Ephesians 5

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland

Apr 17, 2016 AM


I.        Introduction (Ephesians 5:1,2)


A.     The letter to the Christians at Ephesus is one of the most practical, and compelling books for the Christian to learn how to live the Christian life!

B.      It begins with some deep truths and explanations about our salvation in chapter one, but has more instructions and plain talk on living in the remaining 5 chapters than you will find in any vast library in any university in the world!

C.      And smack-dab in the middle of all the instructions in Ephesians is half of a chapter dedicated to having a sweet Christian home!

D.     Three common mis-conceptions about Marriage:


1.       It’s a power struggle.


a.       To many people, marriage is primarily about two individuals in competition with one another. The most powerful person wins, so you need to make sure you protect your own interests.

b.       If THAT is what you believe about marriage, then both of you will just end up cynical and bitter against each other. And you will end up in divorce court!

c.       Don’t forget, that after Adam and Eve rebelled against God in the Garden of Eden, God himself said that the man-woman relationship will be cursed by a struggle of desire, and of rule.

d.       Don’t let your home settle for that lowest form of relationships!


2.       The economic partnership.


a.       Some people, without admitting it, believe marriage is simply an economic partnership.

b.       Marriage, in their minds is simply a contract between two people to ensure that each others’ needs are met, like a little business.

c.       But, if you think of your home only as a partnership, you will focus on the issues that characterise businesses: like, management, chains of command, questions about who makes the ‘decisions’ and who does the ‘tasks.’

d.       Often, in these kind of homes, a husband will seek to keep his wife as a ‘subordinate’ in his chain of command, or a career-minded feministic wife will seek to keep her husband under her thumb so that she can keep her life the way she wants it!


3.       And then, there is the fairy tale (a.k.a. the Disneyland “happily ever after”).


a.       In this philosophy, marriage is ultimately all about ‘the two of us.’


1)      We believe that we are ‘fulfilled’ in one another.

2)      We’re on a romantic journey together; we don’t know where we’re going on this journey, but it’s nice to hold hands on the way.


b.       Of course, love and marriage are supposed to go together. But if we put such inward-focused romantic love on a pedestal and make it the ultimate goal, it becomes idolatry, and it will crash like glass when reality sets in.


E.      According to Ephesians 5, marriage is NOT a power struggle, or a partnership, or a fairy-tale paradise. It is, rather, a deeply amazing union of two different people who passionately love Jesus Christ more than they love each other! And out of that love, they find the strength to love their spouse like they should!


II.     Background


A.     What we are about to learn, is part of the Christian life


1.       It’s NOT only for a few people who seem to be able to live by these instructions. It’s for every believer

2.       We are told to WALK differently than we used to (4:17)

3.       Walk in love (5:2) – what a great phrase

4.       Walk in light (5:8) – out in the open, unashamed, following a guide – the Bible

5.       Walk in good works (Eph 2:10) towards one another – especially your family!

6.       Walk circumspectly (5:15) – watching for pitfalls, traps, enemies, lies, and deceptions from culture


B.      Requires being filled with the Holy Spirit of God (Ephesians 5:18-20)


1.       So, these instructions are for believers only

2.       For those who have learned to yield to God’s STILL SMALL voice as he guides and instructs them

3.       Rejecting anything that hinders, quenches God’s work in our homes


a.       Like wine and strong drink, and drunkenness

b.       Like pills and self-help books and classes

c.       Don’t lean on any of those things, if you have the Spirit of God


4.       Focusing your mind, and what you think about and dwell on, on David’s Psalms, and on Christian HYMNS and on spiritual songs – NOT 96FM and REDFM, etc

5.       Making sure you start GIVING THANKS for everything in your life

6.       If you CAN’T do any of that, then what we are about to talk about will be impossible for you! Guaranteed!


C.     Requires Submission (Ephesians 5:21)


1.       What that means is, letting go of control of your life (like a steering wheel), of what you are willing to allow to happen in your life and your home


a.       And submitting to God’s ways of doing things!

b.       In the fear of God – that shows how serious this is


2.       A sweet home requires humility like a car needs petrol!

3.       If you don’t do things God’s way, there are serious repercussions!

4.       EXAMPLE: An astronaut is in training


a.       Told that there are rules and expectations of him when he launches off that launch pad

b.       That as long as he obeys the instructions from mission control, he will return home alive

c.       But if he does his own thing, and ignores any warning, and instructions, he could and most probably WILL die

d.       And then don’t you know, that that astronaut takes it seriously when he is instructed to do even the smallest of things? Because he wants to live, and fears causing a disaster that might not just cost him HIS life, but the lives of those with him!

e.       Isn’t that the same in our homes and families?


D.     Let me show you ladies and gentlemen, how to “walk in love” as believers so that you can have a Home Sweet Home!


III.  Message


A.     The Wife Challenge – to love by submitting (Ephesians 5:22-24)


1.       It all starts with the wife


a.       Don’t blame me! I’m just the postman, delivering the mail!

b.       God designed marriage, and defined the roles and work of everyone in a home for it to thrive and be sweet!


2.       Listen to the words, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.”

3.       It’s a Command


a.       God HAD to make it a command.

b.       Because we will not naturally do right for very long without rules and commandments

c.       So God commands a wife to love her husband by submitting to him


4.       What does “submit yourselves” mean?


a.       Not just being nice to your husband, and humouring him…

b.       But to go out of your way to honour him as the head of your life and of those in your home

c.       To obey him as the one in charge of your home

d.       To ALLOW your husband to be in charge – not fight it and make his life miserable as he tries to make decisions and do what he thinks is best for his family

e.       Here is another thought - Allow your husband to be the hero in your home – the saviour


1)      He needs to be needed more than you need your mother, or your job, or your soaps

2)      So, let him be great

3)      And honour him as if he is great

4)      He needs to be your knight in shining armour

5)      He needs to know that you see him that way! It motivates him!


f.        To “reverence” him – give him the greatest honour in your home – more than you give to your own parents, more than you give to your children


5.       THIS is NOT what people have been taught for the past 50 years! And so, hasn’t our world reaped the consequences? Domestic violence, divorces, separations, suicides, crime rates – all out of control! And yet this is the most feministic age ever!

6.       Now, it doesn’t mean you have no say!


a.       You are your husband’s other half

b.       You are just as important to God as HE is

c.       Your soul was purchased with the same amount of Christ’s blood as his was

d.       So, you have the right to express your fears, and worries and concerns

e.       And you can expect to be right an awful lot of the time!

f.        So, speak up, express your opinions, worries, fears, concerns, and even opposition

g.       But in the end, let him decide what to do

h.       You have to trust that GOD knows what He is doing when he puts men like your husband in charge of your home

i.        And you have to believe that God WILL protect and bless your home, even when your husband makes a mistake, and doesn’t lead the best!

j.        And you HAVE to learn to pray for him, and hold him up in prayer like Aaron and Hur held up Moses in the battles!


7.       This Command is Consistent throughout Scripture


a.       Gen 3:16  Unto the woman [EVE] he [GOD] said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

b.       Col 3:18  Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.

c.       Titus 2:3-5  The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,  To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

d.       1Pe 3:1-6  Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.


8.       A Comparison (5:23,24)


a.       The Apostle Paul uses a reality that we all already expect, and extends it to our homes

b.       Just as the church is subject, submissive, obedient to Christ…

c.       So should a wife be to her husband

d.       At least Christians are supposed to be subject to the Lord Jesus Christ!

e.       True Christians ARE subject to Christ, submitted to His leadership of their lives

f.        There are a lot of fakers, who love being thought of as good people, and moral, and church goers, but they are rebels in their hearts, and have no intention of EVER obeying the Bible

g.       THEY are not the church!


9.       The Bible says “in everything” (5:24)


a.       Is your husband asking you to do something against Scripture?


1)      Then respectfully say no

2)      Esther teaches wives how to say no the right way

3)      Vashti did it the wrong way, and lost her home!


b.       But if it is not against clear Scripture, then follow him

c.       Don’t use hardness as an excuse – “I just can’t do it” yes you can! And you must!

d.       Don’t use culture as an excuse – “it is not how women do it in my culture” So what?

e.       And DON’T use your husband’s flaws and faults as an excuse


1)      Whether he is saved or not – IF he is your husband, honour and submit

2)      Whether he is right or not – you are going to have to trust God a lot, and not your husband


f.        None of those excuses are valid in love! Maybe in WAR, but not in love!

g.       Remember? We are trying to learn to “walk in love” in our homes!


10.   Ladies…


a.       You show your love to God, by joyfully submitting to your husband’s leadership

b.       You show your love to your husband by joyfully submitting – by yielding, by letting HIM be in charge of the home

c.       So, let him lead, and Pray for your husband, and help him when he fails!


11.   Now gentlemen, YOUR TURN!


B.      The Husband Challenge – to love by sacrificing (Ephesians 5:25-33)


1.       This is a Command as well


a.       To love our wives

b.       Boy! Doesn’t that sound simple!

c.       We are commanded to love GOD too!

d.       It’s funny that we don’t do too well at either!


2.       Listen to the words… “Husbands, love your wives


a.       Now, the wife loves her husband by submitting to him as the church submits unto the Lord.

b.       But the husband loves his wife as the Lord Jesus sacrificially loves His church

c.       That means there are two different directions of love, focused on the other person!


3.       So, What does it mean, “to love our wife”?


a.       To honour, prefer her ahead of ourselves – ouch!

b.       To serve her – like Christ served His disciples and washed their feet!

c.       To listen to her – and give in to her when possible. In other words, if she sees things different than you do, you had better have a VERY good reason to reject her opinion and do your own thing

d.       To cherish – to protect, and hold close, appreciate, be tender with

e.       Nourish – feed, and strengthen, and help her in her weaknesses

f.        And to give up things for her sake!


1)      That means, to sacrifice what you want, so that you can give her what she wants – you can’t give her everything she wants, but when you mainly spend money on yourself, spend time doing what you want to do, then you are not obeying the commandment

2)      If what she needs is not against the Scriptures, then give it to her, do it for her, even though it costs you what YOU may want instead!

3)      So, Be proactive – think about what you are planning to do, and drop it for her sake

4)      Show her you can walk away from your comfort zones (your Mom and Dad) just to be with her

5)      When it’s the middle of the night and baby is crying a good man should get up rather than always expect the wife will do it.

6)      So, Do ‘servant’ things, washing up, ironing (YES THE IRONING), cleaning, mowing, cleaning the windows, taking her out for coffee, buying her, her favourite chocolate…

7)      But don't substitute those things for caring for her at the personal and spiritual level, which is a lot harder.

8)      Give her YOURSELF – your attention, and your will, when necessary!


g.       Now, you KNOW you can do this, because you ALREADY HAVE! Almost every man has a God-given, natural desire to please their wives, especially in the dating period, engagement period and newlywed period.


4.       What a husband’s love does NOT mean:


a.       Does not mean making her happy.


1)      THAT is not your job. Yes, seek to please her, but know, you never will. She needs Christ! She needs her own walk with Him, and she needs to obey Jesus, or you will have hell in home

2)      Woe is the house where everyone worries about keeping MOM happy!

3)      In too many homes, if Momma aint happy, then ain’t nobody happy! That’s wrong!


b.       Does not mean cleansing her of sin – can’t do it! Only the blood of Jesus Christ can!

c.       Does not mean making her holy, and without flaws! Nope! Nope! Nope!

d.       Jesus, and ONLY Jesus can do all that!

e.       Too many men have been destroyed by wives who expected their husbands to be all they need!

f.        So, Like Jesus sacrificed Himself so that those wonderful things could be accomplished in your wife’s life, so ought you and I to sacrifice OUR lives for our wife’s good:


5.       A Comparison (5:25,28)


a.       Love her, as Jesus Christ loved you!

b.       Love her just as the Messiah, the greatest Man who ever lived, loved US – the most worthless pieces of dirt to ever exist!

c.       Love her like you love yourself! And you KNOW you do love and pamper yourself!


6.       There is a Cost – there always is (5:25,31)


a.       The sacrifice of yourself

b.       Not just your money, or your time, or your career… But you.

c.       Loving that woman will wear you out!

d.       So be it!


7.       Complete – you two are One! It’s a Fact (5:30,31)


a.       You two are no longer two – you are one flesh, one person in God’s eyes

b.       Each of you have been given:


1)      Two additional hands

2)      Two additional feet

3)      Two additional eyes

4)      Another mind

5)      Another heart


c.       And you wouldn’t ignore any of them anymore than you would ignore your left hand and only washed, and used your right hand!

d.       So, now, BE the one body, that God forged when He put you two together!


C.     The Marriage Challenge – to be an Example to Our World (5:32)


1.       A Christian home is different than what may be normal in society

2.       A man and a woman, committed to loving each other God’s way is an example to the world of everything there is about Biblical Christianity, and especially God’s definition of love!

3.       Living together, not being married, not committed will never show what Christ’s love is like, nor what it can do!

4.       Without sweet homes, submissive homes, loving homes, the world will never conceive of the Gospel, and the love of Christ!

5.       Oh that we knew just how important our homes are to this lost and dark world!


IV.  Invitation


A.     A Christian Marriage is NOT a power struggle, or a partnership, or a fairy-tale paradise. It is, rather, a deeply amazing union of two different people who passionately love Jesus Christ more than they love each other! And out of that love, they find the strength to love their spouse like they should!


1.       It Requires being filled with the Holy Spirit of God

2.       And it Requires Submission and Humility


B.      God has given three challenges – one to the wife, one to the husband, and one to both of them


1.       The Wife Challenge – to love by submitting (Ephesians 5:22-24)


a.       To NOT just being nice to your husband, and humouring him…

b.       But to go out of your way to honour him as the head of your life and of those in your home

c.       To obey him as the one in charge of your home

d.       To ALLOW your husband to be in charge – not fight it and make his life miserable as he tries to make decisions and do what he thinks is best for his family

e.       To Allow your husband to be the hero in your home – the saviour

f.        To “reverence” him – give him the greatest honour in your home – more than you give to your own parents, more than you give to your children

g.       Ladies… You show your love to God, by joyfully submitting to your husband’s leadership

h.       Will you do that, starting today, by God’s grace?


2.       The Husband Challenge – to love by sacrificing (Ephesians 5:25-33)


a.       To NOT just love our wives

b.       But to honour, prefer her ahead of ourselves

c.       To listen to her

d.       To cherish – to protect, and hold close, appreciate, be tender with

e.       Nourish – feed, and strengthen, and help her in her weaknesses

f.        And to give up things for her sake!

g.       Love her, as Jesus Christ loved you!

h.       Love her like you love yourself! And you KNOW you do love and pamper yourself!

i.        Gentlemen… there is a Cost


1)      The sacrifice of yourself!

2)      Not just your money, or your time, or your career… But you.

3)      Loving that woman will wear you out!

4)      Will you start paying that price, starting today, by God’s grace?


3.       The Marriage Challenge – to be an Example to Our World Without sweet homes, submissive homes, loving homes, the world will never conceive of the Gospel, and the love of Christ!

4.       The Heart Challenge


a.       The world, and this generation will NEVER do this stuff

b.       Many of YOU in this room will never do any of this!

c.       Our human nature is selfish, and will NOT stay in relationships that don’t make us happy

d.       You need a new kind of heart to do any of these things (Ezek 36:26)

e.       So, if YOU want to have a truly Home Sweet Home, you will need to do these things in the fullness of the power of the Holy Spirit, or it will not happen

f.        So, focus your energies on four things:


1)      On walking in love – not on history, faults, flaws, feelings, but a believing choice

2)      On Jesus Christ – follow our pattern

3)      Loving, and submitting to God first before you try and love and submit to your spouse!

4)      On strengthening what you home have – not tearing it down (Prov 14:1)