Learning to Pray Through Scripture

Learning How to Pray by Using Scripture as Your Guide

John 15:7


Sept 7, 2014 PM

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland



I.       Introduction (John 15:7)


A.    I preach through the Scriptures


1.      Sometimes through a whole chapter, sometimes, just through a few verses

2.      But Scripture is my guide for preaching

3.      Not someone else’s words, GOD’S words

4.      Not someone else’s style – MY style

5.      I let the Scriptures tell me what to tell you!

6.      This Book tells me what to preach – what I can say, and what I cannot say.


B.     Well, that will work for PRAYING as well


1.      The Bible tells me what I can ask for, who my attention is to be on

2.      It gives me thousands of examples of people praying

3.      It will guide your thinking, and your confidence – and it will rightly limit your expectations, to what God promises, not what you want!


C.    Most people throughout history have not had access to complete Bibles. But what Scriptures they had, they treasured, and read, and studied, and prayed through!

D.    This method will get you in the habit of praying every time you are reading your Bible!

E.     You will find yourself paying more attention to details, because you are looking for something written for YOU


II.    Message


A.    Open Your Bible when you are ready to pray (2Cor 3:18; Col 3:16)


1.      Many times, we try and start praying, and we don’t know where to begin. We don’t know how to pray right

2.      Yet, as we gaze at the glory of Christ, we will become more like Him (2 Corinthians 3:18). One benefit of praying Scripture is that it gives us an accurate lens through which to see Christ.

3.      Well, open right where you are reading your Bible through. Start there.

4.      Or, Maybe to a Psalm if you just need a kick-start.


a.       Remember that the Psalms were the words of David’s heart on paper when HE prayed.

b.      But, NOT all Psalms are easy to pray through


5.      Get the words of God, and especially of Christ IN you richly (Col 3:16).Don’t just toy with this plan, or dabble in it – do it every day! Every time you set out to pray!

6.      Millions and millions of people pray through a rosery, or a prayer book. We have God’s own words to read, believe, and pray through!


B.     Look For Three Things in every passage (Pray, Ask God to open your eyes to these things):


1.      Promises (Romans 9:4)


a.       Be on the look out

b.      They are there!


2.      Rebukes (Matt 7:3)


a.       God wrote this Bible to show YOU where YOU are wrong!

b.      Listen to the words of a portion of Scripture expose YOUR personal sins


1)      Sluggard

2)      Contentious

3)      Carnal


3.      Challenges – admonitions (1Cor 10:11) – the revealed will of God!


a.       The things YOU must do – not what someone else must do first

b.      Like… Leviticus 19:2     “be ye holy”

c.       Like… Ephesians 5:1-4  “Walk worthy of your Christianity”

d.      Like… 1Peter 5:6,7        “Humble yourselves therefore…”

e.       Like… Proverbs 11:30   “he that winneth souls is wise”


4.      Pay attention to the CONTEXT of the passage you are praying.


a.       To determine context, take time to read the verses before and after a passage you would like to use as a basis for prayer.

b.      While all Scripture is valuable for believers, some verses apply directly to each of us, while others are directed toward the nation of Israel or toward those who meet certain conditions.

c.       You will learn these limitations as you go along – don’t be too worried about all the details – just enjoy praying what God has promised, and commanded!


C.    Bow your head and humbly confess anything that is out of the way in YOUR heart – Repentance


1.      The idea is to let God speak to you about YOU!

2.      Think only about yourself, not about anyone else, or what someone else is doing or has done – not right now (2Cor 10:12)

3.      Ask yourself, am “I” right? Is this Scripture exposing how I am? Am “I” doing, talking, loving, acting like “I” should be?


D.    Personalise the Scripture


1.      Put your name in every verse possible

2.      Work through the issues, problems, enemies described in the Scripture

3.      Make sure YOU are not the enemy the Bible is referring to

4.      Test what you are thinking it applies to – not everything written will apply to you, but most can!

5.      And also don’t worry about praying specific words, just ask God for a better heart, better for having heard the words of God!


E.     Ask for (Claim) God’s Promised Victory, Strength, Rest, the Holy Spirit


1.      First for Yourself


a.       It is fine to pray for YOUR needs

b.      It is even better to BELIEVE God will supply them!


2.      Then for Others – your prayer list


a.       When you pray, BELIEVE – or else, why even pray???

b.      Pray for the needs of others – especially in the area of what you read in the Scriptures


3.      Then, lastly, for the world “all that are in authority”


a.       Pray for your parents

b.      For your husband – HE is an authority

c.       For your boss

d.      For this country!


F.     Take a Moment and Praise God – Be Thankful


1.      Praying Bible passages back to God can lead us to moments of sincere worship. The book of Psalms is known as the hymnal of the Old Testament as they were sung for public worship in the temple.

2.      Scripture will remind your heart of what you ought to be thankful for!

3.      What follows are several examples of passages turned into prayers of adoration to the Lord.


a.       See Psalm 48:1, 9-10 “Lord, You are great and most worthy of my praise! I praise You for Your unfailing love and righteousness.”

b.      Thank you Lord for… Saving ME (Isaiah 45:22)

c.       … Forgiving ME (John 8:11)

d.      … Supplying my every need, especially the small things (Luke 9:16)

e.       … For loving ME (Gal 2:20)

f.       … For God’s MERCY (Psalm 136)


G.    And You Are Done!


III. Examples


A.    Psalm 91                      Oh that I claimed these promises every time my heart is overwhelmed

B.     Proverbs 3:5,6             Am I trusting, with all my heart? Am I honouring the Lord?

C.     Jonah                           How obedient am “I” to God’s commands and direction? Am “I”

            Fighting God, and stubborn like Jonah?

D.    Psalm 103                    Am “I” praising the Lord like David did here? I will do it now!

E.     Deut 7:7-11                 The Lord God of heaven and earth loves ME simply because He does

F.      Psalm 116                    I love the Lord because…

G.    2Samuel 12:1-17         “Thou art the man” becomes, “I” am the problem!



IV. Final Thoughts


A.    Review


1.      Open Your Bible when you are ready to pray

2.      Look For Three Things:


a.       Promises

b.      Rebukes

c.       Challenges – admonitions


3.      Humbly confess anything that is out of the way in YOUR heart – repentance

4.      Personalise the Scripture

5.      Claim God’s Promised Victory, Strength, Rest, the Holy Spirit

6.      Take a Moment and Praise God – Be Thankful


B.     This method will get you in the habit of praying every time you are reading your Bible!

C.     It will mix God’s words with your words when you pray

D.    You will find yourself paying more attention to details, because you are looking for something written for YOU

E.     It will guide your thinking, your confidence – and it will rightly limit your expectations, to what God promises, not what you want!