Where Be All God’s Miracles?

How to Believe God Again

Judges 6

May 18, 2014 AM

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland



I.       Introduction (Psalm 14:1)


A.    There is today, such an attack on the obvious – that there is an almighty Creator, who made everything there is, and keeps everything running!


1.      Mocked throughout our culture, movies, music

2.      There are over 10,000 Bible believing Scientists who have made a clear statement that they believe in a Creator, that this universe is intelligently designed, and that evolution is not true in their experience!

3.      Yet they are attacked, mocked, and rejected for promotions because of it


B.     Probably because there has always been such abuse of the unknown – taking advantage of people’s ignorance, and creating religions to explain things


1.      Entire religions and churches are founded on the workings of miracles

2.      People believe the strangest things:


a.       That they can find underground water with a stick – divining

b.      That cancers can be healed with a Psychic

c.       That they can communicate with aliens

d.      Constant visions, apparitions

e.       That someone can send money to a far away religious leader and they will get a miracle!

f.       That a priest can turn a piece of bread into the body of Christ


3.      Then you have those that believe:


a.       Humans are nothing more than animals that die and become food for worms

b.      That we are all the result of a great big accident called the Big bang

c.       That people are essentially good

d.      That governments are there for our good, and only do things for the good of the people!


4.      Because of so much abuse, people find it hard to believe anything in the Bible!


C.     But there is also such a need for an answer – about whether miracles ever happen - more than ever, because Science can only observe what is happening, but cannot explain it, and cannot say Why things happen

D.    You see, Only a fool says there is no God (Psalm 14:1)

E.     And only a fool says there are no miracles!

F.      This morning, I want us to look at what we believe about real, honest to God, verifiable miracles. And ask ourselves, Where are all God’s Miracles? So that we can get back to believing like the Apostle Paul in Acts 27:25  “Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.”


II.    Background – God Teaches Gideon to Believe in Miracles Again


A.    Gideon was totally discouraged (Judges 6:11)


1.      Gideon asks, Where is God? Where did he go? Where has He been? Doesn’t He know what’s going on all around us?


a.       Everyone feels this way at times

b.      Including Job, and even king David

c.       The lack of the miraculous does not disprove the miraculous


2.      He had given up believing God a long time ago

3.      There was so much wrong in the world: Israel as a nation was enslaved by their neighbours, the Midianites

4.      There were so many gods, so many prophets, so many beliefs now, and none of them were working!


B.     An Angel Appears and Speaks (Judges 6:12)


1.      Enters into Gideon’s life

2.      Thankfully, God doesn’t wait on anyone to find Him – he always goes out and looks for us

3.      Says Gideon is a brave man! Mighty man of VALOUR!


C.    Gideon is Sceptical – as he should be (Judges 6:13)


1.      Looks at reality, and can’t see God, nor all His miracles that would be expected if He was really “with” His people!

2.      He was brought up hearing all the stories of the Bible

3.      But he had never seen anything himself, and definitely had never experienced any miracles


D.    God Calls Gideon to Do the Impossible (Judges 6:14)


1.      With every miracle, there is a God-ordained purpose to that miracle (not a selfish purpose – can you imagine if people could get their own personal miracle anytime they wanted?)

2.      The faith Gideon had was enough, if he would only use it and live by it!

3.      God’s call is all we need – more than strength, wisdom, confidence, etc!


E.     Gideon Seems to have No Faith At All (Judges 6:15)


1.      What a way to start!

2.      All the PAST miracles are not enough for today’s problems

3.      Looks at HIS OWN inabilities

4.      Instead of at GOD’S abilities

5.      Like Moses

6.      And like ALL of us do when we face things we certainly cannot handle

7.      Did you know that God doesn’t need great faith – just use what little faith you have, and it will be great!

8.      We all have SOME faith, but we need to have a kind of faith that moves mountains, and sees miracles moving immoveable mountains, obstacles, hindrances, enemies

9.      In times of weakness and great distress, I remind myself to


a.       Have faith in God – the God of the Bible, not the god that I or someone else makes up

b.      To not give up faith in God

c.       To trust God, and rest in His care and wisdom and timing

d.      To grow my faith as I obey His will


F.     God is Committed to His Plan (Judges 6:16)


1.      That’s the key

2.      God is going to do something great, whether Gideon, or anyone else believes it or not

3.      God is offering Gideon an opportunity to experience a miracle – the defeat of an entire occupying army!

4.      Thankfully, God is STILL committed to His plan, all the way through to bringing Jesus back here very soon!


G.    Gideon Wants A Sign – proof that this is not a dream (Judges 6:17-20)


1.      He has the right to ask for that – every Jew does

2.      WE have been given our own little miracle – the Bible!


H.    God lets Gideon experience his own miracle, and it Scares him (Judges 6:21-24)


1.      The angel burns up the food right before his eyes – nothing left

2.      And then disappeared

3.      It proved to Gideon that an angel had actually spoken to him, and called him to do something for God

4.      And it scared him – that an angel had actually talked with him and he had not believed it!

5.      He was afraid he would die!

6.      And then a voice spoke from heaven saying, everything was fine, and to get going!


I.       And then it Motivates Gideon!


1.      That one miracle motivated Gideon

2.      To destroy the family idol that had come between his family and God

3.      To call for people to gather to fight and defeat the Midianites, because the time was ready for Israel to be free again!

4.      And with just a little more encouragement, he gets to where he can trust God to defeat an entire army with only 300 men (Judges 7:7,12,19-23)


J.      Cannot God Do The Same With Us?


1.      Can He not teach us to believe Him again, like we all know we want to?

2.      To get us to start to believe God can do anything again – not people, religious leaders, miracle workers, or acts of our own will…


III. Message – Where ARE All of God’s Miracles?


A.    First, Let’s Define What ARE Miracles


1.      Miracles are the suspension of the normal laws of physics – they contradict the laws of nature – so that something impossible can happen

2.      They are an event contrary to the established course of things, or a deviation from the known laws of nature; a supernatural event, or one ignores the ordinary laws by which the universe is governed.

3.      Miracles are of GOD, not of men – not from nature!

4.      Miracles are rare – by nature, they wouldn’t be a miracle if they were always occurring!

5.      Miracles to be real miracles must be


a.       Verifiable – you can’t just SAY something happened – it can’t just LOOK like something supernatural occurred (like smoke and mirrors), but demonstrable to have actually happened

b.      Long-lasting – long enough to accomplish a God-ordained purpose


6.      Most people only believe in coincidences, but not miracles!

7.      The Bible believer, believes in miracles!


B.     So, Where Do You Find Miracles?


C.    Miracle Are Found in the Bible – to show us what God can do!


1.      CREATION of the universe, including stars, galaxies, dirt, plants, animals and humans (as described in Genesis 1-2) – all shouldn’t be here!

2.      WORLDWIDE FLOOD EVENT—destruction of the entire world by a God-ordained Flood and the miraculous preservation of 8 people and representative land-dwelling, air-breathing animals in the Ark. (Gen. 7, 8)

3.      The CONFUSION OF LANGUAGES at Babel (Gen. 11:1-9)—a world of one language instantly transformed into a world of many, mature languages

4.      WICKED CITIES DESTROYED—unnatural destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 19:24)

5.      SUPERNATURAL CONCEPTION—Isaac conceived by 90 year old Sarah and 100 year old Abraham (Gen. 21:1)

6.      The BURNING BUSH not consumed (Ex. 3:3)

7.      The TEN PLAGUES of Egypt (Ex. 7:20-12:30)

8.      RED SEA DIVIDED at just the right moment; the nation of Israel passes through on DRY GROUND. The sea then violently consumes the Egyptian army. (See: Passage of Red Sea) (Ex. 14:21-31)

9.      MANNA sent daily from the sky to feed the Israelites, except on the Sabbath (Ex. 16:14-35)

10.  WATER from the rock at Rephidim (Ex. 17:5-7)

11.  WATER PROVIDED IN DESERT A SECOND TIME—from the rock, after smitten twice by Moses, in the desert of Zin (Num. 20:7-11)

12.  The JORDAN RIVER DIVIDED, so that Israel passed over on dry land into their Promised Land (Josh. 3:14-17)

13.  The WALLS OF JERICHO fall down at God’s command, after the Israelites simply by faith, shout (Josh. 6:6-20)

14.  The SUN AND MOON STAYED MOTIONLESS (longer day) to enable the Israelites to win a crucial battle (Josh. 10:12-14)

15.  BALAAM’S DONKEY SPEAKS—An angel is dispatched against Balaam to express God’s anger. Balaam’s donkey repeatedly protected him from the angel and ultimately spoke to Balaam (Num. 22:21-35)

16.  WIDOW’S FLOURMEAL AND OIL—a widow of Zarephath’s meal and oil increased (1 Kings 17:14-16)

17.  RESURRECTION of a widow’s son raised from the dead (1 Kings 17:17-24)

18.  DROUGHT in response to Elijah’s prayers (1 Kings 17-18)

19.  RAIN—in clear response to prophet Elijah’s prayers (1 Kings 18:41-45)

20.  MIRACULOUS CONCEPTION—the incarnation of Jesus Christ by the Holy Ghost (Luke 1:35) to a virgin, and without genetic human parents (a Second Adam, genetically, without imputation of sin). See: Mary, mother of Jesus article

21.  STAR OF BETHLEHEM appears and leads wisemen to young Christ

22.  WATER TURNED TO WINE (John 2:1-11)

23.  LOAVES AND FISHES—TWICE – 5,000, and then later, 4,000 fed from some small loaves and a few little fishes (Matt 15:32; Mark 8:1) “in a desert place” (Matt 14:15; Mark 6:30; Luke 9:10; John 6:1-14)

24.  SEA STORM STILLED ON COMMAND (Matt 8:23; Mark 4:37; Luke 8:22)

25.  JESUS WALKED ON SEA (Matt 14:25; Mark 6:48; John 6:15)

26.  THE TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus Christ (Matt 17:1-8)

27.  RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ after declared dead by Roman authorities and buried for days (John 21:1-14)

28.  ASCENSION of Jesus Christ to Heaven (Luke 2:42-51)

29.  22 Particular HEALINGS by Jesus — blind men, deaf and dumb man healed, dead men like the widow’s son at Nain, lepers, demon possessed people, sick men and women, lame men, people sick with palsy…

30.  Peter HEALING at least two impossibly sick people

31.  Peter walking out of a locked and guarded Roman prison

32.  Paul healing at least a dozen, impossible cases

33.  Paul shaking a venomous snake off his arm after biting him, and not dying!


D.    Miracles Are Usually Connected With Israel and its People (Isaiah 8:18)


1.      If there is a miracle, you will usually find God trying to reach a Jew


a.       First verifiable miracles in history happened at the hand of a man named Moses

b.      Later at the hand of just a few Jewish Prophets (not all prophets): Elijah, Elisha, Jonah, and Daniel

c.       And some select nobodies like Gideon!

d.      Just remember, John the Baptist did NO miracle (John 10:41)


2.      Some miracles are able to be counterfeited


a.       Exo 7:20-22 


1)      And Moses and Aaron did so, as the LORD commanded; and he lifted up the rod, and smote the waters that were in the river, in the sight of Pharaoh, and in the sight of his servants; and all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood.

2)      And the fish that was in the river died; and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink of the water of the river; and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt.

3)      And the magicians of Egypt did so with their enchantments: and Pharaoh's heart was hardened, neither did he hearken unto them; as the LORD had said.


b.      Exo 8:6,7


1)      And Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt; and the frogs came up, and covered the land of Egypt.

2)      And the magicians did so with their enchantments, and brought up frogs upon the land of Egypt.


3.      Most are not! (Exo 8:17-19)


a.       And they did so; for Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the earth, and it became lice in man, and in beast; all the dust of the land became lice throughout all the land of Egypt.

b.      And the magicians did so with their enchantments to bring forth lice, but they could not: so there were lice upon man, and upon beast.

c.       Then the magicians said unto Pharaoh, This is the finger of God: and Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said.


4.      Signs are for the Jews, not us Gentiles!

5.      Did you ever hear about the Six Day War in June, 1967? There were so many miracles, documented from the battles:


a.       Of the Egyptian tank commander in the Sinai Desert who surrendered to a vastly inferior Israeli force on the second day of the war, because a desert mirage made him see hundreds of Israeli tanks where there were no more than a dozen;

b.      The Jordanian forces who welcomed the Israeli tanks under the command of Colonel Uri Ram into Shechem on the third day of the war, because faulty communications misled the Arabs into thinking that these were Iraqi tanks come to reinforce them;

c.       The battle for Ammunition Hill on the northern outskirts of Jerusalem, which was captured by a single Israeli scout by mistake when he fell into a Jordanian trench in the moonless night at 2:00 o'clock on Tuesday morning and started shooting from the hip!

d.      The whole war was impossible!


1)      The Israeli military was outnumbered two to one, on all fronts and in all services.

2)      Facing them were 525,000 determined Arab soldiers. Israel had only 264,000 soldiers.

3)      Israeli tanks were outnumbered by more than three to one: 800 Israeli tanks faced 2,424 Arab tanks.

4)      The Israeli air force had 350 aircraft, outnumbered almost 3 to 1 by 939 Arab aircraft.

e.       The result is history. In six days, Israel captured the entire Sinai Desert (including the Gaza Strip) from Egypt; Judea and Samaria, and half of Jerusalem, from Jordan; and the Golan Heights from Syria. Instead of being annihilated, she had more than trebled her territory from 8,000 square miles to 26,000 sq. miles.


So, Where Do You Find Miracles?


1. Miracle Are Found in the Bible – to show us what God can do!

2. Miracles Are Usually Connected With Israel and its People (Isaiah 8:18)


E.     They are In Christ – shows the main place they happen now


1.      The miracle of the reconciliation of the whole world, is in a relationship with Jesus Christ!


a.       2Co_5:17  Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

b.      2Co_2:14  Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.

c.       Eph_1:3  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ

d.      No wonder the devil doesn’t want people getting born again!!!


2.      Full Pardon from every sin (past, present and future sin)

3.      Peace with God

4.      Eternal Life – never ever, ever die

5.      Joy, in the midst of such heartache and trial

6.      Victory over Satan himself (James 4:7)

7.      Access to the throne of God in heaven for all the things you need

8.      These are the Right Kind of Miracles that can be asked for…


F.     Why Don’t We See Miracles Happening Today?


1.      Sin hinders them (Judges 6:1)


a.       The people of Israel brought the silence of God on themselves (Isa 59:1,2)

b.      And so do WE!


2.      Unbelief hinders them (Judges 6:13,15; Matthew 13:58).


a.       Not talking about a flippant kind of belief that is just words, but having a desperate grip on what God said, and not letting go of it! That is faith!

b.      God is looking for someone to  just believe Him again. Not tell Him what to do, but believe He CAN DO!


3.      Resisting the Will of God hinders them


a.       God’s power and miracle is found in the doing of the will of God, not in the fighting with God over it!

b.      Why would we think that GOD will do what we want Him to, when WE won’t do what HE asks of us?


4.      Covetousness hinders miracles (James 4:3)


a.       Always asking God for miracles, but only so that you can use them up for your own pleasure


1)      Like a girlfriend, or boyfriend instead of a way to serve others

2)      Like for money, instead of for work

3)      To be popular – now THAT would take a miracle… not!

4)      To be healthy, or even healed, so that you can go back to living the same wicked way you lived before (smoking, having no time for God)

5)      To be smart – God says to be wise (not by a miracle, but by study of the word and mind of God)

6)      To be free from trouble, yet God GIVES you suffering and troubles

7)      To have a better old nature when God offers us a New birth and a new nature!

8)      For long life, yet God only gives that to those who honour their parents (Ex 20)

9)      The Peace of God, when God offers first a peace WITH God – only in that order!

10)  People ask for HAPPINESS, when God offers the miracle of JOY!


b.      Check your prayer-list and see what you are asking for!


5.      Closed Eyes (Matthew 13:13-15)


a.       Willingly Ignorant – choose to stay blind

b.      Disregarding the small, everyday miracles


1)      Faithfulness of God towards people

2)      The goodness of God, to rain on both the good and the evil

3)      Just enough food, just enough money to get you and I through each day

4)      Safety travelling on a road


c.       CAN’T see the big ones, no matter how big or how amazing


1)      Like the absolute miracle that the entire universe doesn’t just fly apart like it should!

2)      Like the miracle of life on this rock called earth – just ONE cell is impossible! Not to mention a baby in the arms!

3)      A rational, reasoning mind, that asks questions, and seeks answers, and believes or rejects belief – THAT is an unexplainable miracle!

4)      Like a grown man or woman, hardened by sin, falling to their knees and crying out to God to forgive them and save their lost soul! THAT is a miracle!

5)      And 99% of people can’t see any of it!


G.    Yes, Miracles can be Dangerous


1.      Because they can be Abused, and Counterfeited!

2.      Most people ONLY want the Miracles, but not the Master

3.      They want saving from troubles, but not salvation from their sin!

4.      Most modern miracles are frauds and deception


a.       Like a palm-reader, or astrologer

b.      Don’t believe everything that claims to be a miracle


1)      Miracle “cure” – snake oil

2)      Miracle worker

3)      Miracle prayer


5.      There are some miracles that are obviously NOT from God


H.    Miracles Can Still Be…


1.      Folks, let me encourage you! Miracle can be and should be…

2.      Asked For (Matthew 21:21,22). Ask! God probably won’t do what you ask for, because it will usually be pretty stupid, but I would ask anyway!

3.      Fasted For (Mark 9:28,29)

4.      Expected – if God is outside of our universe, and created this universe, he can set aside the laws that he has created, in order to get His will done!


IV. Conclusion


A.    There is today, such an attack on the obvious – that there is an almighty Creator, who made everything there is, and keeps everything running!

B.     Probably because there has always been such abuse of the unknown – taking advantage of people’s ignorance, and creating religions to explain things

C.     But there is also such a need for an answer – about whether miracles ever happen - more than ever, because Science can only observe what is happening, but cannot explain it, and cannot say Why things happen

D.    You see, Only a fool says there is no God (Psalm 14:1)

E.     And only a fool says there are no miracles!

F.      Gideon learned to believe in God’s power again!

G.    Faith, believes God!

H.    Faith Finds True Miracles


1.      First in the Bible – to show us what God can do! You have to trust THIS Book to help you trust God!

2.      Miracles Are Usually Connected With Israel and its People

3.      Miracles are In Christ – get INTO Him, and you have every miracle possible!


a.       Full Pardon from every sin (past, present and future sin)

b.      Peace with God

c.       Eternal Life – never ever, ever die

d.      Joy, in the midst of such heartache and trial

e.       Victory over Satan himself (James 4:7)

f.       Access to the throne of God in heaven for all the things you need


I.       Why Don’t We See Miracles happening Today?


1.      Sin hinders them (Judges 6:1)

2.      Unbelief hinders them (Judges 6:13,15; Matthew 13:58).

3.      Resisting the Will of God hinders them

4.      Covetousness hinders miracles (James 4:3)

5.      Closed Eyes (Matthew 13:13-15)


J.      What Should You and I Do…


1.      Ask For the impossible! Ask!

2.      Fast For a miracle!

3.      Expect a Miracle!

4.      Starting with getting born again!



K.    Let’s no longer act the fool, believing there is no God there anymore, but instead get back to believing like the Apostle Paul in Acts 27:25  “Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.”