Preparing Our Hearts for Faith Promise Giving

Learning to Give BY Faith

2nd Corinthians 8


March 9, 2014 AM

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland


I.       Introduction (Proverbs 11:24,25)


A.    Honeycombed Giving


1.      There are three kinds of givers: the flint, the sponge, and the honeycomb. To get anything from the flint rock, you must hammer it, and then you get only chips and sparks. It is how people in old days started fires. It gives nothing away if it can help it, and then, only with a lot of display.

2.      To get anything from the sponge, you must squeeze it. It is good-natured, it yields to pressure, and the more it is pressed, the more it gives.

3.      But then there is the honeycomb. It gives without being asked at all. It just overflows with sweetness.


B.     We are learning about Living by FAITH, and not by Sight.


1.      LOVING by faith, and not just by sight, or by feelings

2.      WORKING by faith

3.      PRAYING by faith

4.      WORSHIPPING by faith

5.      MINISTERING by faith

6.      And it means GIVING by faith

7.      Doing everything, by FAITH, by trusting God, and trusting that HIS way is best!


C.    I want to preach this morning about FAITH PROMISE GIVING. Giving by faith!

D.    Oh what a great subject! GIVING is the fruit of God’s GRACE in our life


1.      We have been saved by God’s grace – His GIVINGNESS!

2.      We are KEPT and Protected by God’s grace

3.      And we are motivated to GIVE by His grace as well!

4.      Has God been gracious to you? Then you ought to want to be more like Him!


II.    Message


A.    Comparing the Tithe with Giving MORE than the Tithe. Just look at how different each kind of giving is!

Giving The Tithe – By Sight  compared with Giving to Missions – By Faith


1.      We give our tithes first by Commandment (Mal 3:10)

GIVING: We give beyond out tithes because of God’s Grace in our lives (2Cor 8:1)

2.      10% of our wages and income belong first to Him (Lev 27:32)

GIVING: As little or as much as you want! (2Cor 9:8)

3.      Giving to our Church – not to charities, or to the poor, but our local, Bible preaching church. Where people who get saved, are then grouped together as a Church!

GIVING: Giving to Others! Whether to poor, or to charities, but especially to Missions!

4.      To Meet the Needs of this Church – we have bills to pay! A Church is not free!


a.       Think about it!

b.      Hymnals cost money

c.       Rent costs money – a lot of money to rent this place

d.      Our Church Bus COSTS MONEY! Insurance, Diesel, Upkeep

e.       Sunday School costs money

f.       Our Accountant costs money

g.      Insurance costs money

h.      Even TEA and COFFEE costs money

i.        Its costs money to design and print Gospel tracts

j.        It costs money to produce our website

k.      It costs money to develop everything that goes into our Youth Camps, Men’s Camps, and Bible Clubs

l.        Who pays for all that we do? WE DO – by our giving of our tithes here, into that little Greenish/Blue Box!


GIVING: To Meet the Needs of Others. It is only to supply the needs of missionaries and church planting projects (Philp 4:16,17).

5.      Out of Obedience to God – because God said to do it

GIVING: Out of Love for God

6.      It’s an Obligation / Duty of every Christian. Not just of rich people, but all believers!

GIVING: A JOY (Acts 20:35) / Opportunity

7.      Giving according to what you see in your wallet, and what you have in your bank account

GIVING: Giving without looking, or checking what you are able to do – just giving! (Prov 11:24,25)

8.      Not a sacrifice – an obligation of what we owe God – just like going to the Grocery Store, and gathering up a basket of foods… you pay for it all.

GIVING: IS a sacrifice – out of what you need

9.      Is a commitment to give 10% of all that we earn – out of the money we receive every payday.

GIVING: It is a commitment of what we can trust God to provide through us on a regular basis (2 Cor 8:1-4) - giving “beyond your power

10.  Honours God (Proverbs 3:9) – part of our worship!

GIVING: Pleases God (2Cor 9:7)

11.  You can Expect God to take care of you (Proverbs 3:10)

GIVING: Expect nothing in return! You will actually often become poorer, so that others can be “rich” (2Cor 8:9)

12.  It is Given as to the Lord (Col 3:23)

GIVING: Given as to the Lord (Col 3:23)

13.  Because we love God (John 14:15)

GIVING: Because we love souls (Rom 10:1)

14.  Hard to get started! Works against our own coveteousness!

GIVING: Hard to stop!


B.     Giving Just for Missionaries and Church Planting (Romans 10:13-15)


1.      There are three responsibilities for souls: Going, Praying, and Giving!


a.       They don’t normally just come to us. We have to go to them! We have to start the conversations. We have to suffer to let them know of the wrath to come, and how to be saved from it!

b.      So, First, Going and telling them they must be born again (Matthew 28:19,20). We ALL have to be going. No exceptions! Jesus didn’t say, unless you are too busy, or you don’t feel like going – He said GO! His LAST command!

c.       But when there are people in far away countries, that need to hear as well, well, we cannot just ignore them! Someone needs to go there too! And not every one of us can go so far away!

d.      So those of us who cannot go, then must be Praying, AND Giving so others can go!


2.      We often believe that MONEY is not needed, but it IS


a.       How are people going to hear and believe without preachers, missionaries, church planters?

b.      And, How shall they preach, except they be SENT?


3.      People who cannot go, SEND!


C.    What it means to SEND Missionaries/help support Missionaries?


1.      We allow Missionaries to ROB us – Taking what WE need, and giving to them! Missionaries (2Cor 11:7-9)

2.      Gladly spending and being spent (2Cor 12:14,15)


a.       We know MISSIONARIES ought to be spending themselves up for souls

b.      But so should WE too!


3.      Helping missionaries be self-sufficient in a foreign country (3John 1:7)

4.      Not a burden to the people there (1Thes 2:9; 2Thes 3:8,9), but free!


D.    How to Tithe


1.      The government demands first take!


a.       20% of all income, with an additional 1% Income Levy on top of that

b.      We pay 41% on every bit of interest that we may make at the Bank through our meagre savings accounts

c.       THEN, we all pay a tax of 23% on almost everything we buy!

d.      And that doesn’t include the Stamp Duty Taxes, PRSI taxes, Property Tax, Non-Principle Private Residency Levy on people who own a second home, the Universal Social Charges, and the list goes on and on!

e.       At the end of the week, we have less than 50% of the money we worked for!

f.       That’s socialism.


2.      But do you know what? God doesn’t care what government we are under.

3.      God deserves the 10% that He asks for! And He deserves it FIRST, ahead of!!!

4.      Look at your pay-packet, baby-sitting money, ebay sale, welfare check, and note your income this week – your total income before the government got its filthy hands on your money!

5.      Remember, if you got any income, God gave it to you! Gave you health, a beneavolent government, a job

6.      Take 1/10th of that amount, and give it as an offering back to God. He SHOULD ask for all of it back, but asks us to honour Him with just 10%.

7.      Then you are done.

8.      And God will take care of you.


a.       It does not mean you will be a millionaire, but He will bless you and take good care of you, as you trust Him!

b.      God will make the monies left over go further than if you didn’t tithe!


9.      Examples:


a.       You make €22,000 a year (€423 a week)


1)      10% of that is €42.30

2)      The government will automatically take out at least 30% as well

3)      But God will make the monies left over go further than if you didn’t tithe!


b.      You make €85,000 a year (€1,635 a week)


1)      10% of that is €164

2)      You would think you would be more able to afford to tithe, but it is just as hard as if you only made €22,000! Why? Because the government will take out over 40% of their income!

3)      But God will make sure the monies left over will go further than if they didn’t tithe!


c.       You make €100 a week Baby-sitting, or Mowing Grass


1)      10% of that is €10

2)      And do you know what? God will make sure the monies left over will go further than if you didn’t tithe!


10.  So, who all should tithe? Every Bible believing Christian?

11.  Where do we tithe to? Our local church, so it can pay its bills, and can rent its meeting hall, and someday own its own building!


E.     Now, How to GIVE!


1.      After you have tithed, and paid what we owe, now we can experience the joy of GIVING


a.       You may not enjoy tithing, any more than paying taxes

b.      But you CAN enjoy giving (and you will)!


2.      By Faith


a.       Given as to the Lord

b.      As little or as much as you want

c.       Give to Meet the Needs of Others. It is only to supply the needs of missionaries and church planting projects (Philp 4:16,17).

d.      Out of Love for God

e.       At every Opportunity

f.       Without worrying about where it is going to come from – just giving! (Prov 11:24,25)

g.      AS a sacrifice – out of what you need

h.      Trusting God to provide through us on a regular basis (2 Cor 8:1-4) - giving “beyond your power

i.        Expect nothing in return!

j.        Because we love souls


3.      As a Promise


a.       Not just because you feel like it

b.      But because you decide to GIVE by faith as much as you have decided to LIVE by faith!

c.       Promise God, that as long as he gives you extra money, you will give it for souls to be reached with the Gospel!

d.      Missionaries need us to promise that money will be there for THEM


4.      For Souls - To Missions and Missionaries!


a.       Missions is not about feeding the poor, doing medical work, education, human rights, housing, helping with addictions…

b.      Those are all great efforts, but the core reason why we send missionaries is to preach the life changing, soul-saving Gospel (Mark 1:38; 16:15)

c.       Give, for souls to hear how to be saved from the devil’s grip! According to Romans 10:14,15, they are NOT going to get saved without a PREACHER, and preachers are not going to be able to go, unless we SEND them!


5.      FAITH, PROMISE, MISSIONS, GIVING! Not tithing, but GIVING! All money, when designated for Missions on the Brown Offering Envelopes, will go directly to our 8 Missionaries! And prayerfully to more as we give more!


III. Conclusion


A.    We are on a year long journey of Learning to Live by FAITH, and not by Sight, which means:


1.      LOVING others by faith, and not just by sight, or by feelings

2.      WORKING by faith, instead of only by strength or ability

3.      PRAYING by faith

4.      WORSHIPPING by faith

5.      MINISTERING to others by faith

6.      And it means GIVING by faith


B.     So, this morning we have heard not just about Tithing, but about Faith Promise Giving. Giving by faith!


C.    What kind of a Giver are you?  A flint, A sponge, or a honeycomb? I can tell just by your response to this message from God’s Word! I desire to give by faith!


D.    Giving by Sight means the Tithe. Something we are supposed to do! Something you should already be doing.


1.      It Meets the Needs of this Church – we have bills to pay! This is not free!

2.      An Obligation / Duty of every Christian. Not just of rich people, but all believers!

3.      Honours God (Proverbs 3:9)

4.      Because we love God (John 14:15)


E.     Giving By Faith means Giving to Missions – something we all need to start doing!


1.      It Meets the Needs of Others.

2.      It is a JOY (Acts 20:35) / Opportunity

3.      It Pleases God (2Cor 9:7)

4.      Because we love souls (Rom 10:1)


a.       How are people going to hear and believe without preachers, missionaries, church planters?

b.      And, How shall they preach, except they be SENT?

c.       People who cannot go, SEND!


F.     Are You Tithing?


1.      Tax Evaders are Law-Breakers and should go to jail shouldn’t they?

2.      God deserves the 10% that He asks for! And He deserves it FIRST, ahead of!!!

3.      Do you understand HOW to tithe now?

4.      Good!

5.      Do you want to get OUT of debt? Then start honouring God with your money first, and you will have enough for the rest of the bills.


G.    Are You Ready to GIVE?


1.      By Faith?

2.      As a Promise?

3.      For Souls? To Missions and Missionaries!


H.    In a few weeks, I will hand out some commitment Cards, and we will find out if we are all ready.

I.       If you would like one today, while the iron is hot, so to speak, then take one, and fill it out and put it into the Green Box. Your commitment could be a great commitment to someone else!

J.       Let me tell you now about the Greatest Giver of all time…


1.      His name is Jesus

2.      He left everything behind Him, and was born into poverty and want

3.      Everything He ever did, was FOR others, at great personal cost to Himself

4.      In the end, no one thanked Him, and almost everyone called for His death

5.      And even in death, He gave to others


a.       To that thief next to Him, He gave the gift of eternal life

b.      To the world, He offered forgiveness

c.       To sinners He gave grace

d.      To the lost, He opened heaven’s door


6.      “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son…”