Confident Enough to Wait

The Need for Confident Patience with God

Isaiah 40:31


Pastor Craig Ledbetter                                           

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland

1 Nov, 2009  AM


I.                   Introduction (Psalm 118:8)


A.      This month, we are learning about being Steadfast in our Confidence!

B.     What a ruined word today: Confidence.


1.       Most people only have “self” confidence, or its lack

2.      But Christian Confidence is a mighty strength!


C.      It is something every believer needs, and it is something we must all be steadfast in!


1.       Most people only know how to put their confidences in other people: Doctors, Politicians, Priests, Parents, Employers – and they are sadly disappointed

2.      Others seem to ooze with self-confidence, but they’re living a lie


D.     But when we learn to put our confidence only in the Lord, there is such reward and blessing that I want us this entire month to learn how to patiently wait on God!


II.                Message


A.      What is Christian Confidence?


1.       This is how our modern dictionary defines Confidence: “belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities; having self-confidence; self-reliance; assurance”

2.      Sounds like someone who does not need God!

3.      But what is the Biblical meaning of Confidence?


a.       It comes from the word “Confide”

b.      To entrust something into the care of another without fear; like, confiding in your friend how you really feel

c.       Simply means that a Christian gives the future of their lives and the results of their actions over to God without fear

d.      It enables the Christian to act like there is nothing to worry about!

e.      It means that we fully, absolutely, faithfully believe God enough to obey Him, and do things His way, no matter how foolish they may seem, leaving the results up to Him, knowing He will do the best thing for us. “For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.” (Proverbs 3:26)

f.        What do you have?


1)       No Confidence? A terrible state to be in – constant doubt and uncertainty; hesitations, uncertainty

2)     Self-Confidence? No better than having no confidence because you are living like there is no God

3)     Or Christian Confidence?


4.       Illustrations:


a.       Your first step as a baby took confidence. Speaking your first word took confidence. Getting on a bike for the first time took confidence. You had to have some confidence in yourself to do those things, but, most of all you had confidence in the person helping you. You were drawing strength from that person.

b.      Jesus is the strength that will carry you through every situation in life.

c.       Just as you placed your confidence in your parents, drawing strength from them, Christ desires for you to place your confidence in Him, for He is your strength. He wants you to wait patiently for Him to supply your needs as your work.

d.      Just as you did not walk instantly or ride a bike instantly, things with God sometimes take a little wait. You might as well live like everything is going to be alright, since you are trusting Him!


B.      Learning to be a Waiter on God (Hebrews 10:36)


1.       There is no one in the Bible that did not have to learn to be a waiter. Everyone had to learn to patiently trust, and wait on God

2.      It is one of the most unnatural things to do


a.       When we are hungry, we get up and fix a sandwich

b.      When we are lonely, we instantly pick up a phone and call a friend, or text them

c.       When we want something, we head out to the shop or mall and buy it, even on a credit card

d.      We don’t wait for no body

e.      Kids at 9 years old HAVE to have a mobile phone

f.        Kids at 12 HAVE to have a boyfriend/girlfriend

g.      No one knows how to WAIT, especially to wait on God


3.       To wait on God means…


a.       To be still (Psalm 46:10) – to rest, not panic. To KNOW that GOD is God, and NOT yourself!

b.      To Trust God (Isaiah 64:4)

c.       To Love Him (1Cor 2:9) – it comes out of a heart full of love

d.      To Fear God (Proverbs 14:26) – to fear doing things any other way than HIS ways!


4.       Examples of Waiters in the Bible


a.       Joseph


1)       Knew he was destined for something great at 17 years old

2)     But it wasn’t until 13 long, hard years later that he is prince over Egypt!

3)     What if Joseph had gotten fed-up with waiting on God?


b.      Young David in the caves, hiding from king Saul – had to wait, and forced himself to wait 7 long, hard years until king Saul dies before he takes the throne of Israel. What if young David had gotten fed-up with waiting on God to act (he almost did)?

c.       Abraham and Sarah


1)       At 75 promised children (Gen 12:1,2)

2)     A year later, he is promised children numbering the stars of heaven (15:1-6)

3)     10 years later, at 86 Abraham and Sarah get impatient (16:1-3) this is what happens when we lose our confidence!

4)     At 100 years old, Abraham finally holds Isaac – Laughter

5)     Had to wait 25 long, lonely years until the promise came


d.      Jesus (John 7:8) – even Jesus had to wait on His father’s time

e.      They all had to wait on God to act, for God to do things in HIS timing


C.      More Faith Equals Less Flap (Isaiah 40:31)


1.       The illustration of an eagle


a.       Its broad, mighty wings are not made for flapping like a chicken or a duck – that is not how they fly!

b.      Chickens run from stormy weather

c.       Eagles spread out their wings and soar into the sky in the strong winds and in the storms!

d.      Their strength is in their confidence that they were MADE for the storm, and the mighty winds

e.      When there are no winds, the eagle needs to not act like a chicken and just flap and flap and wear himself out acting like the lower birds

f.        He has to learn to wait for the winds to lift him as he trusts his design to not be for the easy days, but the worst!


2.       So, To wait on God means


a.       To know God made you, and designed you to fly and never run away,

b.      To believe that God designed you to run and not be weary

c.       To trust that God will always enable you to walk and never faint

d.      It applies to loneliness, waiting on the salvation of your husband or wife, waiting for wayward children to get right

e.      God knows how He made you, and expects you to trust Him!


3.       Great is the reward that comes to us when we do the will of God, waiting upon Him for all our needs.

4.      Taking that first step as an infant gave us a great feeling as we moved forward and saw the joy on Mom and Dad’s faces and hearing it in their voices. Our confidence was rewarded. And as often as we obey God in the name of Jesus, He too will reward us.

5.      Eight blessings of waiting on God


a.       Salvation (Psalm 62:1,5) Come to God confidently because of Jesus!

b.      Answers to Prayer (Psalm 40:1; 1John 5:14,15). Supply of all your needs (Psalm 104:27) Come boldly before His throne, and believe He will answer

c.       Courage (Psalm 27:14)

d.      Justice (Isaiah 30:18) – give place unto God’s wrath!

e.      Renewed Strength (Isaiah 40:30,31)

f.        Unimaginable Blessings (Isaiah 64:4; Eph 3:20)

g.      Holy Spirit Power (Luke 24:49)


III.             Conclusion


A.      God cares for us and wants us to have great confidence in Him. He gives power to those that wait upon Him.

B.     When we wait upon Him with confidence we will have great joy and happiness that only come from heaven.

C.     We need to keep a watch on our heart and our fears so as to not allow unbelief, selfish pride, confusion, disappointments, personal failures, and foolishness to overcome our faith in His timing.

D.    God wants us to know that if we try to do things in our own strength, we will always fail. It is only when we have our hearts and desires set on God (steadfast in Him) that we will see the victory and overcome all our worries.

E.     God promises that HE will take us through all difficulties, allowing us to grasp the prize of our high calling if we have our hearts and our hopes set firmly on Him. He WILL renew our strength. We WILL run the race and not become weary, we WILL mount up as eagles and go forth strong and confident in all things.

F.     What Are You Waiting For?


1.       For God to save you?

2.      For troubles to go away?

3.      For a need to be supplied?

4.      For the Return of Jesus?


G.      Then God is trying to teach you TO wait, and especially to WAIT ON HIM