Remember the Way

Why Remember the Way God Has Led You

Deuteronomy 8

June 6, 2015 AM  21st Anniversary Sunday

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland


I.       Introduction (Deuteronomy 8:2)


A.    A lot of life is spent trying to forget

B.     But there are some things worth remembering

C.     Worth making sure we remember – keep fresh in our thinking

D.    Life has a way of getting us to focus on problems, imperfections, enemies

E.     Rarely do we know how to remember things well – especially important things

F.      God took a whole Book, the Book of Deuteronomy, to make sure Israel, and ultimately all people remembered some things about their lives that they may not be very aware of


II.    Message


A.    God Gave Clear Instructions – the Law (8:1)


1.      God gave these instructions - commandments.


a.       They were all the wisdom of God, written with the finger of God


2.      Why? Why did God interfere and give them commandments, instructions on life?


a.       So that they would Do them!

b.      And, so that they would live!

c.       Like at a factory – following the instructions and you will live to go home. Act the fool, and you could die!

d.      And so that God could give them all that He promised them – the Promised Land, and a life of freedom and blessing!


3.      In this chapter, God first commands His people to remember His laws


a.       What they said

b.      And where they came from


B.     God Brought Israel Along THE Way (8:2) – HIS Way!


1.      The nation of Israel were now free of Egypt

2.      But they had no idea what way to go (left, right, through the mountains, into the valley…)


a.       400 years in Egypt – most of which was as slaves – never allowed to leave before

b.      So, imagine going through locked gates, out into a desert, not knowing which way to go?


3.      This was not a free for all journey, just going wherever the wind took them

4.      God led His people (Dt 1:31-33; Ex 13:21)


a.       Personally led them, every minute of every day

b.      With a massive cloud by day

c.       And with a pillar of fire by night


5.      Carried them like a father does his little boy

6.      Every step, even mis-step, God took charge of, and made something memorable out of the way they went through that wilderness between Egypt, and the Promised Land

7.      Remember that, when looking back over YOUR past!


C.    So, Remember the Journey (8:2)


1.      Constantly, remind yourself of what God is doing in your lives

2.      It was a long journey – 40 years long!


a.       The people now had 40 years of memories

b.      They had been just children when they left Egypt

c.       Their Mommies and Daddies had messed up royally, when they had the chance to go right into Canaan and start inheriting the promised land

d.      40 years of memories can be overwhelming

e.       But God commanded them to go back over the entire journey

f.       That’s why God had Moses write the Book of Numbers – to keep a record of where they went, and what they experienced through those 40 years

g.      They were supposed to re-read their journal, and remember what they had been through

h.      AND, they were supposed to teach what they learned to their children, and children’s children


3.      It was a humbling Journey


a.       Almost none of it was anything to brag about

b.      Mostly about stubbornness, and rebellions, and insurrections, and attempted coups

c.       About idolatries, and murmurings, and complainings

d.      And about just walking! Thousands of miles of walking, but never getting actually INTO the Promised Land!

e.       Very humiliating – very humbling!

f.       Hard lessons – not just simple things, but deep things, about real trust and resting in God’s will and way!

g.      Didn’t make any sense either (Ex 13:17,18) – didn’t go the obvious way


D.    God Specifically Humbled Them Along the Way (8:2,3)


1.      Think about it…


a.       God freed them from the iron furnace of Egypt – brought them out, a free nation now

b.      Salvation, deliverance

c.       And then let them hunger, and thirst in the desert for days on end

d.      God actually let Israel suffer, and struggle with lack of their necessities, and hard times


2.      Why Humble Them?


a.       Why did God lead them on such a long, humbling journey?

b.      To Prove them – examining and exposing what was in their heart


1)      The hardest thing to look at is your own heart – easy to see ALL the faults in another person’s heart

2)      The hardest thing to know, is your own heart (Jer 17:9,10)

3)      Examples of testing:


a)      Every car must be tested thoroughly before it is sold and put into the hands of a normal driver

b)      Every app on your smartphone had to be thoroughly tested to see if it could handle people’s use and mis-use, and still work right!

c)      So also must every person who sets out to follow God be tested, to see if they would obey God, especially when it got hard, and unpopular


4)      NEW things, cheap things, easy things usually are such a waste – it is the tried and tested things that are worth having


a)      Things that have stood the test of time

b)      People who have gone through the trials, and heartaches, and sorrows and failures

c)      Those are things and people to listen to and hold onto

d)     Not the new, shiny, fancy, popular opinions and leaders of today!


c.       Secondly, To show them how feeble they were without Him. And boy were they feeble in that desert without God!


1)      The great king David, who courageously faced off and killed mighty Goliath begged God to constantly help remind him just how frail he really was (Ps 39:4)


3.      And when He took care of them, He did it very unusually – with Manna


a.       When He did supply their need,

b.      Gave them a miracle – manna, six days a week, for the 40 years

c.       A light, fluffy bread


4.      Why Manna?


a.       Not to teach them to wait to be lazy and not work for their food

b.      But to teach them something marvellous

c.       That no physical food gives anyone life – no matter how heathy, or how fancy

d.      That even heavenly food, angel’s food, did not give anyone real life!

e.       But that only the words that God spoke, those commandments – only THEY give life – eternal life!


5.      Don’t you see? God’s lessons are never learned on a full stomach!


a.       God’s ways are never understood by our success

b.      But only by our desperate need – by our lack, and our failures and our valleys

c.       You will never love this Book like you should until you are hungry, and troubled, and hurt, and at your last straw!


6.      So God frustrated Israel, time after time after time – with good purpose…

7.      To humble them


E.     And, Took Great Care of Them (8:4-6)


1.      How did God take care of them?


a.       Didn’t entertain them

b.      Didn’t provide great comforts

c.       But, Their clothes never wore out

d.      Their feet never swelled – that’s great health

e.       They always had just enough to eat every day – daily bread, NOT all-you can eat!

f.       That’s pretty cool!

g.      But that is not all that God did, taking care of them!


2.      He also corrected them, chastised them


a.       That was just as important as the good times, and even the Promised Land itself

b.      They were a spiritual mess, and needed correction!


1)      Critical constantly of Moses – blamed him for everything that went wrong

2)      Loathed the Manna – miracles never change anyone

3)      Constantly missed the life of slavery and wanted to go back to it!!!

4)      All the while, wearing the same clothes for 40 years, that never wore out


a)      And ate food from heaven

b)      And never were sick!


c.       Oh how we need correction


3.      So, remember to do things Gods way (8:6), and accept chastisement when we don’t!


F.     God was leading Them Someplace (8:7-9)


1.      To a Good Land


a.       Farmers understand these words

b.      You better appreciate them too – because the only reason we eat, is because of farmers who know the value of having


1)      Good land

2)      Loads of fresh water

3)      Fields of wheat and barley for breads

4)      Fruits like grapes and figs and pomegranates

5)      And luxuries like olive oil and honey


2.      To a Bountiful Land


a.       Everything you will ever need

b.      More than you need - You will never lack

c.       All the iron and brass you will ever need – the best metals for building and for weapons

d.      All easily gathered and melted down and used!


3.      They were being led to the Promised Land! Promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob


G.    So God Warned Them (8:10-20)


1.      To Remember to Not Forget what God had been doing in their lives recently

2.      Or Else, They Would Join the Pile of Forgotten Nations

3.      So, Remember


a.       Don’t go a week without just sitting and pondering God’s hand in your life

b.      That is what the Sabbath was for – to do very little but ponder how good God has been

c.       Work very hard six days, and then sit and praise God for all day, one day

d.      Remember to follow God’s commandments – do things HIS way

e.       Remember who brought you this far – by faith!


4.      Or else this warning will come true


a.       When things go well – and they will when you do things God’s way

b.      Beware that your heart gets filled with itself – with pride


1)      Thinking it was YOU that was so smart

2)      Thinking and believing that YOU deserved all the good things God has done for you

3)      Thinking and believing some other god or power (meditation, astrology, inner light, hyper-intelligence, good looks, etc)


c.       And then you forget


1)      That God loved you (Dt 7:6-8)

2)      And he saved you – from Egypt

3)      And led you

4)      And protected you

5)      And supplied your every need

6)      And humbled you

7)      And tested your heart

8)      And that it was all because of HIS plan and design that he had for them


d.      And you instead believe YOU are your own god – the master of your own life

e.       When in reality, it has always been and always will be the Lord God alone who gives you anything

f.       And if you DO forget all these things…

g.      You will fall!

h.      You will end up like all the other forgotten nations of history


1)      The Hittites, Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perrizites, the Hivites

2)      The Moabites, and the Edomites

3)      The Sumerians

4)      The Babylonians

5)      The Persians

6)      The Romans

7)      The Normans

8)      The Vikings

9)      The Aztecs and the Mayans


5.      All because you choose not to obey His way of doing things!


III. Application – Our Turn!


A.    God Gave US Clear Instructions – the whole Bible


1.      God gave these instructions - commandments.


a.       Not the Catholic church

b.      Not dreams or visions

c.       Nor the State, or the Garda

d.      No referendums or opinions

e.       But the wisdom of God, and the finger of God


2.      Why? Why did God interfere and give them commandments, instructions on life?


a.       So that we would Do them!

b.      And, so that we would live!

c.       And so that God could give us all that He has promised us – not some the Promised Land that belongs to Israel, but a life of freedom and blessing anywhere we live!


3.      Get to know God’s words, start to finish


B.     God Brought ALL OF US Along A Way  – HIS Way!


1.      None of us have any idea what way to go

2.      We don’t make this up as we go along, like most churches and religions do

3.      We let God led us

4.      If we ever take time to notice, we will see how He almost constantly has Carried us like a father does his little boy

5.      Think about it


a.       Every step, even mis-step, thankfully, God took charge of, and made something memorable out of the way that we have travelled

b.      The old preaching barn – most mocked

c.       The cold

d.      The fire that destroyed the building

e.       The move to Ballincollig

f.       The long delay in getting our own building

g.      The coming and going of so many people


6.      God has led us all the way!


C.    So, Remember the Journey


1.      Constantly, remind yourself of what God is doing in your lives

2.      All of it – everything that happened since getting saved

3.      Never imagine any of it was trivial, insignificant, or worthless

4.      Satan works so hard so that we have so much happening, that we never take time to ponder, or remember what God is trying to teach us and show us! To see the BIG picture

5.      We just live from moment to moment and never think, about where we are at, how we got here, where we are going!

6.      How long journey has YOUR journey beed?

7.      Mine has been 35 years on the 15th of June


a.       Through my parent’s divorce

b.      Through a time of great poverty

c.       Then getting saved at 17

d.      Losing most every friend – making some others

e.       Heading off the Bible college

f.       Wanting to quit at the end of every year

g.      Meeting my bride to be during my 4th year

h.      Not having 2 pennies to rub together

i.        Heading off to New jersey, with no job, no house – only God’s call

j.        Living in a fourth floor attic apartment in Belleville, NJ

k.      God providing a job miraculously like Manna

l.        Giving us one, then two, then three children

m.    Joel getting Meningitis at 10 months old


8.      Take time to remember what they had been through

9.      AND, teach what you have learned to your children, and children’s children

10.  It was a humbling Journey


a.       Almost none of it was anything to brag about

b.      Mostly about MY stubbornness, and rebellions

c.       About idolatries, and murmurings, and complainings

d.      And about just walking the journey! I figure I have driven hundreds of thousands of miles since getting saved

e.       I have not “arrived yet” at what I should be, and am not good at what I am supposed to be doing

f.       Very humiliating – very humbling!

g.      But that is MY journey

h.      And it is YOURS too if you will just take it!


D.    God Specifically Humbles all of Us


1.      Let’s us hunger, and thirst in the desert for days on end

2.      Let’s some of us suffer, and struggle with sickness, and troubles, and hard times

3.      Why?


a.       To test us


1)      Proving you – examining and exposing what was in YOUR heart

2)      What is exposed when you go through the fire?


b.      To show them how feeble we are without Him. Jesus reminded His disciples constantly just how much they needed Him just to live (John 15:3; Col 3:4)


c.       By giving us simple, plain bread from heaven – the word of God (John 6:31-33; 58, 63)

d.      To get us totally dependent upon THIS bread


1)      This is what Jesus reminded Satan of in Matthew chapter 4

2)      Didn’t eat for 40 days – starving

3)      Satan tempted Jesus to do a miracle and turn the stones into warm, buttered bread

4)      Jesus reminded him that life does not come from bread only, but from knowing, loving, and believing every word that God has ever spoken!


4.      No wonder so few love THIS BOOK! God’s lessons are never learned on a full stomach!

5.      So God frustrates you and me, time after time after time – with good purpose…

6.      To humble us

7.      Let Him humble you!


E.     Start Noticing that God Has Taken Great Care of Us!


1.      Where would you be if someone hadn’t preached to you and gotten you saved?

2.      What mess would you be in?


a.       Drunk?

b.      Drug addict?

c.       Don’t tell me YOU won’t end up that way

d.      Divorced, mentally unstable, living alone and broken and suicidal?

e.       There are serious consequences for living without God


3.      Take a good look around and start admitting that God has done great things for us!


a.       Good health

b.      A family – a husband, or a wife, children, parents

c.       A job

d.      A Bible believing, Bible preaching, Christ honouring CHURCH

e.       What if this, all this wasn’t here for the past 21 years?

f.       God has been very good!


4.      AND, God has been good enough to keep correcting, and chastising us! Getting in trouble is God’s way of reminding us he loves us enough to not let us ruin our lives!

5.      That is just as important as the good times

6.      We are a generation that loves information, but we do not value wisdom

7.      And most of all, we hate correction

8.      This is THE most critical, fault-finding generation in history – find fault with everything and everyone – demand perfection

9.      Yet, it is the most ignorant of generations of their own sins and own faults (Pr 30:11-13)


F.     God is Leading Us Someplace


1.      Not just to heaven – that’s good enough

2.      But to the very middle of the best life here and now – the middle of God’s will for each of us

3.      Let Him lead

4.      Let Him take as long as He thinks fit


G.    God Warns Us


1.      To Remember to Not Forget what God has been doing in us lives recently

2.      Or Else, we will Join the Pile of ruined lives

3.      So, Remember


a.       Don’t go a week without just sitting and pondering God’s hand in your life

b.      Remember to follow God’s commandments – do things HIS way

c.       Remember who brought you this far – by faith!


4.      The warning


a.       When things go well – and they will when you do things God’s way

b.      Beware that your heart gets filled with itself – with pride


1)      Thinking it was YOU that was so smart

2)      Thinking and believing that YOU deserved all the good things God has done for you

3)      Thinking and believing some other god or power (meditation, astrology, inner light, hyper-intelligence, good looks, etc)


c.       And then you forget


1)      That God loved you (Dt 7:6-8)

2)      And he saved you – from from hell and sin

3)      And led you

4)      And protected you

5)      And supplied your every need

6)      And humbled you

7)      And tested your heart

8)      And that it was all because of HIS plan and design that he has for you


d.      And you instead believe YOU are your own god – the master of your own life

e.       When in reality, it has always been and always will be the Lord God alone who gives you anything

f.       And if you DO forget all these things…

g.      You will fall!

h.      You will end up like all the other loosers of history


1)      The Marylyn Monroes       The Judy Garlands      The Michael Jacksons

2)      There is a website that lists over 1,000 dead rappers who have been shot, run over, overdosed, stabbed, poisoned, committed suicide, and just mainly shot!


5.      All because you choose not to obey His way of doing things!


IV. Conclusion


A.    Isaiah predicted our real problem in Isaiah 53:6. We all want to go our own way

1.      We want freedom

2.      But not responsibility

3.      We want to choose our way, AND we think we can control the consequences

B.     But God is the only One who knows the way through the wilderness

1.      And He is at work, always guiding, always calling, always prodding us to go the narrow way – the hard way

2.      He has been at work on me all my life

3.      But more importantly, he has been at work IN me for the past 35 years

C.     The longer we go as Christians, the more we should have learned, and the more humble we should be – certainly!

D.    Is this true?

E.     If not, it is time we took inventory of God’s hand, and started yielding to His instructions

1.      This is not OUR church, it’s Jesus’ church

2.      Those people in your home are not YOUR experiment, they are God’s heritage, on loan to you, with the expectation that you will raise them God’s way

3.      Your life is not your own – it was given to you by an amazing God, who expects you to take care of it and operate it according to His instructions

F.      And if you are not born again – if you haven’t even started the Journey, called Christian life, not following a cloud or pillar of fire, but JESUS, then today is the day to start!