The Greatness of God’s Will

Not My Will But Thine be Done

2Samuel 22


Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland

21 March, 2010  AM


I.       Introduction (Psalm 18:30-32)


A.     We have a problem with our will conflicting with God’s will


1.      As much as I have a problem with bad habits, bad thoughts, giving into temptations, etc., my biggest problem is with my WILL – what I WANT to do!

2.      Isaiah 53:6 – we go our OWN way

3.      Jeremiah 10:23 – it is not in us to find our way


B.     This is a problem that started back in the Garden of Eden – will we obey God and do things HIS way, or will we listen to the devil and do things OUR OWN way?

C.     There is a deadly danger in living our own way (Proverbs 16:25)

D.     When we talk about “the will of God” we are talking about:


1.      God’s way of doing things

2.      God’s expectations

3.      God’s plan, design

4.      God’s wisdom about what is right and good and best

5.      There is a way to live—that is perfect!

6.      There is a way to love—that is perfect!

7.      There is a way to do your job that Jesus would do if HE were in your shoes!

8.      There is a way to handle pressure, persecution, hardships – it is the will of God


E.      But it all begins with an understanding that the things happening to you right now are NOT out of control, but are allowed by God, and even designed by God to produce something good (Rom 8:28; Eccl 3:11)

F.      Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could actually see how good God’s will is? How good the end results really are?


1.      Well, that is the main reason why God wrote His Bible! To show us just how stupid our own will is, and how marvellous and how perfect God’s will is – His way, His plan

2.      David, hiding in a cave, running for his life from a demon possessed despot, writes a whole chapter exclaiming that God’s way is absolutely perfect! And that he wouldn’t change a thing!


II.    Message


A.     The Design of God’s Will – It is Perfect (2Samuel 22:31-33)


1.      God’s will, God’s way of doing things is PERFECT

2.      The problem in our society is every one is doing that which is right in their own eyes!


a.       Selfishness reigns

b.      Sin fill almost every minute of TV programmes, of every song played, every book read

c.       The problems going on in Catholicism, and all religions today is because people are doing things their own way


1)      God says, Call no man Father – and you will have proper, normal relationships in church

2)      God says, Pastors must be MARRIED, with their own children

3)      God says, Churches are to be generally subject to the laws of the land – not a law unto themselves!

4)      When people do their own thing, and ignore the Bible, they end up hurting a lot of people in the long run. Jesus did NOT design His church the way the catholic system is!


d.      Doing things God’s way still exalts nations (Pr 14:34) Sin still destroys them!

e.       Doing things God’s way still builds churches – sin and selfishness only destroys them!

3.      David here in 2Samuel is admitting that God’s will is PERFECT


a.       Even though it was hard, and dangerous for him

b.      Even though it was taking a long time to get through – it took 7 years before David actually became king

c.       He looked back and saw God working out something bigger than he could see or comprehend at the time!

d.      He is declaring that to his own surprise, God’s way was much better than his own way


1)      If David had retaliated, and sought revenge, he would have blown God’s will

2)      If David had given up, and quit on God (which he almost did), he would never have become king of Israel

3)      If David had rebelled against his father, and gone out with his “friends” instead of worked out in the fields with the sheep – lowly job – he never would have qualified to be KING!


4.      God’s will for your life is always perfect!


a.       Whether it is to be a preacher or a plumber

b.      Whether it is to be married or single

c.       Whether it is to live in Cork or in South Africa

d.      Whether it is to start churches or just soul-win

e.       Whether it is to live long and healthy, or struggle to breathe and live in a hospital bed

f.       I am here to tell you the will of God, the way of God is PERFECT!

g.       How can I say that?


1)      Because He is simply smarter that you or I (Isaiah 55:8,9)!

2)      Did you know that God worked everything out long before he created this world? And He does not need to constantly adjust it now, because it is perfect (Acts 15:18)


5.      Oh I wish you knew just how perfect the path is that God has laid out for you?

6.      I don’t mean that it is tolerable, or endurable, but WONDERFUL, and AMAZING, and AWESOME! All because GOD laid it out, not you or me!


B.     The Discovery of God’s Will (2Samuel 22:23)


1.      God’s will is not wired into us. It is not automatic that we desire God / that we desire to do right


a.       We have to WANT to do God’s will – from the heart (Eph 6:5,6)

b.      But before you can choose to do God’s will, you need to KNOW what He wants done, and HOW He wants it done


2.      So, How did David discover God’s will?


a.       The Word of God (2Sam 22:23)


1)      Learned it

2)      Studied it like people do horses at the race track

3)      Studied it like people do when preparing for their leaving cert

4)      Loved it like their best friend

5)      Don’t look for “visions” unless you are looking in this BOOK!


b.      The Work of God


1)      First doing what his daddy, Jesse wanted him to do

2)      Then doing whatever came along that needed to be done – playing his harp for the king

3)      All David wanted to do what be a blessing and be a servant – a shepherd


c.       The Want of the Heart (Psalm 143:8)!


1)      Pray, ask God, beg God to work His will through your life!

2)      Allow God to change your direction (James 4:13-15)


3.      It is the same with you and me


a.       Saturate your mind with the word of God! He does NOT speak outside of His written word!

b.      Go overboard in doing things for your Lord, as a SERVANT. not a show off (Acts 13:1,2). It is only when you are already busy serving the Lord, doing whatever needs to be done that God speaks to your heart and shows you what His specific will is for your life!

c.       Decide to WANT to know and DO whatever God has designed for you to do!

d.      And God will show you His perfect will. He promises to teach you how to live HIS way (Ps 32:8)

e.       AND, you will discover just how great it is! Just as David did!


C.     The Debate With God’s Will (2Samuel 22:5-7, 34-37)


1.      Background


a.       David had been anointed by Samuel to be the next king of Israel – what an honour!

b.      But from that time, he was hated and then hunted by king Saul

c.       For the next seven years, David was running and hiding for his life

d.      And many of the Psalms are his cry unto God saying, “Lord! Are you SURE you know what you are doing?” “This is HARD! Did I understand you right? Did we get our wires crossed?”


2.      Every man, woman and child on this planet will struggle with doing God’s will – why?


a.       Because it is not natural to do another’s will – especially GOD’S will

b.      Because Satan lies to us about God’s will – as shown in the Garden of Eden


1)      That God is restrictive – won’t let you have any fun

2)      That you need to think for yourself, and think about yourself and your own needs

3)      That God’s will is very depressing


a)      Oh yeah? Ask David if that is true? Most thrilling times of his life was just doing what God told him to do

b)      And ask Paul if the will of God was depressing - He LOVED the will of God

c)      And ask Husdon Taylor missionary in China in the 1850’s

d)      And ask Adoniram Judson, missionary in Burma in 1830 (in prison, but saw thousands saved in that war torn country)

e)      Ask ANYONE serving the Lord Jesus Christ

f)       DON’T ask someone serving the Church, or the Pope, or the government, or their wife, or their bank!


c.       Third reason why it is hard is Because it is rarely easy


1)      God’s perfect will usually be one of the hardest things we will ever do

2)      Our will always looks easier, but will be the most disastrous things we will ever do


d.      Because it may cost us everything to do God’s will (1Peter 4:12-16,19)


1)      Peter (John 21:18-22)

2)      Jesus (Matthew 26:39)

3)      Jonah – cost him his prejudice and his pride to go to Nineveh

4)      Matthew – cost him his career as a tax collector

5)      It may cost you your health (that’s okay), your time, your money, your friends, and even your family – but God knows and God actually is not being cruel, but actually working out something far more wonderful than YOU or I could dream up, if we just obeyed


e.       Because it requires holiness (1Thes 4:3). You won’t do God’s will as long as you hold on to some sin, especially secret sins!


D.     The Doing of God’s Will (James 1:22)


1.      Knowing what God’s will is, is only part of the answer

2.      Most of you have never “tasted” of God’s will – most Christians have never actually just done things God’s way, So you have no idea just how good it is


a.       God’s promise relating to tithing (Mal 3:10) – not enjoyed unless obeyed

b.      God’s promise of soul-winning – most of you never enjoy it simply because you have never tried it!

c.       God’s promise of living by faith – never seen God step down from heaven and meet your need and get you through your valley


3.      Hey! Doing God’s will – living the way God commands you to live is fundamental to the Christian life!


a.       Is so basic to the Christian life (Mt 12:50; 7:21; 1John 2:17)

b.      It is what proves that we are following Christ


4.      When God speaks to your heart about doing something, just for Him, do you know what you need to do? DO IT!


a.       Ever been convicted in your heart about getting saved from hell? That is God’s will! Better get saved TODAY!

b.      Ever been convicted about saying I’m sorry – That was God’s will for you! DO IT!

c.       Has God ever broken your heart about a soul who needed you to tell them there is a way to be forgiven? Then THAT was God’s will for you, and you should have done it!

d.      Quit making excuses and get to doing what God says for you to do!


E.     The Delight in God’s Will (Psalm 40:8)


1.      This is the best part

2.      I believe with all my heart that God’s way is best!

3.      Jesus certainly believed it (Heb 10:7; Mt 26:39)

4.      Ask Joseph if he would have exchanged 21 years in prison and slavery? Nope!

5.      Ask Amy Carmichael, who, for sixty years endured hard missionary work in India with thousands saved

6.      Ask Moses if he would have exchanged the perfect will of God for the chance to be Pharaoh instead? No way!

7.      Ask Darlene Deibler Rose, who was a newly-wedded missionary’s wife in New Guinea when the Japanese in WWII took over, killed her husband, and sent her off to prison for the next four years! She said in her biography that she would do it all over again! Why? Because God’s ways are perfect!

8.      I never found anyone in my Bible, or in my life experience who ever said, God’s will for me is terrible!


a.       Yes, they would say it is hard, and often uncomfortable

b.      But because of the presence of the Spirit of God

c.       Because of the promises of God

d.      Because of the fruit of obedience

e.       They wouldn’t live any other way


III. Conclusion


A.     We have a problem with our will conflicting with God’s will

B.     As much as I have a problem with bad habits, bad thoughts, giving into temptations, etc., my biggest problem is with my WILL – what I WANT to do! Isaiah 53:6 – we go our OWN way

C.     Oh that every man woman and child would yearn to know God’s will for their lives. To long for God to show them, like He did to Paul, what you should do with this life of yours

D.     When we talk about “the will of God” we are talking about: God’s way of doing things

E.      David has Shown Us That:


1.      The Design of God’s Will is Perfect


a.       Even though it was hard, and dangerous for him

b.      Even though it was taking a long time to get through – it took 7 years before David actually became king

c.       He looked back and saw God working out something bigger than he could see or comprehend at the time!

d.      He is declaring that to his own surprise, God’s way was much better than his own way

e.       Oh I wish you knew just how perfect the path is that God has laid out for you?

f.       I don’t mean that it is tolerable, or endurable, but WONDERFUL, and AMAZING, and AWESOME! All because GOD laid it out, not you or me!


2.      The Discovery of God’s Will is Possible


a.       By Reading and Learning The Word of God

b.      By Getting Busy doing The Work of God

c.       By Just Wanting to know the Will of God – from the heart!


3.      The Debate With God’s Will Has to Be Fought


a.       Many of you cry unto God saying, “Lord! Are you SURE you know what you are doing?” “This is HARD! Did I understand you right? Did we get our wires crossed?”

b.      We all struggle at first with God’s will – why?


1)      Because it is not natural to do another’s will – especially GOD’S will

2)      Because Satan lies to us about God’s will – as shown in the Garden of Eden

3)      Because it is rarely easy

4)      Because it may cost us everything to do God’s will (1Peter 4:12-16,19)

5)      Because it requires holiness (1Thes 4:3).


4.      Doing of God’s Will is the Goal


a.       Is so basic to the Christian life (Mt 12:50; 7:21; 1John 2:17)

b.      It is what proves that we are following Christ


5.      The Delight in God’s Will is Worth It!


F.      Do you really only want to work and sleep, and eat and die a selfish, self-centred jerk? With nothing but regrets and remorse at the end of your life?

G.     Or wouldn’t you like to know why God gave you a heart, and a mind, and two arms, and two legs?

H.     I will tell you all, next week, exactly what God’s will is for your life!

I.        Until that time, I at least can tell you two things:


1.      That you repent and be born again (2Peter 3:9)

2.      That you depart from iniquity (2Tim 2:19)