Overcoming Every Obstacle to Soul-Winning

1 Corinthians 9:10-27
Audio MP3


March 13th  2011 PM

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland



I.       Introduction (1Cor 9:24-27; Acts 26:18)


A.    Paul gives us an illustration of the effort required in soul-winning


1.      A runner runs the whole race – he ought to run to win, amen?!

2.      An athlete competes for the “mastery” of a sport, and seeks to win a crown

3.      But a Christian ought to seek to win incorruptible rewards


B.     That’s why Paul’s life was like an athlete


1.      Temperate – under restrictions and rules

2.      Certain – of winning people to Christ

3.      Fighting – making contact with the enemy – not just swinging and beating the air

4.      Keeping his flesh under control, so that he is not wasting his time


C.     Why? Because he wanted to win souls!

D.    But they are not that easy to win - YOU were not easy cases were you?

E.     Acts 26:18 is a lot of work – a lot of obstacles to overcome

F.      Our generation needs soul-winners

G.    We need a generation of believers who will make a permanent choice to overcome every obstacle between them and winning their world!

H.    So, Quit your complaining, and griping, and do hard things, to win someone to Christ


II.    Message


A.    Overcoming the Obstacle of Doubt (1Cor 9:10)


1.      Every farmer MUST have some faith in the crops he is planting or he is wasting his time

2.      Every worker, works expecting to be paid

3.      Every soul-winner ought to expect souls to be saved by the giving out of the Gospel


a.       Isa 55:11  So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. 

b.      Jn 6:68  Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.


4.      The word of God does the work – not really you!


a.       It converts (Ps 19:7)

b.      It convicts (John 8:4-9)

c.       It cuts deep (Heb 4:12)

d.      It gives life (1Pet 1:23)

e.       It gives rest (1Jn 5:13)

f.       It is the power of God (Rom 1:16)

g.      It just needs your voice!


1)      1Cor 1:21-23

2)      John 1:19-23


5.      We doubt too much when we tell people the Gospel


a.       Think they won’t listen

b.      Think they will only reject it

c.       We forget that God is already at work


6.      Act 4:31  And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.


B.     Overcoming the Obstacle of The Will (1Cor 9:16,17)


1.      Okay, so Paul was preaching the Gospel, and was hopeful of people getting saved

2.      But his doing it was nothing to be proud of – nothing to gloat about – Why?


a.       Because he wasn’t doing it for his health

b.      Paul was preaching because of the need!


1)      Like a rescue worker

2)      Like a life-guard

3)      Yes, they get paid for what they do, but when someone is in danger, they can’t help but spring into action!

4)      Paul knew, as most every Christian knows, that the whole world is lost (1John 5:19)


c.       And he was preaching because he couldn’t NOT do it (Jer 20:9)


3.      Paul oftentimes faced nothing but opposition and obstacles in his way (2Cor 11:23-32)

4.      But he could do nothing but keep going


a.       Acts 14:19,20

b.      Acts 20:22-24


5.      He didn’t care if he got paid or not – he just HAD to open his mouth and preach!

6.      Preaching, soul-winning goes against our own will sometimes


a.       Example of Jonah

b.      Example of Peter


7.      Don’t you dare let your own stubbornness stop you from giving someone a Gospel tract, or giving your testimony of what Christ has done for you, or telling someone how to be saved from the wrath to come – especially with all the world events that are causing people’s heart to fear once again!


C.     Overcoming the Obstacle of Pride (1Cor 9:18,19)


1.      Paul loved preaching the Gospel for free! And being a nobody!


a.       Paul used to be involved in the Jew’s religion, and made a load of money at it – all religion makes money

b.      His reward now was in being only a servant!

c.       Pleasing only His Lord!


2.      So many Christians only worry about what everyone else is doing, and what everyone else thinks of them (John 12:42,43; Jude 1:16)

3.      It is beneath too many Christians, to only be a servant!


a.       They want to be important

b.      They want to be well known

c.       They want to be famous

d.      So they won’t sing, they won’t help in Sunday School, they won’t get involved because no one has run up to them and recognised their talents!!!


4.      Notice what Paul says here…


a.       Even though I owe nothing to no one

b.      Yet have I MADE MYSELF servant unto all!!! Wow!

c.       Just like Jesus did (Philp 2:5-7)


5.      The Christian willingly yields his or her life to a life of serving, even if no one ever notices and praises them for it

6.      Don’t you dare let your pride keep you from humbling yourself, and becoming a fool in the eyes of the world (1Cor 1:26-29) – for only then will you be great in God’s kingdom


D.    Overcoming the Obstacle of Differences (1Cor 9:20-22)


1.      Are you willing to serve absolutely anybody? Be a servant of all?

2.      Who are you working on? Relate to them

3.      No matter the Nationality


a.       Become what your listener is

b.      Jesus as God, became a man, to reach men – amen?!

c.       Jesus became specifically a JEW, to reach the Jews

d.      Paul knew what it meant to be a good Jew, and used that knowledge to win Jews

e.       Some of you were good catholics and should use that knowledge to win some good catholic men and women to Jesus Christ!

f.       But there is also a whole world that is lost that needs a preacher


1)      Win a Jew by learning about what the Jews believe and think – how they live, and why they reject Jesus

2)      Win a Nigerian – find out about their past, and the reasons why they are here in Ireland

3)      Win an Hungarian

4)      Witness to, and win a German

5)      How about a Brit?

6)      Or a Frenchman?


g.      Is anyone here willing to get out of their comfort zone, and learn about another culture enough so that they can witness to them, and get them saved?


4.      No matter the Religion


a.       Jesus made Himself UNDER the law – He wrote it, but placed Himself under it, so that the Jews would listen to Him!

b.      Learn what is holding staunch catholics back from getting saved, and understand that, and relate to that – explain how you were just like that in some way

c.       Learn about the Muslim religion, and put your feet in their shoes, and learn what would open their eyes to Jesus

d.      The world is full of religions, so don’t let your ignorance keep you from opening THEIR eyes to the simplicity of the Gospel!


5.      No matter the Sin – “without law” as in “outlaws”


a.       This is where it gets good!

b.      Paul didn’t just work on the religious people, and on the “good” people

c.       He remembered what it meant to be a sinner – a murderer, and tormentor, an angry, furious man

d.      And he used that to help him win the sinners around him

e.       Haven’t you had any struggles?

f.       Don’t you remember how HARD the life of the sinner is? (Pr 13:15)

g.      Relate to it, and sit down with them, and weep with them, and understand them, and point to the finished work of the dearth of Christ for all their sin


1)      A drunkard – weren’t you ever a sinner?

2)      A drug user

3)      An angry man or woman


h.      Don’t you dare let an attitude of “arrogance” and superiority hinder you from winning sinners to heaven (Mark 2:17)!!!


6.      No matter the Weakness – “to the weak became I as weak”


a.       God broke the Apostle Paul’s strength and health so that he could reach the weak, and frail (2Cor 12:9)

b.      Jesus became weak – limited Himself as a man

c.       So should you and I

d.      Overcome the obstacles of people’s weaknesses


1)      A mother – try to understand what they are thinking and struggling with

2)      A man who just lost his job

3)      A Christian who keeps falling back into sin


e.       Get them back by remembering just how weak you are, and relating to them


7.      Love them all – never look down on them! Always lift them up!


E.     Overcoming the Obstacle of Limits (1Cor 9:22,23)


1.      This is the conclusion – the summary of the Christian’s life!


a.       Once a Christian makes a determined choice to humble themselves (1Cor 9:19) and to become a servant, that is when God begins to mould and shape their life to fit every situation that they will face

b.      It was only then that Paul changed!


2.      Paul became


a.       Whatever he needed to be

b.      All things


1)      A good listener

2)      A helper

3)      A counsellor

4)      A comforter

5)      A rebuker

6)      A giver

7)      A parent

8)      A photographer

9)      An athlete

10)  A manager

11)  A chef

12)  A child


c.       To all men


1)      Businessmen

2)      Poor men

3)      Married men

4)      Lonely men

5)      Religious men

6)      Pagan men

7)      Dying men

8)      Proud men

9)      Farmers

10)  Politicians

11)  Factory workers

12)  Moms

13)  Wives

14)  Teens


3.      Why did he willingly become all of that?

4.      So that, “by all means” he would be able to “save some”!


a.       By all methods he would get some saved

b.      Not everyone is going to listen, or care

c.       But Paul was determined to get some saved

d.      No fisherman catches all the fish there are in a river or lake – but they set out to do everything they can so that they can catch some!


III. Conclusion


A.    Paul wanted to win souls! Ever since getting saved himself, it was his life!

B.     But they are not that easy to win

C.     We need a generation of believers who will make a permanent choice to overcome every obstacle between them and winning their world!

D.    What are some Obstacles to overcome?


1.      The Obstacle of Doubt


a.       We doubt too much when we tell people the Gospel

b.      Start believing that the word works

c.       Start swinging a sword and watch it work!

d.      Act 4:31  And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.


2.      The Obstacle of The Will


a.       Paul preached because of the need!

b.      And he was preaching because he couldn’t NOT do it (Jer 20:9)


c.       He didn’t care if he got paid or not – he just HAD to open his mouth and preach!

d.      Don’t you dare let your own stubbornness stop you from giving someone a Gospel tract, or giving your testimony of what Christ has done for you, or telling someone how to be saved from the wrath to come – especially with all the world events that are causing people’s heart to fear once again!


3.      The Obstacle of Pride (1Cor 9:18,19)


a.       So many Christians only worry about what everyone else is doing, and what everyone else thinks of them (John 12:42,43; Jude 1:16)

b.      It is beneath too many Christians, to only be a servant!

c.       The Christian willingly yields his or her life to a life of serving, even if no one ever notices and praises them for it

d.      Don’t you dare let your pride keep you from humbling yourself, and becoming a fool in the eyes of the world (1Cor 1:26-29) – for only then will you be great in God’s kingdom


4.      The Obstacle of Differences (1Cor 9:20-22)


a.       Are you willing to serve absolutely anybody? Be a servant of all?

b.      No matter the Nationality?

c.       No matter the Religion?

d.      No matter the Sin?

e.       No matter the Weakness?


5.      The Obstacle of Limits (1Cor 9:22,23)


E.     Is anyone here willing to become


1.      All things

2.      To all men

3.      So that, “by all means” you would be able to “save some”?


Craig Ledbetter |  Pastor  |  Bible Baptist Church  |  021-4871234  +353-21-4871234  |  biblebc@gmail.com  www.biblebc.com