Harmless But Effective Christians

The Kind of Christians Our World Needs TODAY!

Philippians 2:15


August 7th  2011 AM

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland



I.       Introduction (Acts 17:6)


A.    Some Questions…


1.      How could a group of uneducated, unorganised, poor Jewish people turn their world upside down in the first century? No internet. No media. No Television advertising. No money at all

2.      How could that same group grow and multiply to the point that in just 100 years, half of the entire Roman Empire was known as “Christian”?

3.      Is it possible that Christianity could do it again? Could turn THIS world upside down for God? Could actually effectively make a difference?

4.      Not only CAN it, but we must!


B.     But it won’t happen like we think


1.      Not through religious wars, but only through spiritual weapons (2Cor 10:3-5)

2.      Not through rebellious riots, but through personal repentance and humbling ourselves back to the level that we belong under the mighty hand of God!

3.      The entire middle east is in turmoil, seeking a change – seeking to overturn dictatorships, and tyrannies through riots and revolts

4.      History is full of wars, both religious and secular

5.      Yet Biblical Christianity stands as the one harmless way to effectively change the world!


C.     Our world needs help


1.      It does not need more money, or more entitlements, or more political programmes

2.      It does not need more wars, or weapons


D.    Our world needs Christians – Bible believing Christians (Philp 2:15)


1.      It may sound trite, or corny

2.      But it is the truth

3.      There is a power that Biblical Christianity brings to this world


a.       The power of the resurrected life

b.      The power of the Son of God

c.       The power of answered prayer

d.      The power of knowing how everything is going to turn out!

e.       The power of light in darkness!


4.      Did you know that Jesus was HARMLESS but the most effective power this world has ever known (Heb 7:26)?

5.      Did you know that the Holy Spirit is HARMLESS, yet is the most effective power today (John 16:7-11) working, and drawing, and convincing men of sin, and of righteousness?

6.      Did you know that simple minded, stammering, stuttering, harmless looking Christians are a powerfully effective force in this world today?

7.      Simply because we are light!


8.      Christians are Light in this dark world


a.       We know where we are going

b.      And we know how to get there


9.      But Christians must choose to walk as light – not like the world we live in – not take on the characteristics of the world around us


a.       Its attitudes

b.      Its morals

c.       Its direction

d.      And yet THAT is exactly what is happening – compromises, toning down, no longer being so bright like we are supposed to be

e.       What good is a lighthouse if it is too dim to see?

f.       What good is a light in a room if it is not bright and clear?

g.      What good is a Christian if he or she is not living as brightly and clearly as possible?


E.     To effectively change our world like Christ called us to do, we will need to live as Jesus Christ told us how to live – as LIGHT in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation

F.      I want to learn how to do that this month!


II.    Message


A.    Our World is a Mess (1John 5:19) – I don’t even have to tell you that!


1.      There are serious problems


a.       I can’t begin to describe just how messed up our world is!


1)      Most people live in a bubble – thinking the world is not so bad

2)      They read the newspaper thinking it has always been so bad

3)      But believe me, it is getting worse and worse – just like the Bible said


b.      Not economic problems, or a political problems

c.       But a sin problem – a problem in the hearts of every man, woman and child

d.      And our world keeps trying to lie its way out of the problems it is facing – and only goes deeper into trouble


2.      Where did the problem begin?


a.       When it rejects God’s laws (Zech 7:11-13)

b.      When it rejects God’s ways (Heb 3:10)

c.       When it rejects God’s Son (Isaiah 53:3)


3.      Yep! The world is in big trouble! Look at our headlines, EVERY DAY!


a.       The violence that we are used to – used to be only in the third world

b.      The corruption – used to be only in the third world

c.       The abortions – never heard of, and yet it was the FIRST WORLD NATIONS that developed modern abortion procedures for profit!

d.      The darkness that rules the minds and hearts of this generation


4.      It’s JUST like when it was in the days of Noah and Lot (Lk 17:26-30; Gen 6:5-7, 11-12)


a.       Great wickedness

b.      Every imagination was only evil continually

c.       The earth was filled with violence

d.      The world is NOT a nice place!


B.     Our World Needs Christians (Philp 2:15; Mt 10:16)


1.      They don’t need more of the same


a.       They don’t need more religions - They have had religious people!

b.      They have had education

c.       They have had money

d.      They have had everything except Life


2.      They need a true Saviour – someone who can step in and actually fix things


a.       They are waiting for God’s laws – for God’s word – for God’s Son!

b.      Oh! Another “man” is coming who will claim to be able to fix all these developing problems – the beast, the anti-christ – the idol shepherd – that man of sin!

c.       But ONLY Jesus is the Light of the World (John 8:12; 12:46)


3.      The only way people are going to hear about Jesus is if CHRISTIANS show Him (Rom 10:13,14)


a.       We Christians reflect His light (Mt 5:14-16) – at least we are SUPPOSED to

b.      We live differently than those who walk in darkness – renounced our old lives (2Cor 4:1,2)

c.       We are living Bibles!

d.      Christians are supposed to be little Jesus’s in this world


1)      What Jesus did in Israel, we should be doing in our homes, our communities, and our nations!

2)      You are not yourself anymore!!!

3)      You live as Christ lived

4)      You speak as Christ spoke

5)      You love as Christ loved

6)      You rebuke as Christ rebuked

7)      You serve as Christ served

8)      You take persecution as Christ did


e.       There is no neutrality as a Christian (Mt 12:30; 6:24)


4.      Our world desperately needs to be turned upside down again by Christians


III. Challenge


A.    We need to stop thinking this world is normal – that darkness is good – that our world is doing just fine!


1.      People are deceived into thinking wealthy people are “so” happy

2.      That being a movie or music star is a great life – see Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson

3.      That getting is better than giving

4.      That discos and pubs and rock concerts is where the fun is


B.     Only righteousness exalts a nation (Psalm 9:17)


1.      We need to live like light – we need to shine in our dark world – not hide what Christ put in us

2.      We need to influence our generation for God, before it is lost!

3.      We need to be that harmless but effective influence that Jesus saved us to be!


C.     How Can WE Influence Our Generation?


1.      By our changed lives (Titus 2:12-14)


a.       Quit living half-heartedly – just barely “in”

b.      Don’t be ashamed of the change that Jesus brought to your life

c.       He not only saved your soul from an eternal devil’s hell

d.      He fixed your mind, and your heart

e.       He put a new song in your mouth

f.       He set your feet upon the Rock, and established your goings

g.      He gave you His Holy Spirit

h.      You should NOT be the same man or woman you were before!


2.      By our sincerity – realness (1Peter 2:12)


a.       People know how to act – the world is filed with actors and acting – frauds

b.      Christians are supposed to be real

c.       THAT realness melts hard hearts, and convinces people that God can still do miracles


3.      By our praise (1Peter 2:9,10)


a.       Instead of complaining, murmuring

b.      Oh that we were a praising people – a rejoicing people

c.       Not because of the goodness of prosperity…

d.      But because of the Goodness of God

e.       Oh that we praised God, and thanked God for everything!

f.       Oh that our homes were places of praise, and rest, and singing instead of fighting, and arguing, and quitting!

g.      It has a great effect on the world around us!

h.      It can change our world!


4.      By our preaching and testimony (1Cor 14:21-25; 1:21, 18) – this BOOK changes lives! Its truths make sense, and plow through confusion and defeat


a.       Never forget how powerful Biblical preaching is on the hearts and minds of hearers

b.      Bring people to hear preaching

c.       Preach at the office – on your breaks

d.      Preach at school

e.       Preach at the coffee shop

f.       Preach everywhere (Acts 8:4)!


5.      By our praying (Mt 21:21)


a.       We need to get back to moving our world through prayer

b.      Praying for Enda Kenny

c.       And for the future presidency of Ireland

d.      Praying for Cork to be humbled, and repent

e.       For Europe to slow down its march to a one world government

f.       For our parents to get saved, and our enemies

g.      Praying still works!


6.      By our good works (Matthew 5:16)


a.       Doing good to those who hurt us

b.      Doing good with no thought of repayment

c.       Doing right, when it is unpopular and unprofitable!

d.      THAT changes our world!


7.      By our love and assembly (John 13:34,35)

8.      By our hope and confidence (Romans 1:8)

9.      By our families (Psalm 127:3-5) – living for God, living by the Bible


IV. Conclusion


A.    How could a group of uneducated, unorganised, poor Jewish people turn their world upside down in the first century? No internet. No media. No Television advertising. No money at all

B.     Is it possible that Christianity could do it again? Could turn THIS world upside down for God? Could actually effectively make a difference?

C.     Not only CAN it, but we must!

D.    Our World is a Mess (1John 5:19) – I don’t even have to tell you that!

E.     Our world needs Christians – Bible believing Christians (Philp 2:15)


1.      There is a power that Biblical Christianity brings to this world


a.       The power of the resurrected life

b.      The power of the Son of God

c.       The power of answered prayer

d.      The power of knowing how everything is going to turn out!

e.       The power of light in darkness!


2.      Our world desperately needs to be turned upside down again by Christians


F.      We need to influence our generation for God, before it is lost!


1.      Christians are Light in this dark world

2.      We need to live like light – we need to shine in our dark world – not hide what Christ put in us

3.      But Christians must choose to walk as light - live as Jesus Christ told us how to live – as LIGHT in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation

4.      We need to be that harmless but effective influence that Jesus saved us to be!


G.    How?


1.      By our changed lives (Titus 2:12-14)

2.      By our sincerity – realness (1Peter 2:12)

3.      By our praise (1Peter 2:9,10)

4.      By our preaching and testimony (1Cor 14:21-25; 1:21, 18) – this BOOK changes lives! Its truths make sense, and plow through confusion and defeat

5.      By our praying (Mt 21:21)

6.      By our good works (Matthew 5:16)

7.      By our love and assembly (John 13:34,35)

8.      By our hope and confidence (Romans 1:8)

9.      By our families (Psalm 127:3-5) – living for God, living by the Bible


H.    We have a lot of work to do


1.      Being not JUST Christians…

2.      But the kind of Christians our world needs!

3.      According to the Bible, they are still waiting!