The Glory of the Word of God

The Wonder of the Word in our Hands, that Became Flesh

John 1

December 4th 2011 AM

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland


I.                   Introduction (Psalm 138:2; John 1:14)


A.    What we hold in our hands is not just a book


1.      Yes it has 1200 pages, 66 books in a book, 1189 chapters

2.      But this Book is more than a Book. It’s quite marvellous, the Bible is glorious! Amazing!


B.     Even God Himself honours, glorifies, praises His words more than His own name!

C.     It is more amazing than visions, dreams, miracles… because it is more than just words… its very much alive! Not that it walks around and eats and sleeps, but it is living, and even gives life!

D.    The greatest thing is that THAT very word of God became flesh – became a baby!

E.     I want to talk this morning about the Glory of the Word, that became flesh… The word of God that became a baby


1.      My words are vibrating sounds that pass through the air into your ears

2.      God’s words are living truths that resound throughout the universe, and one day, 2,000 and 11 years ago became a baby!


F.      You hold in your hands something amazing, glorious, just like that baby John 1:14)!

G.    Let’s find out why it is so glorious!


II.                Message


A.    What God’s Word Is


1.      It is God’s communication to mankind.


a.       We wouldn’t know Him unless He spoke, unless he revealed Himself

b.      God is absolute. Perfect. Sinless. Holy.

c.       So how does he related to His creation?

d.      By speaking. By communicating with us!

e.       This is a message from heaven

f.       Scientists have spent decades listening for someone out in the galaxy – wanting so desperately to talk to us, to tell us that they are there

g.      Somebody already has answered!

h.      This Book proves it


1)      The prophecies

2)      The perfect record of historical events that no other book recorded

3)      The revelation of what’s in the human heart - exact


2.      It is eternal (Isaiah 40:8; Mt 24:35)


a.       It is not been made-up as man evolved

b.      The ten commandments are perfect (Ps 19:7) – never improved upon

c.       God’s word has always been in heaven – and we just have a copy here on earth


3.      It is absolutely true (Psalm 119:160; John 17:17)


a.       Not like man’s religious traditions (Mark 7:6-8)

b.      Man’s ideas change and are proven false

c.       God’s word is absolutely true from the very first word (Gen 1:1)


4.      It is complete (Rev 22:18,19)


a.       Not being changed and adapted to new generations… (new bibles, new religions, new politics, new ideas)

b.      But calling generations of people to repent, and adapt and return to the Author of this Old Book!

c.       This Book is complete – finished – 66 Books and done!

d.      Revelation says don’t add to it or take away from it – it is finished!


5.      It is Powerful (Psalm 33:9) – the best part


a.       Most of the time when I speak, not much gets done, But when God speaks, something happens!


1)      God spake and the universe appeared

2)      God spake and life took hold on the rocks and in the seas

3)      God spake, and stars flared and planets spun

4)      God spake and a man rose out of the small dust of the ground

5)      God spake and a woman appeared from a small rib out of Adam’s side

6)      God spake, and Mount Sinai roared like a volcano

7)      God spake and the Red Sea split in two

8)      God spake and Manna fell to the earth every morning for 38 years

9)      God spake and holy men of God were moved to write the pages of this Book!


b.      God’s word is powerful!


6.      That’s only a sample of what that Book is… Let’s look at what it does that is so marvellous!

7.      It still works so powerfully in the heart and mind of the listener!


B.     What God’s Word Does


1.      Convicts and Humbles Us – its greatest work (John 12:47,48; 16:7-13)


a.       Start with the negative – but this is where it MUST start!

b.      Without this work, there would be nothing good

c.       The greatest effects of the Bible are when grown men and women are humbled and changed from arrogant and proud, into children again

d.      This Book exposes sin – shows where it hides in us

e.       Shows us just how sinful we are

f.       Shows us how far away from God we really are

g.      Won’t let anyone alone


1)      EXAMPLE: Biker received tract… The wages of sin is death

2)      EXAMPLE: Sailor received tract… Prepare to meet thy God

3)      Haunts the conscience, grieves the spirit in a man, breaks the pride


h.      THANK GOD for this Book

i.        Thank God when someone preaches it without apology

j.        Tells people they are wicked and lost and without hope in the world

k.      It is the ONLY way people can be prepared for the good news of the Gospel!


2.      Gives Life (Heb 4:12; John 5:24; 6:67,68)


a.       Not just information, but activation

b.      These words give life to people dead in sins (John 6:63)

c.       It quickens, resurrections, activates what just a moment before was dead!

d.      If you are stuck in your sin and in your religion, it is only because you are not believing the word of God that you hold right in your hand!

e.       It can resurrect a dead marriage

f.       It can cleanse a sinful heart – if you will only believe what it says!

g.      Somebody needs to believe Rom 5:8; 10:9,10


3.      Gives Faith and Assurance (Romans 10:17; 1John 5:13)


a.       You will never know WHAT or who to believe unless you read it in this Book

b.      You will never know how far you can trust God

c.       You will miss all the rest that this Book gives to the humble, listening, obedient heart

d.      This Book is glorious in the peace and rest and assurance it gives, as we just obey it by faith


1)      The just shall live by FAITH

2)      Paul says that He lives by the faith of the Son of God who loved him and gave Himself for him


4.      Gives Understanding (Psalm 119:130; 97-100)


a.       About who I am on the inside, who made me – not an accident

b.      How much I am loved – “God SO loved…”

c.       How much I am worth to God – more than the entire world

d.      About how everything was created

e.       How everything is going to end – read the last chapter

f.       I understand where Europe is headed, and Israel, and Iran, etc


5.      Gives Hope (Eph 1:17-19)


a.       This BOOK gives hope!

b.      Shows me how to walk, and stay clear from traps and disasters

c.       Gives rest to my heart and to any heart that will trust it`


6.      Why would anyone look anywhere else when it is all IN HERE?!!!


C.     What God’s Word Became (John 1:1-3, 14)


1.      The words in this Book existed in heaven at first


a.       Had no beginning "In the beginning was the Word" — His eternal existence

b.      The Word of God always was with God

c.       "The Word was God" — His deity

d.      God’s words ARE Him! A wild thought! They an extension of God

e.       "The Same was in the beginning with God" — He was eternally distinct in His Person.


2.      The words in the Book you hold in your hand BECAME a baby at Christmas!


a.       What a thought!

b.      The word that created all things, became weak and frail in a tiny body of flesh

c.       He became like us

d.      He hungered and tired

e.       He cried and laughed

f.       He ate and slept

g.      He who held the entire universe in His hands, was being held in the small hands of His mother!


3.      Jesus is Three things that ought to blow your mind this morning!


a.       He is the eternal Word of God in heaven (1John 5:7; John 1:1)

b.      He authored the perfect Written Word of God – the Bible

c.       He became the perfect Living, Breathing Son of God at Christmas


D.    What God’s Word Cannot Do


1.      It cannot force (John 1:10-12)


a.       The word of God offers faith to the hearer

b.      But the hearer must accept it – receive it

c.       People hear the words of this Book and ignore them – that is their privilege

d.      You can harden your heart and harden your heart until you cannot hear anything God is saying to you (Heb 3:7,8)


2.      It cannot fail (Isaiah 55:10,11)

3.      It cannot be ignored


a.       Don’t try and just ignore what it says (look at Heb 3:7,8)

b.      It cannot just go away – it WILL not just go away

c.       It is the only hope for any man, anywhere!

d.      To be ignorant of the Bible is to be ignorant of God


4.      Receive them, believe THESE words, and you are receiving Jesus Christ (John 1:10-12)!


III.             Conclusion


A.    What we hold in our hands is not just a book

B.     It is the very words of the very God of heaven

C.    You hold in your hands something amazing, glorious

D.    Because of What God’s Word Is


1.      It is God’s communication to mankind.

2.      It is eternal (Isaiah 40:8; Mt 24:35)

3.      It is absolutely true (Psalm 119:160; John 17:17)

4.      It is complete (Rev 22:18,19)

5.      It is Powerful (Psalm 33:9) – the best part

6.      It still works so powerfully in the heart and mind of the listener!


E.     What God’s Word Does


1.      Convicts and Humbles Us – its greatest work (John 12:47,48; 16:7-13)

2.      Gives Life (Heb 4:12; John 5:24; 6:67,68)

3.      Gives Faith and Assurance (Romans 10:17; 1John 5:13)

4.      Gives Understanding (Psalm 119:130; 97-100)

5.      Gives Hope (Eph 1:17-19)


F.      What God’s Word Became (John 1:1-3, 14)


1.      He became the perfect Living, Breathing Son of God at Christmas

2.      He became the Son of God for every one on this planet of ours – He came to take our place on the cruel cross

3.      So that we could join Him one day in heaven!


G.    What God’s Word Cannot Do


1.      It cannot force (John 1:10-12)


a.       The word of God offers faith to the hearer

b.      But the hearer must accept it – receive it

c.       People hear the words of this Book and ignore them – that is their privilege

d.      You can harden your heart and harden your heart until you cannot hear anything God is saying to you (Heb 3:7,8)


2.      It cannot fail (Isaiah 55:10,11)

3.      It cannot be ignored!