The Form of a Servant

Just What Does a Real Servant Look Like?

Philippians 2:5-17

June 26th 2011 AM

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland

I. Introduction (Philippians 2:7)

A. I know what a billionaire looks like

1. I know what a sports star looks like

2. I know what a music star looks like

3. And a movie star…

B. But what does a servant look like? A real servant? And what does a real servant do?

C. The Bible talks a lot about “servants”

1. About being servants

2. About serving God, and serving one another

3. It seems to be the greatest thing in the Bible to be a servant! Greater than being anything else!

4. Not a slave, or a servant to fear or to debt, or to your employer

5. But being an honest to God servant

D. When we say the word “servant”…

1. Do we think of a well paid butler, or a highly paid employee, serving their employer?

2. Or do we think of a maid, or a mop-pusher, or a house-help, or some push-over doormat of a person that doesn’t deserve any respect!

E. Do we even have the slightest idea what a real servant looks like and acts like?

F. Would we tolerate a challenge to be come a servant if we really knew what all that meant? Probably not!

G. But I aim to change that this morning!

H. I want to describe for you the greatest way of living in the world!

1. It is the life that angels live – that of servants!

2. It is the way Jesus the Messiah lived

3. It is the only way to truly enjoy life as a Christian

4. And it is the best way to worship God! No king ever truly worshipped God until they learned to be a servant!

I. Let’s take a good look at what a real servant, a great servant looks like!

II. Message

A. A Servant Has an ATTITUDE (Philp 2:3-5)

1. Before we can talk about what a servant looks like, God talks about what he THINKS like!

a. He has a great way of thinking – a mindset – just like Jesus’

b. You see, A servant is not just a person; he is an attitude

2. Everyone today has their attitudes:

a. They wear their “attitude” on their sleeve

b. People have their Bad attitudes - Serious attitude - Superior attitude - Cautious attitude - Sarcastic attitude - Cold and indifferent attitude

3. But Christians are different! At least they are supposed to be!

4. Christians have every reason to have a right attitude about life

a. He doesn’t try and show off and tell what he can do, or has accomplished

b. Instead, he thinks everyone around him is cool

1) He or she like people

2) Actually values the lives of others more than his own

c. Not in a battle with anyone – no grudges, bitterness, resentment

d. He or she is only concerned about the welfare of others – not just about themselves

1) We have let the government take over this job – and it is wrong! We need to care!

2) We should be the most giving-ness people, always giving to meet each other’s needs

3) Everyone in this room is going through hard times financially, but not one of us should worry about ourselves – only about the others!

e. You know, it would be really wonderful if there was no bragging in a church, except about others

1) So and so is the best teacher I have ever heard

2) She is such a great mother and wife

3) He is a faithful man

4) That young man is a blessing to me and my family

5) We have the best music in our church

6) You get the idea…

5. A servant just LOVES to serve (Mt 20:28)

a. You were not saved to become rich, or have a great name, or to be entertained

b. You were saved from a devil’s hell so you can minister like Jesus did!

c. 1Timothy 1:12

d. Acts 20:24

6. How does a person get such a right attitude?

a. By letting that attitude be in you – we reject it right away! But we shouldn’t!

1) When you got born again, you invited into your heart and mind a new attitude – the attitude of the Lord Jesus Christ

2) You now have His mind in you – so listen to it! He will make a lot more sense than you ever could!

b. By loving the Lord Jesus – I mean really love Him! With all your heart!

1) He will help you think like He thought

2) He will help you to see people like He sees them

3) Don’t try to love people until you just love the person of Jesus Christ!

4) When your mind is anchored to one great thought – that He loves you, and He will take good care of you – then people won’t be able to discourage you, or defeat you.

B. A Servant is MORE than He Seems (Philp 2:6)

1. Jesus Christ was in the form of God – that is an amazing statement

a. He was GOD – not the form of “A” God, but of GOD Himself

b. He was God before he ever became a Man

c. And when as a Man He claimed to be equal with God, He took nothing away from God

d. And yet, He looked only like a Man

2. The truth is, a servant is MORE than he or she seems – just as Jesus was!

a. Jesus had no halo, no hidden wings, no power other than the power of the Holy Spirit

b. So He looked quite plain and simple – quite backward looking, quite poor

c. He looked only like a worthless servant to most people

d. But he was so much more

3. Never forget, that Jesus did not come to oppress “good” people and make slaves of them, But rather came to slaves of sin, and raised them up to become SONS of God. BUT, He never gives us a BIG HEAD about it.

4. I don’t know if you are getting this truth! This is such a great reality!

a. Yes, every born again child of God on the inside

1) Is a SON or DAUGHTER in the family of God

2) Is a KING and PRIEST to God

3) Is seated in heavenly places in the kingdom of God already

b. But on the outside, and in our attitude, we are nothing, we are only servants

c. And we are not depressed about it – we are so glad to be servants

d. People in this room who have nothing but disaster and troubles surrounding their life a lot lately, are more than they seem!

e. Those whose health is failing, are stronger than they seem!

f. Just because we are servants, does not mean we are nothing

g. We just don’t let on!

5. People fear being a servant because they know how servants are treated, and misunderstood, and ignored, and disrespected.

6. But that is okay – because we know what we really are on the inside (Rom 8:18,16,17)!

C. A Servant Seeks No Reputation (Philp 2:7)

1. When we all were born, we had no reputation – we all started at ZERO

2. The same happened when we were born again (Mt 18:2-4) – started all over! It didn’t matter who you were, or what you knew, or how much money you had – you were a big zero!

3. The greatest amongst us will seek to raise up others, and encourage others, and build up others, instead of themselves!

4. That’s what servants DO!

a. They benefit others

b. They don’t seek praise or admiration

c. They serve – they do what another person wants done! Oh that is SO hard!

d. And they don’t care if they get any credit for it

1) A wife who sacrifices everything for her husband’s success is the greatest woman – greater than if she was the President of Ireland

2) A Mom who sacrifices her time and health so her children succeed is the greatest mom

3) A man who sacrifices everything so that his boss, or his ministry succeeds, is the greatest of men – whether you believe it or not!

5. Do you realise that the only reason that servants are even noticed at all today is because of Jesus Christ?

6. Because of this Bible and its influence…

a. Heads of governments are called MINISTERS now! The MINISTER of Finance, the MINISTER of Health, Civil SERVANTS, etc! That is SO cool!

b. Religious leaders are SHEPHERDS!

c. Senators and Members of Parliament are not free to do as they please, but must represent people, and SERVE their constituencies!

d. All because of Jesus!

7. So the greatest servants, are those that we do not notice – the ones in the background!

D. A Servant is Like Those Around Him (Philp 2:7)

1. This is where a servant starts to take shape – starts to be identified

2. You will always find a servant living like those whom he ministers to

a. Though he or she may be wealthy or of great ability

b. They will be found living like, and being like those to whom they serve!

3. A servant takes on the likeness of those whom he or she is ministering to (1Cor 9:19-23)

a. Never being “above them” looking down on them, pitying them – lecturing them

1) But living like them, talking like them, eating like them

2) That’s what a missionary does!

3) That’s what Jesus did

b. Jesus became just like a BABY, like a boy raised in a poor man’s home, with fighting brothers and sisters who hated Him, like a common man, with no money, and only hard work every day! He did all that so that he could become like us – to serve us!

c. If ministering and serving Jews, you must become as one – not in religion, but in understanding, and in action

d. If ministering to people who are weak, weep with them, and sit next to them on their bed – don’t play hero – hold them

e. An adult, ministering/serving children, takes on the form of a child and learns to laugh and have fun, and play like a child

f. A helper in RU learns all they can about addictions so that they can become LIKE those who struggle with addictions

4. In every ministry in this church, the challenge is for each of us to become like those that we minister to

a. Bus ministry – picking up people with such joy and thrill just being a blessing

b. Soul-winning – we are not preaching AT anyone – but telling them what happened to us when someone knocked on our door, and gave US the Gospel

c. Welcome ministry – welcome them as if they were YOU for the first time!

d. Creche ministry – caring for those children as if they were your own, and as if one of them was YOU back so long ago! What a difference THAT would have made in your life if YOU had been in a Bible preaching church’s crèche at 1 year old!!!

e. Music ministry – don’t sign-up so you can show off all your talents, but rather to learn how to blend and work along with everyone else to praise the Lord, not get praise!

f. Office Ministry – work with us in the office – come to help minister to so many people behind the scenes

5. Let’s learn to serve as one body

E. A Servant Constantly Humbles Himself (Philp 2:8)

1. It was humiliating enough for GOD to become a Man - Yet Jesus humbled Himself further

2. This is where we all fail – we won’t go lower than we currently are

3. Do you want to know what a servant, a real servant looks like?

4. You will always see them serving in some very embarrassing ways – and they won’t mind

5. I have been saved 31 years, and have done almost everything in church from:

a. Cleaning toilets, patching church roofs, knocking down 18 in thick church walls, plaistering Sunday School classroom walls and ceilings, teaching 5 and 6 year olds, helping out in Creche, teaching 10,11 and 12 year olds, teaching teenagers, singing off key at nursing homes, driving a 1959 dark red old school bus that we used to pick up children and parents for church every Sunday (which by-the-way caught fire three times before we junked it), going out soul-winning week after week for these 31 years, putting up with people complaining and attacking me and other Christians

b. And do you know what? I intend to KEEP doing all that!

6. How low will you go?

a. A true servant never gets over just being a servant! Just doing what needs to be done!

b. That’s what we are, and that’s what we do!

c. Jesus said…

1) Mar 9:35 And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all.

2) Mar 10:44 And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.

d. For Jesus, our example, it was to the cross – that was LOW!

e. For you,

1) It will be to church on a Sunday when you desperately would rather go to the beach

2) Or maybe it will be to go to that person you have said evil things about, and you know you need to go to them and humble yourself and ask their forgiveness


1) Who won’t you humble yourself to?

2) To whom won’t you go?

3) That’s who you need to run to as soon as this message is over!

g. A servant serves, and it doesn’t matter who they bless and encourage and help – even their very enemy!

F. A Servant Serves Jesus (Philp 2:9-11) – this is the foundation!

1. I know this is very obvious, but the devil likes to block out this truth from our minds – that we serve the Lord Jesus (Eph 6:7; 1Cor 7:23)!

a. Yes, we stand in front of screaming infants, and smile and sing, and serve their needs

b. Yes, we spend the extra hours studying and preparing our lessons to teach the children in Sunday School

c. Yes, we sacrifice hours and hours of time to go out door to door to give out the good news of the Gospel to our community

d. Yes, we rush to get to the nursing home, and sacrifice our Saturday afternoon so that we can sing and give a testimony to some folks who need to be encouraged that God is still there, and loves them!

e. But we do it all, as unto Jesus (Mt 25:34-45)

2. THAT’S the answer to all Christian problems! To burn out, and to the up and down cycles people go through (loving church, and then bored with it; excited about teaching and singing, and then sick of it)…

3. By doing everything as to the Lord Jesus (Col 3:22,23)

a. Oh that you stopped serving the banks, and your employer, and friends, and the devil

b. And started serving Jesus!

1) Israel used to serve Pharaoh (Ex 1:14) – and it was bitter and hard

2) Once freed from Pharaoh’s grip, they were supposed to serve the LORD (Ex 8:1)!

3) We all served demons before we were saved (Gal 4:8)

4) Now, we are supposed to serve, bless, make happy, our Lord (Mt 4:10)!

5) Remember it, the next time you find yourself all burned out and worn out for nothing

G. A Servant Has Fun – Actually Enjoys Serving (Jn 13:14-17)

1. Yes serving is hard work, embarrassing work, unappreciated work

2. But there is a joy in it that no one can measure

a. Jesus replaced his clothes with a servants towel around His waist

b. And then bowed Himself to the floor, and stooped down and picked up each and every foot of the disciples, and washed them

c. And He didn’t grimace and gripe and complain about it – He loved doing it

3. Why did Jesus enjoy serving sinners like us?

a. Because it is a spiritual law – that you will be given such joy ONLY when you serve

b. Because there is a great reward for serving like Jesus did (Jn 12:26; Lk 19:17)

1) Don’t ignore the promises of God, and the fact that THIS LIFE is not all that there is!

2) Jesus is now the GREATEST name of all time!

3) He is the GREATEST Lord of all

4) All because He served!

4. Jesus was always encouraged, and always a blessing to be around (Isa 42:1-4)

5. That’s what you and I need to be! Yes we will have our bad days, but we serve the living God, and have every reason to be encouraged, and serve!

6. Hey! A good attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people around you to make it worth the effort.

III. Conclusion

A. This morning, I have described for you the greatest way of living in the world!

1. It is the life that angels live – that of servants!

2. It is the only way to truly enjoy life as a Christian

3. It is the way Jesus the Messiah lived

B. Hey, I think I know what a servant looks like now… don’t you?

C. He, she, looks just like Jesus!


1. You see, A servant is not just a person; he is an attitude

2. He or she is only concerned about the welfare of others – not just about themselves

3. A servant just LOVES to serve (Mt 20:28)

4. How does a person get such a right attitude?

a. By letting that attitude be in you – we reject it right away! But we shouldn’t!

b. Love the Lord Jesus – I mean really love Him! With all your heart!

E. Don’t Worry About What You SEEM to Be – What people think of you - A Servant is MORE than He Seems

1. A servant is always MORE than he or she seems – just as Jesus was!

2. Every born again child of God on the inside

a. Is a SON or DAUGHTER in the family of God

b. Is a KING and PRIEST to God

c. Is seated in heavenly places in the kingdom of God already

3. But on the outside, and in our attitude, we are nothing, we are only servants

4. And we are not depressed about it – we are so glad to be servants

F. Quit Protecting Your Reputation

1. The greatest amongst us will seek to raise up others, and encourage others, and build up others, instead of themselves!

2. That’s what servants DO!

a. They benefit others

b. They don’t seek praise or admiration

c. They serve – they do what another person wants done! Oh that is SO hard!

d. And they don’t care if they get any credit for it

G. Will You “Come Down” Out of your Ivory Palace and become Like Those Around You?

1. That’s what Jesus did

2. Each of us need to become like those that we minister to

3. Serve as one body

H. How Low Will You Go? Jesus Constantly Humbles Himself

1. This is where we all fail – we won’t go lower than we currently are

2. A true servant never gets over just being a servant! Just doing what needs to be done!

3. How low will you go?

a. For Jesus, our example, it was to the cross – Jesus “take up YOUR cross!

b. Who won’t you humble yourself to?

c. To whom won’t you go?

d. That’s who you need to run to as soon as this message is over!

I. Who Will You Serve? That’s what Joshua asked the nation of Israel. We Serve Jesus.We do everything, as unto Jesus

J. It’s Time to Actually Start Enjoying Serving

a. Because Jesus promises such joy ONLY when you serve

b. Because there is a great reward for serving like Jesus did!

2. Jesus was always encouraged, and always a blessing to be around (Isa 42:1-4)

3. That’s what you and I need to be! Yes we will have our bad days, but we serve the living God, and have every reason to be encouraged, and serve!

4. Hey! A good attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people around you to make it worth the effort.