The Battles of Prayer

Why Praying Is So Hard, and Why It Hurts To Pray

Luke 18

September 4th 2011 AM

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland

I. Introduction (Psalm 65:2; 145:18)

A. There is a God in heaven

1. Who hears our prayers

2. And ANSWERS our Prayers

B. But we don’t get those answers very often

C. I want to show you this month why prayers don’t normally get answered, and how to develop depth and effectiveness to your praying so that they do get answered!

II. Background (Luke 18)

A. This morning we have an entire chapter to work through to see five battles take place – five wrestling matches

1. Each battle is worth an entire Sunday morning’s study

2. But I want to skim through all five, to show you what God is teaching me lately about prayer

B. I believe prayer is never fully mastered in a lifetime. No one but Jesus could ever just say, I know how to pray

C. Even though it is a source of such power and strength for the believer, God has designed it so that we can never say we finally have it mastered – that we don’t have to work at praying

D. It is often a time of struggle and battles – instead of battling flesh and blood!

E. Luke chapter 11

1. Follows Jesus on His final journey to Jerusalem, travelling southward through villages and towns into Jericho

2. He will encounter five situations that show us how to pray, and why praying is usually so hard

III. The Five Battles of Prayer

A. The Battle With Persistence (Lk 18:1-8)

1. The first battle we all have is with laziness and flippancy about prayer. If there is ever any effort involved, or any obstacles in our way, we quit praying!

2. The first thing Jesus taught about in chapter 11 was Persistence in our Praying

a. We want prayer to be quick and easy

b. We want to only have to scratch the surface to find God’s power

c. We expect to find God’s help with the smallest of effort on our part

d. But Jesus says prayer must be a constant push – a constant effort!

3. The Parable

a. A widow has an adversary – someone trying to ruin her livelihood – possibly take away her home

b. Her only remedy was to go to the courts. This local judge was her ONLY answer, her only hope to get rid of her adversary!

c. But the judge was uninterested in helping her – what a thing!

d. So, what should she do?

e. There was simply nothing else she could do – except stay on that judge! Jesus said, this woman stayed at the judge – “her continual coming”

f. And she would not let him rest, would not let him alone, would not let him brush her off – until he looked into her case and got rid of her problem!

4. The Principle

a. Our first battle we must win is with persistence

b. We need to believe that GOD is our only answer

1) We have grown up to think quitting is a solution; that work is a dirty word; that struggle is never worth it

2) We need to believe that God will always be enough

3) And we need to believe it enough to pray and pray and pray until God acts on our behalf

c. That is how all great men and women pray

1) David – throughout the Psalms

a) Prayed all night; prayed for weeks on end; struggled with God seeming to not care

b) Yet God DID care, and David found God to be true to His promises

c) Psalm 55:17 Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice.

2) Jesus! Mark 1:35 And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.

3) Great men and women don’t usually just pray for 2 minutes and get an answer!

4) Whenever you see a short prayer result in a great victory, it will have been because there was some seriously long praying leading up to it!

5. When we too are burdened down with all our cares, worries, fears and troubles, it will seem that every circumstance of life is stacked against us. We will be tempted to say, “What’s the use?”, especially after we have prayed and prayed and prayed about some matter.

6. Yet, if we can learn anything from this poor woman, let us learn the lesson that persistence in prayer pays off in God’s time!

7. So, keep praying, despite all the obstacles you face and despite all the signs that say you should just give up!

a. What have you given up praying about?

b. It is really a battle with unbelief then. Do we believe that God is our answer? That God WILL answer? If so, then P.U.S.H. – PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS! He may not give you want you want, but He will always give you what is best!

B. The Battle With Pride (Lk 18:9-14) – really is a hard fight

1. The next parable that Jesus taught had two people in it

a. A Pharisee – an ultra religious man

b. A Publican – a traitorous sinful man – a Jewish tax collector for the Romans

c. Both came to the temple to PRAY

d. They came to the right place. They both had the right purpose… to pray

2. Notice the two attitudes in prayer

a. Pharisee – quite pleased with himself – thinks he deserves something

b. Publican – quite down on himself – knows he deserves nothing

3. Only one person got heard in heaven, and his request was answered!

4. The other one didn’t even know he was so lost and so far away from God!

5. All because of pride


a. Is an unreasonable confidence in one's own superiority in talents, beauty, wealth, rank, etc., which manifests itself in lofty airs, distance from others, and often in contempt of others.

b. Is the protection of your life from being real and hurt!

7. We have such a battle with our pride – AND IT AFFECTS OUR PRAYING!

a. We are PROUD when we won’t forgive things (Lk 17:3-5)

1) God quickly forgives… why can’t you?

2) It is because you know it will cost YOU to forgive THEM!

3) If you won’t forgive people, then God cannot and will not forgive you!

b. We are PROUD when we won’t forsake things – dump things you love that are wrong

1) It is hard letting go of things we think are important

2) But if they are sinful, then the only reason we are holding onto them is because we think more of ourselves than of God

8. One man came to God FULL, and left with nothing.

9. The other man came to God EMPTY, and left with everything!!!

10. And so the battle goes on! That is, until we are willing to lose some things (like pride, and power over people who have hurt you, and the pleasures of sin that last only a brief season)!

C. The Battle With Pruning (Luke 18:18-24)

1. This is the roughest battle I think

2. This is where God takes us, that it hurts the most

a. Into trials. Into struggles. Into times of loss and defeat

b. And yet it is GOD that brings us to such a place!

3. This is no longer a parable – it is a real encounter with a man on the road to Jericho

a. A rich man, a powerful ruler – like a politician, or a prince would be

b. He approached Jesus and asked how to get eternal life

1) Sounds like a great desire… but…

2) He did not want forgiveness that RESULTS in eternal life

3) He just wanted to be rich and enjoy it forever – like asking for the fountain of eternal youth

4) He just wanted to live forever!

c. Jesus told him some things had to be let go of – his wealth for one

d. And the man could not let go

e. Jesus pulled at that which was most important to this man on the road to Jericho!

1) Jesus told him to give away what was most important to him – his wealth

2) If it was his family, or wife, or job – Jesus would have asked him to let go of them all

3) If it was his weekends with his buddies, or his political power – Jesus would have asked him to let go of those too!

f. God never asks us to be poor! He just asks us to let go of what we think are riches and important to us!

g. And it is only then that He can teach us about real riches, and real wealth

4. What Jesus is showing us is this:

a. There is usually so much sin, and so much of the world in us that He can never bless us and use us until that stuff is gone

b. Until we get rid of it – let go of it when God pulls

1) Like pruning a tree or vegetable plant

2) It is like removing dross in silver

c. So Jesus starts heating up our lives

1) He allows us to go into a furnace of affliction (Ps 66:11; 88:7)

2) He allows the devil to strip us down, and humiliate us like he did Job! Job never prayed so well like he did when he was on that ash heap after losing everything!!!

5. Prayer is an effort to get what we need from God. But most often, God must first take away what we already grip so tightly, so that he can give us what we need – even what we want!

6. What is God pulling at in your life?

a. What could possibly be more important that God in your life?

b. What could possibly be more important than the forgiveness of sins?

c. What is it that is more important than answered prayer, Christian?

d. Are any of you willing to let go of what you have so tight a grip on so that God can put something far more priceless than anything this world offers?

e. As long as you stay in control, and hold onto what God is asking you to release, you will have only such shallow answers to your prayers

f. And you will live a miserable and empty life

g. I am learning to let God prune my life as he sees fit!

D. The Battle With God’s Plan (Lk 18:31-34) With His Will

1. Now Jesus stops dead in His tracks and gathers His disciples around Him for a serious talk. That rich man has left, and the disciples need to learn another thing about what stops us from getting answers to prayer…

2. He explains what was coming up in the next few weeks

a. Heading into Jerusalem

b. Everything written about Him in the Old Testament would come to pass

c. Captured by the Gentiles (Romans)

d. Mocked

e. Spitefully entreated – shamefully treated

f. Spitted upon

g. Scourged

h. Put to death!!!

i. And then 3 days later I will rise up again from death!

3. Do you think anyone understood what Jesus was talking about? NO! That was completely the opposite of what they expected to happen

a. They believed Jesus would arrive into Jerusalem

b. He would do the same miracles that he had performed in Galilee

c. The people would be so impressed

d. That they would immediately crown Him as the King of Israel

e. And then they would all rise up and fight the Romans

f. And God would restore Israel back to her glory that she once had as a nation under king David and king Solomon!

4. Isn’t it funny how rarely we accept God’s will for us?

a. We are afraid of ever asking God what is HIS will, HIS plan?

b. I think we all know deep down it will be just the opposite of what we want it to be

5. But know this…

a. His will is perfect

b. Never forget that!

6. We can ask God for anything… but we need to let God know that we will accept whatever God gives us!

E. Lastly, The Battle With Priorities (Lk 18:35-43)

1. This is the last battle in the chapter. Oh, there are plenty more battles we all will face when we pray, but this is the last one we will look at this morning!

2. The setting…

a. As Jesus approached Jericho, there was a blind man begging by the side of the road

b. A large crowd surrounded Jesus as he walked towards the town – they all filled the road with hundreds and hundreds of people

c. This blind man started begging all the crowds of people to give him money

1) He had no means of making money

2) His only way of living was off of the charity of others

3) And there were a lot of “others” passing by right at that moment

d. When no one helped him, he asked what was going on – what was all the commotion?

e. A few people mentioned that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by

f. It was at that moment that this blind man changed his request

1) Up until that moment, all this man asked for was pennies, and charity from the people who passed by

2) But NOW he turned all his effort on getting a miracle

3) So he started yelling for Jesus to give him MERCY! What a request!

g. The people tried to shut him up, and quiet him down

h. But he had a priority, and he was NOT going to miss this opportunity

i. In just a few moments, if this blind man didn’t act swiftly, Jesus would be gone!

j. Jesus stops, and personally calls for this blind man to be brought to Him

k. And it is then that this blind man…

1) Ignores asking for money – THAT would be stupid!

2) He ignores asking for popularity – he has been ignored most of his life!

3) He ignores asking for a job placement

4) He wants what is most important – to SEE! He wants Jesus to fix what is wrong with him!!!

3. The idea is this:

a. What petty things do you pray about?

b. What little needs do you bring before heaven’s throne?

c. If Jesus were actually stopped and focused just on what your next words are… what would those words be?

4. Start to pray like this blind man did!

a. Forget all the flowery words

b. Forget about buttering God up

c. He wants to meet your need

d. But He waits for you to realise your need and to only want IT!

5. THE most important thing to ask God for is His mercy on your lost and condemned soul! It is called SALVATION from hell!

IV. Application and Challenge

A. There is a God in heaven!

1. Who hears our prayers

2. And ANSWERS our Prayers

3. But we don’t get those answers very often

B. Praying never comes easy! There are usually a load of struggles in every time of prayer

C. Five wrestling matches that we are failing at

1. The Struggle With Persistence (Lk 18:1-8)

a. We want prayer to be quick and easy

b. We want to only have to scratch the surface to find God’s power

c. We expect to find God’s help with the smallest of effort on our part

d. But Jesus says prayer must be a constant push – a constant effort!

e. We have grown up to think quitting is a solution; that work is a dirty word; that struggle is never worth it

f. We need to believe that God will always be enough

g. And we need to believe it enough to pray and pray and pray until God acts on our behalf

h. So, keep praying, despite all the obstacles you face and despite all the signs that say you should just give up!

i. What have you given up praying about?

j. It is really a battle with unbelief then. Do we believe that God is our answer? That God WILL answer? If so, then P.U.S.H. – PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS! He may not give you want you want, but He will always give you what is best!

2. The Struggle With Pride (Lk 18:9-14) – really is a hard fight

a. There are usually two attitudes in prayer

1) Pharisee – quite pleased with himself – thinking you deserve God’s blessing

2) Publican – quite down on himself – knowing you only deserve death and hell

b. PRIDE is an unreasonable confidence in one's own superiority in talents, beauty, wealth, rank, etc., which manifests itself in lofty airs, distance from others, and often in contempt of others.

c. PRIDE is the protection of your life from being real and hurt!

d. Stop allowing your pride affect your PRAYING!

1) Be quick to forgive things (Lk 17:3-5).

a) God quickly forgives… why can’t you?

b) If you won’t forgive people, then God cannot and will not forgive you!

2) Start forsaking things – whatever is holding you back from obeying God

3. The Struggle With Pruning (Luke 18:18-24)

a. There is usually so much sin, and so much of the world in us that He can never bless us and use us until that stuff is gone

b. Until we get rid of it – let go of it when God pulls

1) Like pruning a tree or vegetable plant

2) It is like removing dross in silver- through heat and pressure

c. Prayer is an effort to get what we need from God. But most often, God must first take away what we already grip so tightly, so that he can give us what we need – even what we want!

d. God pulled at that which was most important to this man on the road to Jericho!

e. God is probably pulling at loads of things that are worthless to be holding onto

f. And it is only then that He can teach us about real riches, and real wealth

g. What is God pulling at in your life?

1) What could possibly be more important that God in your life?

2) What could possibly be more important than the forgiveness of sins?

3) What is it that is more important than answered prayer, Christian?

4) Are any of you willing to let go of what you have so tight a grip on so that God can put something far more priceless than anything this world offers?

5) As long as you stay in control, and hold onto what God is asking you to release, you will have only such shallow answers to your prayers

6) And you will live a miserable and empty life

7) I am learning to let God prune my life as he sees fit!

4. The Struggle With God’s Plan (Lk 18:31-34) With His Will

a. Isn’t it funny how rarely we accept God’s will for us?

b. But know this… His will is perfect

c. We can ask God for anything… but we need to let God know that we will accept whatever God gives us!

5. Lastly, The Struggle With Priorities (Lk 18:35-43)

a. What petty things do you pray about?

b. What little needs do you bring before heaven’s throne?

c. If Jesus were actually stopped and focused just on what your next words are… what would those words be?

d. Start to pray like this blind man did!

1) Forget all the flowery words

2) Forget about buttering God up

3) He wants to meet your need

4) But He waits for you to realise your need and to only want IT!

e. THE most important thing to ask God for is His mercy on your lost and condemned soul! It is called SALVATION from hell!

6. Every struggle is worth it, because God still hears, and waits to answer the serious soul!