What is The Lamb Worthy Of?

What Can We Do For Jesus in 2013?

Revelation 5

Dec 30, 2012 AM

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland



I.                   Introduction (Job 14:1)Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble.”


A.      Every since we were born…

B.     We have given God a lot of trouble

C.     We basically give God our worst.

D.    And yet, He has only given us all things so richly to enjoy (1Tim 6:17)!


1.      Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy

2.      Himself, Heaven, the Holy Spirit, the precious and perfect word of God, our families, a future, salvation… shall I go on?

3.      James 1:17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights


E.      Well, Shouldn’t we be busy giving something good back?

F.      Yes, the Lord Jesus, the King of kings, has always gladly accepted our weariness, our sins and our sorrows – our frustrations and our disasters

G.    But, isn’t this Person named the Lord Jesus Christ, isn’t He worthy of something more than just all our problems, our cares, our burdens, our failures, and our sins?

H.    That is what Revelation 5 is all about – to remind us that He is Worthy of so much more!


II.                Background- Worthy is the Lamb (Revelation 5:1-12)


A.      What A Saint Sees Heaven (Rev 4:1,2; 5:1)


1.      The apostle John is in heaven, writing down everything he sees

2.      He is not dead, but just visiting!


B.      A Sovereign Rules There (Rev 5:1)


1.      The first thing He sees is a being, so awesome, so bright and powerful


a.       It is almighty God - Jehovah

b.      On His throne

c.       In complete control


2.      But John also sees a book, in the hand of God – full of judgments for this world


C.      A Search is Made (Rev 5:1,2)


1.      For Someone WORTHY


a.       Someone good enough, righteous enough, strong enough

b.      To open that Book

c.       And to Judge the world

d.      To defeat the god of this world Satan!


2.      Searched everyone – everyone’s background, and found something wrong, some flaw, some character defect, some sin, or some failure

3.      Searched everywhere! No one in heaven, or on earth, or in hell was good enough

4.      No angel, no Cherubim, no saint, and no sinner! No scholar or student, no prince or king. No politician or punter. No mother or child. No worker or welfare recipient!

5.      All of creation fell short of being worthy!

D.    The Sadness at Finding No One Worthy (Rev 5:3,4)


1.      Apostle John had been around a long time – seen so much, so nothing much moved him normally

2.      But this sight saddened him – caused him to weep

3.      God had the record book in His hand of all the sins of the world, and all the judgments that had to be carried out

4.      But no one was found that could carry out justice


a.       That there was no Judge qualified to judge this world

b.      That All the injustices, the abortions, the murders, the crimes and rapes, would not be judged – would never be made right


5.      No one could even take a look at what should happen


E.      The Strength of the Lion (Rev 5:5)


1.      An elder in heaven was an Old Testament believer – maybe Abraham, Isaac, or Noah

2.      This man in heaven came over to John, and put his arm on him and encouraged him

3.      Behold! Someone worthy is near!

4.      It was a LION!


a.       Why of course! Someone mighty, and powerful could defeat Satan

b.      A lion is the best kind of a hero

c.       Has the best strength

d.      The promised Lion of the tribe of Judah – the best tribe in Israel

e.       Greater than David! This lion was the ROOT of David – existed BEFORE David!


5.      HE has prevailed!


a.       Passed all the tests – 100%

b.      Perfectly qualified

c.       HE will take that Book and go and bring judgment and justice to this world


F.      The Surprise (Rev 5:6)


1.      John was surprised to see a Lamb! Surprised that Jesus PREVAILES as a Lamb


a.       Not as the lion – not yet!

b.      But as a Lamb – a meek, quiet, small, innocent, harmless lamb


2.      This is Jesus, the Son of God

3.      But he has shown Himself to be the Lamb of God – just as John the Baptist was able to see Him in John 1:29

4.      A special kind of lamb – not normal – but heavenly


a.       A lamb that had been slain – still carrying His scars

b.      Resurrected now, alive for evermore

c.       Seven horns – all powerful

d.      Seven eyes – omniscient – all knowing


5.      Able to walk right up to GOD, and take the Book out of His hand – pretty worthy!

6.      Absolutely everyone in heaven fell flat and worshipped the LAMB – the trinity!

7.      This lamb was just as worthy of worship as Jehovah God (Rev 4:11; 5:9, 12)


G.      A Song is Sung in Heaven (Rev 5:9)


1.      Great songs are sung in heaven – you ought to learn them!

2.      The best ones are about Jesus!

3.      About how worthy He is!


H.     The Saviour is Revealed in Heaven (Rev 5:9)


1.      Jesus saved this entire planet, not with the strength of a Lion, but as a Lamb!


a.       Offered Himself in our place in the death of the cross

b.      Redeemed us back to God – paid off our deepest sin debt

c.       The price was His blood – just as the blood of millions of lambs throughout history since Genesis 3


2.      He doesn’t save just a few people, or a few nations, but has redeemed souls from:


a.       Out of every Kindred – tribes, families

b.      Out of every Tongue – from all languages

c.       Our of every people group – race and nationality

d.      And out of every nation – like Ireland, north & south, Wales, Belgium, China, etc!


I.        The Lamb’s Subjects in Heaven (Rev 5:10)


1.      Not servants anymore

2.      The Lamb has MADE us kings, and priests unto God!

3.      And He has invited us to reign with Him on the earth forever!

4.      I am glad I am serving the Lord NOW!


J.        There are So Many in Heaven (Rev 5:11)


1.      10,000 x 10,000 = 100,000,000

2.      Plus thousands and thousands

3.      That’s a lot of angels and believers there in heaven!

4.      Can you imagine what their voice all in unison sounded like????


K.      He is So Worthy of Our Best NOW (Rev 5:12)


1.      THOU art worthy

2.      Not WILL be worthy

3.      But ARE, right now, and forevermore worthy!

4.      Jesus IS worthy – there will never be a time He is not worthy of our very, very best!


III.             Message – What Jesus is Worthy Of This Coming Year…


A.    Our Power (Psalm 62:11)


1.      Power belongs to God – not to us mortal men (Mt 28:18)


a.       All power comes from God, and should be subject to Him (1Peter 3:22)

b.      All the power in government, should be subject to Jesus Christ

c.       Especially in the lives of Christians (Eph 1:19-23)

d.      All the power in a home, should be UNDER the power of Jesus Christ


2.      Too many people live for POWER over other people. And YOU may hold power over other people


a.       By being Unforgiving

b.      By being full of Wrath and anger

c.       Seeking Revenge


3.      Hey! Give THAT power back to Jesus! Only HE can be trusted with it – Only HE is worthy of it!

4.      I bet most of you WON’T give that up! But you should!

5.      Take a good look at yourself.


a.       Do your words and your actions show that YOU have great power?

b.      Or do they show that you live UNDER Someone who you yield all power to?

6.      Give Jesus Lordship over your life this year – that means surrender YOUR authority, and YOUR power to Him, and LET Him have control of your life, and control of your situations

7.      Trust him with your life! Trust Him with all control!


a.       Quit trying to control and have power over all your problems and over all the people in your life! Trust God with all that!

b.      If you are born again, it is because you trust Him with your soul

c.       It is just funny that we won’t trust Him with our homes, our finances, and our feelings!


B.     Our Riches (2Cor 8:9)


1.      Not empty pockets, but your best

2.      Why do people believe the God of heaven who made us, deserves little or none of our lives?

3.      Where did we get the idea that He is unworthy of our best?

4.      Why would anyone think Jesus is worthy of our leftovers?

5.      Give God your alabaster boxes, not your rubbish!


C.    Our Wisdom


1.      Use your mind for GOOD!


a.       Your best and freshest thoughts are wasted in front of TVs and laptops

b.      Young men and women waste billions of priceless brain cells by drinking and drugging

c.       Don’t end up just giving God your STUPIDITY and FAILURES


2.      Give God your best thoughts, Smartest inventions

3.      God gave you your mind, so give it back to Him as a gift (Isa 28:26)

4.      Witty inventions should be developed and used for the glory of God, not of ourselves (Prov 8:12)


a.       To discover things

b.      To teach truth and not fairy tales

c.       To save nations, not ruin them


5.      Give God credit for your discoveries


a.       Samuel Morse, when watching the telegraph operate over wires back in the early 1800’s did not say “WOW! Look what mankind has done!” he said, “What hath God wrought!” “Look what GOD has done!”

b.      Isaac Newton “This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.”

c.       Robert Boyle, conducted scientific research into air pressure, mechanics, and chemistry. He was also a serious student of the Bible. “The last service that, I hope…is to [cause] men to pay their admiration, their praises, and their thanks, directly to God himself; who is the true and only creator of the sun, moon, earth, and [all] other creatures"

d.      Like Louis Pasteur. Today, we owe all the discoveries in the fields of microbiology and immunology to his work. he said, "I see everywhere the inevitable expression of the Infinite God in the world"

e.       Like 10,000 scientists today, who do not accept the theory of evolution, but have signed their names to a public documents stating that all evidence points to a creator, and the very fact that they can discover order in the universe proves there is a designer who created it all!


6.      What if Hitler, Einstein, Alexander the Great, Nero, etc had honoured God?


D.    Our Strength


1.      Your health and strength came FROM Him, so, give it back to Him as a gift because He is so worthy

2.      Give Him your strength – not your old age frailty

3.      Your might (Mark 12:30)

4.      Do everything you do with all your energy (Eccl 9:10; Col 3:23)

5.      Not half-heartedly

6.      But whole-heartily, passionately – full throttle!

7.      We sing, “Give of your best to the Master!”


E.     All Honour


1.      We spend so much time honouring sinful, mortal, rotting flesh


a.       The Grammys

b.      The Emmys

c.       The Olympics

d.      Elections


2.      People even honour stupid things like Santa, and fairies!

3.      Heaven cries out, “Honour Jesus!”

4.      To honour means to treat with special value – above all others


a.       Never mocked, demeaned, or without utmost respect


5.      Honour Jesus. Do you? Does your life honour Jesus? Do people even know he is your Saviour and Lord? People at work, at School? Anywhere? Even HERE?


a.       By putting Him at the head of your home

b.      You honour Him by your words?

c.       By your tithe – honouring His command first, above all other bills. Prov 3:9 “Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase.”

d.      By your time – especially on HIS Day, Sunday!


F.     All Glory (Psalm 29:2)


1.      Give HIM all glory, praise (115:1; 1Cor 15:10)

2.      Stay in Awe of Him! Never let Him become smaller or less than he really is (Jude 1:25)

3.      Rejoice about HIM being the HERO of your life – always swooping down and saving you from your enemies (which is exactly what he does)

4.      Make Him look good to others around you (Eph 3:20,21; 1Pet 2:9; Psalm 96:3)


a.       Eph 3:20,21 “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”

b.      1Pet 2:9 “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light

c.       Psalm 96:3 “Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people.”


5.      Glorify Him even when you fail, or are weak (2Cor 12:9,10) “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”


G.    A Blessing (Psalm 103:1,2)


1.      To be blessed is to be made happy!


a.       To bless someone is to benefit someone

b.      We say, “That was a reall blessing to me. That made my day. You made me happy”


2.      Well, be a blessing to Jesus – make HIM happy.

3.      Make 2013 the year of blessing Jesus!

4.      Is that actually possible? Yes!

5.      Do things that make HIM happy, Like:


a.       Obeying what He says to do


1)      Not what only YOU want to do, or feel like doing

2)      I “serve” Him – which means, I live for His pleasure (Rev 4:11)

3)      If He wants me in Ireland, preaching and planting churches, I will go

4)      If He wants me in Azerbaijan, preaching, and winning souls and planting churches, I will go – because I love Him and want to please Him!

5)      If He wants me in ANYWHERE, struggling, disheartened and almost defeated – then I will be faithful as long as I can do it for HIM!

6)      To please God means to do HIS will!

7)      Are you doing HIS will, or YOUR OWN?


b.      Forgiving people anyway – ahead of time!

c.       Believing Him for every problem – THAT pleases Him


1)      Oh the thrill GOD gets when His people trust in HIM

2)      Oh the excitement in heaven when GOD is looked to for answers and for rest and for peace, and for victory


d.      Calling upon Him in prayer instead of complaining (God HATES complaining)

e.       By being faithful – as a good soldier, putting up with hard times (2Tim 2:3,4)


IV.              Challenge – Conclusion


A.      Jesus is Worthy of Our Best NOW


1.      Not WILL be worthy

2.      But IS, right now, and forevermore worthy!

3.      Jesus IS worthy – there will never be a time that He is not worthy of our very, very best!


B.     He is Worthy of What? What will you GIVE to the Lord of lords this year, and for the rest of your life?


1.      Our Power – I bet most of you WON’T give that up… but you SHOULD!


a.       Give the Jesus Lordship over your life this year – that means surrender authority

b.      Trust him with your life

c.       Give whatever power you are holding onto back to Jesus!


2.      Our Riches – HAH! Not empty pockets… but your best! Your FIRST!

3.      Our Wisdom – If you have ANY, give it back to Him as a gift

4.      Our Strength – you have your health and strength FROM Him, give it back to Him as a gift because He is so worthy!

5.      All Honour - Honour Jesus! Do you? At work, at School? Anywhere? Even HERE?

6.      All Glory - all glory, praise – what comes out of your mouth again?

7.      And All Blessing! Seek to please Him!


C.     All of these are OUR gifts to Him – they belong to HIM

D.    May they be OUR gifts to Him throughout 2013…

E.     Because only HE is oh so worthy!