Reasons for Studying the Bible

Why Study the Bible?

John 6:66-68

April 15, 2012 AM

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland


I.                   Introduction (John 6:66-68)


A.     Why study this Book?


1.      Because it is the words of eternal life!

2.      That should be enough! THIS Book gives eternal life to any believer!

3.      But there are some more great reasons for pouring through the pages of this Book like a student, like a sleuth, investigator, who is pursuing the TRUTH


B.     We usually don’t do things that have no purpose

C.     And we do great things when there is great purpose

D.     Well, let’s learn four great purposes of each and every one of us learning this Book!


II.                By-Way of Background, Let’s Answer, How Can You Study the Bible?


A.     Yes, you can go to Bible College, or Bible Institute. Some people go to Seminaries to “learn the Bible”

B.     But every Christian is to be a STUDENT of one Book – the Word of God!

C.     How do you do it?

D.     It won’t happen by accident!

E.      Start by just Reading It from cover to cover (Psalm 119:18)


1.      Not on Sundays only

2.      But every day, as something you do just like school work, or office work or house work

3.      Start in Matthew, then when finished in Revelation, start in Genesis!

4.      READ, READ, READ!


F.      By Taking Notes – writing down bits of what you learn


1.      Simple notes in a notepad

2.      Reading, thinking, writing is the only way we learn


G.     By Searching-Out Answers (John 5:39)


1.      The Pharisees didn’t need to search; they thought they already HAD all the answers! Don’t make that same mistake!

2.      Pondering, questioning, seeking the truth – like an investigator asks the hard questions and looks for the clues


a)      Ponder the cross – and the death of Jesus – WHO put Him on that cross?

b)      Ponder creation

c)      Ponder your sin –

d)      Ponder the will of God for your life – search out what it could be from the pages of this Book!


H.     Connect everything to the Lordship of Jesus Christ over you. Everything you learn from this Book is meant to humble you, and raise Jesus to be Lord of your life.


1.      If your Bible study only makes you arrogant, or self-righteous, or angry, or depressed

2.      Then it is because you read it to justify yourself

3.      The Bible was written to justify, prove God to be right. Period!


I.        The Question still is, WHY DO ALL THAT?


III.             Message


A.     To Know the Author (2 Timothy 3:16)


1.      Some people study this Book to learn


a)      History

b)      Science – way ahead of its time

c)      Prophecy

d)      All good reasons, but are all dead ends – only information – only knowledge


2.      But the greatest purpose in studying and memorizing the words on each page, and in every chapter, is to know the Person who wrote it! That’s FELLOWSHIP!


a)      Not the Apostle Paul, or Peter, or Moses

b)      But the Holy Spirit of God who MOVED those men to write these words and pages!


3.      Get to know the MIND behind these pages (2Peter 1:21)

4.      Get to know the HEART (Eph 3:16-19)

5.      So many people are ignorant of God’s WAYS of doing things (Psalm 95:10)

6.      And do not know His AWE (Isaiah 40:25,26)

7.      To most people, God is Unknown - “The Unknown God” (Acts 17:16,22-23; John 4:19-23)

8.      God so desperately wants us to know Him:


a)      How He feels

b)      What He thinks about, what His opinion is

c)      What are His plans

d)      What makes Him happy


9.      You cannot ever know the God of heaven without this Book!!!

10.  Because this Bible is not read and learned, we are the most ignorant generation of all time!


B.     To Win a Soul (1Peter 3:15)!


1.      A Christian studies the Bible to have answers! (Prov 15:28). Not just to show off, or to just have knowledge, but to have ANSWERS! The world is FILLED with faults and problems! Only the Bible has the answers for souls that are sick of sin!


a)      People have almost quit asking important questions because they don’t meet anybody with some real answers!

b)      STUDY to HAVE an Answer – a Right Answer

c)      Quit relying on the internet, and on the TV, and even you Pastor to have all the answers, or your DAD, or MOM

d)      God wrote this Bible to be preached, and pointed to by common everyday people!


2.      You cannot win a soul without the words of Scripture! (faith cometh by hearing…)

3.      Get some answers for this lost and dying world!


a)      Why you have HOPE!

b)      HOW to get forgiven by a perfect, all-holy God!

c)      YOU, open the pages of this Book and find out what a soul is

d)      YOU Learn what the BIBLE says about hell and who goes there

e)      YOU Discover what GOD has written about Religion and good works

f)       Learn how to reason with folks about their sin (Isaiah 1:18) – they rarely will listen, but the TRUTH is the only thing that will make them free (John 8:32)

g)      Learn from the Bible how to reason about sin, righteousness and coming judgment from Paul in Acts 24

h)      Learn how to instruct people like Phillip did in Acts 8

i)        Use the pages of this Book to turn people from darkness to light


1)      John 3:14-16

2)      Acts 8:30-35

3)      1Peter 1:23

4)      Ephesians 2:8,9

5)      Hebrews 10:9-14

6)      Romans 10:13


C.     To Have an Anchor (Psalm 130:5)


1.      We need more than religious sounding words, and rituals, and ceremonies

2.      We need ANCHORS! (Acts 27:27-29)


a)      These promises, these warnings, these truths were written so that we could hold on to something that will strengthen us, and hold US together during the worst of storms in our life

b)      The apostle Paul was on a ship in a major storm like a hurricane in the Mediterranean Sea. It was heading for an unknown coastline. The ship was about to be smashed upon rocks and everyone was about to die a horrible death. There was only one thing to do


3.      You should study your Bible, learn the very words of Scripture so that you can find anchors like:


a)      Isaiah 26:3

b)      Isaiah 43:2,3

c)      Isaiah 40:31

d)      Philippians 4:19

e)      1Corinthians 10:13

f)       Psalm 50:15


4.      You will never have these promises to hold onto until you go looking for them and find them, and hide them away


D.     Finally, To Approve Yourself before God (2 Timothy 2:15) – to pass God’s tests!


1.      This BIBLE is the key to you being approved, being liked by God!


a)      Not your good works, or your religion, or your intelligence, or your compassion, but…

b)      But your life, and whether you are obeying what God SAID

c)      You can find fault with everyone else, but the question is, Are YOU approving YOURSELF to God

d)      Are YOU changing and being changed by this BOOK getting into your heart and mind and hands and feet (Heb 10:16)

e)      It is like passing your driving test – you then are APPROVED for driving!

f)       The same with Christianity! You pass the tests the devil throws at you, and you will be approved for living! Real living!


2.      Prove to God that you are Unashamed of His Words (Mark 8:38; Psalm 119:46). Like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were unashamed to ANSWER king Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 3:16-18)

3.      Prove to God that you will only live for Him and no longer for the world and that you will do it by faith – like Abraham did!

4.      THAT pleases God!


IV.              Conclusion


A.     It is not asking too much to Study the Bible


1.      Just Read It from cover to cover, every day – you will learn so much

2.      Take Notes – writing down bits of what you learn

3.      Search-Out Answers – all the answers – even to questions that haven’t been dreamed of yet – all are there in that Book!

4.      Connect everything to the Lordship of Jesus Christ over you.




1.      To Know the Author!


a)      The greatest purpose in studying and memorizing the words on each page, and in every chapter, is to know the Person who wrote it!

b)      His MIND – an infinite, perfect mind

c)      His HEART

d)      HIS WAYS of doing things

e)      His AWE

f)       To most people, God is Unknown - “The Unknown God”

g)      You cannot ever know the God of heaven without this Book!!!

h)      Once you get to know this Bible, you will find yourself talking and listening to its Author!


2.      To Win a Soul (1Peter 3:15)!


a)      Do YOU what a soul is? That it is eternal, and if not converted, will die forever in a lake of fire with the devil!

b)      Do you know how to reason about sin, righteousness and coming judgment?

c)      God wrote this Bible to be preached, and pointed to by common everyday people!

d)      You cannot win a soul without the words of Scripture!


3.      To Have an Anchor (1Thessalonians 4:11; Psalm 130:5)


a)      These promises, these warnings, these truths were written so that we could hold on to something that will strengthen us, and hold US together during the worst of storms in our life

b)      How many “anchors” do you have stored away for the storm that lies ahead of you?

c)      You will never have these promises to hold onto until you go looking for them and find them, and hide them away


4.      Finally, To Approve Yourself before God (2 Timothy 2:15) – to pass God’s tests!


a)      This BIBLE is the key to you being approved, being liked by God!


1)      Not your good works, or your religion, or your intelligence, or your compassion, but…

2)      But your life, and whether you are obeying what God SAID

3)      You can find fault with everyone else, but the question is, Are YOU approving YOURSELF to God

4)      Are YOU changing and being changed by this BOOK getting into your heart and mind and hands and feet (Heb 10:16)


b)      Prove to God that you are Unashamed of His Words (Mark 8:38; Psalm 119:46). Like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were unashamed to ANSWER king Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 3:16-18)

c)      Prove to God that you will only live for Him and no longer for the world and that you will do it by faith – like Abraham did!

d)      THAT pleases God!


C.     God GAVE you His Book


1.      Do you know its Author?

2.      Are you even on speaking terms?

3.      He seeks to reconcile…

4.      Through His only begotten Son

5.      Trust His Word