A New Heart Will Equal a New Home

No Matter What, We Desperately Need Soft Hearts!

Ezekiel 36:26



Sept 16, 2012 AM

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland



I.                   Introduction


A.    The most dangerous disease affecting humans is not what Doctors can see or do tests on.


1.      It kills more people than all other diseases combined. Yet, it is almost unnoticed by the carrier.

2.      It is a disease of the heart more serious than heart disease, or cancer, or strokes, or heart attacks!


B.     It is what the Bible calls, Hardness of Heart

C.     And most people are “eat up” with it!

D.    And it is killing our homes! IT is the root source of the majority of all our problems in our homes, and in our society!

E.     Its Meaning: To be Stiff, Rigid (stiffnecked), Unbending, Unyielding, Obstinate, Rebellious, Proud, Unchanging, Resisting any outside influence, Calloused, Unfeeling, Rude, Churlish, Rough in Temper, Harsh! Not nice at all!

F.      Is THAT how you want to be?


II.                Background


A.    In Mark chapter 3:1-6


1.      A man was sitting in the synagogue with a withered hand, and could have been easily healed by Jesus, and yet the Pharisees resisted Jesus doing any good on the Sabbath.

2.      Their hard heart kept them from seeing who it was that was standing in their midst!


4.      And they ended up wanting to destroy Him!

5.      Notice the problem – we usually think the problem with the Pharisees was their unbelief – which caused them to

6.      Before we get into the nitty gritty of repairing our homes, and our marriages, and our relationships with each other, we need to get some surgery on our hearts.


B.     You say, Not MY heart. I am fine. Oh really? Take a look at Mark 8:13-21


1.      Jesus warns believers of the leaven of the Pharisees


a.       Leaven is what changes bread from flat, boring bread into thick, fluffy pan slices!

b.      Their leaven was “self justification”

c.       It was “self righteousness”

d.      It was their philosophy of life

e.       And Jesus warned His disciples to not be influenced by it!


2.      And Jesus warns His disciples against the leaven of Herod


a.       Herod lived like there was no power greater than his own – he was god unto himself

b.      Herod’s philosophy was to live in pleasure, and that God’s law does not apply to him – so he stole his brother’s wife and married her!

c.       Jesus warned His disciples to flee such thoughts


3.      But the disciples only thought Jesus was talking about baking and eating bread!

4.      Jesus REBUKES them! For the sin of having hard hearts! He exposes their hard hearts and reveals what their hard hearts were hindering in their own lives:


a.       They had not yet learned/perceived what Jesus had been teaching all along

b.      They were unable to understand simple lessons that He was teaching

c.       They could not see beyond their own experiences – never growing

d.      They could not hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit

e.       Worst of all, They were unable to remember important things – usually only able to remember bad stuff, but never the right and good things Jesus did and promised!


5.      Look at Acts 28:24-27! People close their own eyes, and stop their own ears, and harden their own hearts! And they miss everything that God wants to do in their lives… “should be converted, and I should heal them!

6.      Have ye YOUR heart yet hardened (Mk 8:17)?


C.     Out of ALL the things that break a marriage, destroy a home, and ruin a life…


1.      With all the demonic attacks agaist the home – and there are plenty

2.      With all the accumulating bitterness and wrath and anger – years upon years

3.      With all the disrespect and apathy towards godliness and righteousness

4.      Jesus says a hard heart is the biggest cause of ruin (Matthew 19:7,8)!

5.      Why won’t we believe that?


III.             Message


A.    Biblical Examples of Hard Hearts


1.      Pharaoh (1Sam 6:6) Eight entire chapters in Exodus are dedicated to showing you just how STUPID having a hard heart is!

2.      Nebuchadnezzar and his Grandson Belshazzar (Dan 5:18-23)

3.      The Pharisees – as we have already read about in Mark 3

4.      King Zedekiah (2Chron 36:11-13)

5.      Nabal (1Sam 25)

6.      Satan himself (Job 41:24)

7.      The nation of Israel (2Kings 17:1-14)

8.      All BAD DUDES I think you would agree!

9.      The Scariest example is that of the Disciples (Mark 16:14)!!!


a.       Jesus had to constantly rebuke His own disciples for their HARD hearts!

b.      We all have the same problem, and probably don’t even know it!!!

c.       Most people think the cause of a calloused heart is sin, or that the only people who have hard hearts are people who deliberately rebel against God.

d.      But it is the other way around!

e.       "A hardened heart dulls a person's ability to perceive and understand things. It is the equivalent of spiritual retardation." It stops us from trusting God!

f.       We become spiritually disabled (dead in the water) if we allow our hearts to become hardened.

g.      Let’s take a look at God’s Word for an example of this.

h.      Mark 6:45-52


1)      Jesus had just miraculously fed 5,000 people with a small bag lunch of 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. What a miracle! There was nothing that this Jesus of Nazareth could not do!

2)      And then as evening drew on, Jesus pushed His faithful disciples into a boat, and He told them to cross the sea of Galilee in the darkness of night, and He would meet them later.

3)      Some NINE hours later (in the fourth watch of the night, from 3-6am) These twelve disciples were trying to obey His command…

4)      But they were struggling, and seemed to be in danger of failing

5)      And on top of it all, something was visibly walking towards them in the storm

6)      This blur in the rain almost walked right past them

7)      Terror struck their hearts, and they began screaming in fear

8)      Then a voice yelled out over the roar of the wind and the waves

9)      “Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid!”

10)  And He stepped into the boat, and immediately the wind ceased, and everything was fine, except the disciples! They were not fine!

11)  They were beyond amazed – shocked! Breathless!

12)  They just stood there and wondered what in the world just happened?!

13)  All because they had never considered, pondered, focused on just what had happened with the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000

14)  They had HARDENED their heart against believing Jesus would take care of them – would not let anything bad happen to them! They were hardened against God surprising them! Against GOD’S way of doing things – He uses storms, trials, troubles, failures, disasters, even DEATHS (as with Lazarus) to change us! And yet we won’t allow HIM to change us! WE harden our hearts!!!


i.        And that affects everything in our lives!


B.     The Causes of Hard Hearts


1.      God created us with the ability to shut out things we don’t want inside of our hearts. That’s a GOOD thing! “We” have control over what comes in, and what comes out. This was created in us for good, so that we could shun things that could potentially hurt us and keep us from knowing God. Unfortunately, it works both ways, and without even realizing it we can create a callousness, a hardness towards God’s power and His influences in our lives – which is usually what happens!

2.      The devil and the world constantly supplies us with PLENTY of reasons to become hard, stiff, uncaring about what is right and wrong


a.       Sorrow will cause it (Job 6:10)

b.      Worries and fears trigger hardness of heart (Ps 95:8)

c.       Sin defiles us and ruins tender hearts (Prov 21:29; Heb 3:8,13,15; 4:7)

d.      Offenses – being hurt (Prov 18:19)!


C.    The Effects / Results of a Hard Heart


1.      No matter the cause, The Effects of a Hard Heart are the same!

2.      Ruined Marriages (Mk 10:5; Mt 19:8) – period! Yes there are abusing homes, and wicked adulteries and pornography, but Jesus pointed way deeper than all that and said HARD HEARTS ruin marriages!

3.      Missing God’s Will (Heb 3:8)

4.      Unbelief (Mark 16:14). Do you realise that THE one main reason why we find it hard to just believe God and trust Him, is not our lack of faith, it is our resistance to faith! It is our hardness of heart that resists trusting Him to take care of us!

5.      People remain in bondage (Mark 3:5). How many problems remain in our homes simply because of hard hearts in our homes?


a.       Between husbands and wives

b.      Between teenagers and parents

c.       Between people in a church


6.      Rejecting God (Ezek 3:7-9)! Most people are angry at God because they have allowed their hearts to become hard towards Him! And so, they end up butting heads with God Almighty!

7.      People ending up in hell!


a.       Unable to bow the knee now to the Lord Jesus

b.      Not caring about the price of their sinful lifestyle


8.      Did you know that NO ONE has ever prospered or benefitted from a hard heart (Job 9:4)


D.    How to tell if you have a hard heart (Psalm 26:2) “Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.”


1.      Shortness of temper

2.      Unable to see your faults – but great at seeing everyone elses!

3.      Unable to hear rebukes

4.      Unable to say “I’m sorry” and mean it

5.      Uninterested in changing and being conformed to the life of Jesus

6.      Only interested in revenge or in getting justice

7.      Unable to sit and read your Bible

8.      Unable to pray

9.      Unable to love the brethren

10.  Certainly unable to love your enemies

11.  Not interested in seeing souls saved from hell

12.  Not interested in saving your home, or your marriage – would rather destroy it because of how you feel (Prov 14:1)

13.  Past feeling – don’t care (Eph 4:17-19)


E.     The Right Kind of Heart We Need


1.      A Tender Heart (2Kings 22:19) like young king Josiah

2.      Easily convicted of wrong doing (1Sam 24:5)

3.      A Broken Heart (Psalm 51:17)

4.      Worried about upsetting God (Psalm 119:120)

5.      A Small Heart, not puffed up with self, and pride (Isaiah 57:15)

6.      Easily impressed with God’s word (Isaiah 66:2)

7.      THAT is the only heart that God can give GRACE to! All other kinds of heart will only meet resistance by God (James 4:7)!


F.     The Only Way to Break a Hard Heart


1.      So, what do we do?

2.      You stop protecting your hard heart – humble yourself – repentance!

3.      Accept God’s Work on your heart as He breaks and changes it (Jeremiah 18:1-6). Accept the surprises! That is part of God’s commitment to breaking our hard hearts! Through the rough times. The storms He sends us into!

4.      Fear God (Romans 2:4,5; Heb 3:13-18). He WILL judge you on the basis of your HEART, not your performance!

5.      Ask for another heart – a soft one (Ezekiel 36:26). Realising the heart you have is flawed and needs t be replaced!

6.      Get your heart constantly Cleansed – forgiven of your hard heart towards Him (Psalm 51:10). Getting forgiven softens hearts! Staying angry only hardens hearts!


IV.             Conclusion


A.    If you know anybody with a hard heart, they are in danger! They need prayer! They need preaching! They need a new heart, before it is too late!

B.     Maybe the person who needs a new heart is YOU?

C.     Remember, People close their own eyes, and stop their own ears, and harden their own hearts! And they miss everything that God wants to do in their lives… “should be converted, and I should heal them!

D.    Have ye YOUR heart yet hardened (Mk 8:17)?


E.     No matter the Cause, The Effects of a Hard Heart are Worse!


1.      Ruined Marriages

2.      Missing God’s Will

3.      Unbelief

4.      People remain in bondage (Mark 3:5).

5.      Rejecting God (Ezek 3:7-9)!

6.      People ending up in hell!



F.     A New Heart is What We ALL Desperately Need!

G.    Because a NEW Heart… WILL equal a New Home!