A Study of the Christian's Life and Attitude Toward God

Lesson Nine

Memory Verse:  Hebrews 10:25                                            Lesson Verse:  Psalm 9:1,2


"I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.  I will be glad and rejoice in thee:

I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High." Psalm 9:1,2


I.         Introduction


A.      Most professional sports fans have their favourite player. This is also true in the entertainment world, where fans follow their favourite celebrity. They have posters on their walls, and are loyal fans in every way. Some people even idolize these human celebrities like they would a god. They end up worshipping humans. Yet to the Christian, God is to have first-place in life. In the heart of the believer, Jesus Christ is our Idol, our Hero, our God, and nothing is to be loved, praised or worshipped above the Lord!

B.       What is your attitude towards the Lord Jesus? How is your worship towards Him? This study will examine how to develop and improve your personal worship of our God and Saviour, Jesus Christ (Rev 5:12,13)!


II.       The Purpose of Creation - To Honour and Glorify God!


A.      Genesis 1:1 tells us that, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." But for what purpose did God create everything? The answer is found in Revelation 4:11. "Thou art worthy, O Lord to receive ________ and ___________ and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy ___________ they are and were created." Everything was created to glorify the Creator - much like a watch is usually manufactured to adorn the wearer of it. To glorify means to praise, or worship. To honour means to esteem highly, or to place great value upon something or someone.

B.       Psalm 19:1 states that "The __________ declare the glory of God..." All of creation automatically glorifies the Creator - it reflects Him, and praises Him. But why don't humans - they are part of God’s creation as well? The answer is found in our _________, where sin, self and Satan daily receive our worship instead of God (Jer 17:9).

C.       For a part of God’s creation to not honour Him as its Creator and God, is the lowest form of disrespect and contempt!

D.      How should we glorify Him?


1.        In our ______________ (Matt 15:8)

2.        Beyond that, we should honour God in our ___________, __________, and __________ (Luke 10:27)! That is what makes up our ATTITUDE

3.        And in our _______________ (Ex 34:14; Mt 4:10)

4.        And finally in our ______________ (Mt 25:21)


E.       If we are not glorifying the Lord in our life, there are only two other possible beings that get the worship – who are they? ___________, and __________


III.     The Purpose of Salvation - to enable us to honour and glorify God!


A.      Jesus Christ came to reclaim sinners from sin so they might honour and glorify God once again (Eph 2:4-6; Eph 1:4-6,12). When we were unsaved, we served our own pride and flesh, but now we are to glorify the Lord. 1Peter 2:9 says that we are a "_________ generation, a _________ priesthood, an _________ nation, a ____________ people; that ye should shew forth the ___________ of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." If you are saved, then show it!

B.       What are we to do in order to give praise and honour to the Lord?


1.        First learn God's word well (2 Tim 2:15) - so that we do it the right way! This pleases God when we listen to HIM, and learn His will.

2.        ________ in God's word daily (having God's word in our thoughts and obeying it brings praise to God; John 15:7,8). Don’t be a good-time Charlie (only living for Jesus when it is easy or convienent).

3.        Live God’s word daily (Jam 1:22; Matt 5:16) – that is what faith is – trusting God enough to obey every word!

4.        Express your thankfulness, praising God with your lives and your lips, for all His care, wonders and blessings (Ps 100:4; Col 3:15)! Our worship is so empty of praise and thankfulness and we need to repent of it.


IV.    The Constant Attitude of the Believer Towards God is to be One of Praise!


The attitude of your heart and mind is most important, if you expect to bring praise and honour to the Lord. With so much pessimism in our world, we must be careful to maintain a daily attitude of praise (not because things are good, but because our God is good). The flesh (our old sinful nature), and Satan are totally opposed to the Christian maintaining this type of attitude.


A.      There are three kinds of attitudes that a Christian can have (Rev 3:15,16):


1.        Cold Attitude- unthankful, angry, hurt, bitter, rejecting.

2.        ______________ Attitude- uncaring, apathetic, unconcerned, numb!

3.        Hot Attitude- rejoicing, thankful, and serving fervently.


B.       You have to re-train your mind to think on things that honour the Lord. Look at Philippians 4:8. Think on the things that are "true, ________, just, _____, lovely, and of good report." Concentrate on things that promote virtue, and promote PRAISE. The Christian should focus on these things! The act of godly worship is based upon your choice to have a right attitude! Make this a verse for you to memorise this week!


V.      How To Develop Your Praise and Worship


A.      First, realize that worship is not just for church time. Praise is something that should be radiating from the heart of the Christian throughout each day (Psalm 33:1; 35:28; 71:8; 71:14). Even when hard, or not “in season.”

B.       Learn to be Spirit filled (Eph 5:18). A Christian is “sealed” (preserved) by the Holy Spirit from the moment of salvation, but can be very empty of His power. The following are practical steps to having a Spirit-filled life:


1.        Get saved (John 3:3-6,12). You cannot be spiritually minded unless you get the Spirit of God in you (John 4:24; 1 Cor 2:14,15). There are SO MANY “christians” who never have been born again the Bible way that bang their “head against the wall” so-to-speak every day trying to be “spirit-filled” instead of “Spirit-filled!” It is simply because they are trying to do it without the Holy Spirit!

2.        Be sure to confess and forsake all sin daily (1 John 1:9; Prov 28:13). The Holy Spirit fills only clean “vessels,” or bodies (2 Tim 2:21).

3.        Learn to ignore your self and your wants daily (Gal 2:20), and focus on doing Christ’s will according to His word. This is probably the hardest step for most new Christians – we don’t know how to “let go” of what we are so used to carrying (grudges, bitterness, sorrow, anger, etc).

4.        Present your body to the Lord as a living _____________, for Him to use in His service (Rom 12:1). Pay the price of serving Him! He is worth it!

5.        ______ to be filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:9-13), so that you can minister to others. You have not because you _______ not (James 4:2).

6.        Obey the Holy Spirit when He directs you (Acts 5:32). Most Christians are very disrespectful to the guidance that the Spirit gives (Eph 4:30)!

7.        Have faith that the Holy Spirit will empower you to do what He has called you to do (Heb 11:6; Acts 4:29-31; 13:1,2).

8.        Practice the following:


a.        Remember that the Holy Spirit is God, and personal (John 16:13)!

b.       Honour Jesus at all times (ask yourself; “Would Jesus do what I am doing right now?” See Prov 3:5,6).

c.        Have clean thoughts. Your heart and mind cannot contain both spiritual and wicked thoughts at the same time (2 Cor 10:4,5).

d.       Meditate on God's word (Psalm 1:1,2; Josh 1:8).

e.        Realize that He is with you everywhere you are (Matt 28:20).

f.         Be a witness of the saving and keeping power of Christ (Acts 1:8).


C.       Maintain an attitude of gratitude. "In every thing give __________ for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you" (1 Thes 5:18,19). The attitude of the Christian can “quench” (turn off) the work of the Holy Spirit. Jesus died to conquer not just your sins, but your complaining too! It is THIS one thing that so limits God’s work in our lives (Ps 78:36-42).

D.      Enjoy worshipping God. Your time in prayer and in the Bible can be so full of joy if you try to enjoy it, instead of endure it (1 John 1:4). Enjoy worshipping alone, and in the presence of other believers - in singing, testimony times, and prayer times. When the preaching is right, say "AMEN," and "YES SIR," and "PRAISE GOD," and even an "OH ME" when it steps on your toes! This is what the congregation did in the Old Testament  at the reading and preaching of the word of God (Neh 8:1-6)!

E.       Have Family Devotions. Make worship a family affair! Pray, praise, and give thanks to the Lord together. Sing in the car or at home scripture songs and hymns (Col 3:16). Have fun with devotions by quizzing each other and honouring each other’s progress through the word of God, and growth!

F.       Surround your home life with the right kind of music (Eph 5:19; Cf Eccl 7:5). Listening to godly music will lift your heart to praise God (Ps 150). Get good, godly music tapes to listen to throughout the day. Also participate in the church music ministries: singing specials or singing in the choir - all to praise the Lord! Be very careful about what music comes into your heart (Jer 10:2).

G.       Fellowship with the right friends! Maintaining good friends in the church will provoke you to praise and worship God more. God says in 1Cor 15:33 that “evil _________________ corrupt good manners.” When we hang around with “bad influences,” it usually affects us for the bad. Be careful who you spend all your time with so that filthy language, and wicked thoughts don’t overtake all the work of the Holy Spirit in your life. If we don’t protect our walk with God, it just crumbles, because, God will just simply back away from your life if you so desire (He cannot totally leave you, but it will seem like it (Ps 35:22; 38:21).