Charity – Part 2

The Power of Charity

1 Corinthians 13

Powerpoint Presentation


I.         Introduction (1 Peter 4:8)


A.      People sing a lot about love - the best songs truly are love songs

B.       But just because the whole world is so focused on love, singing about love, and so many books are written these days about romance… that doesn't mean they know the slightest what they are talking, writing and singing about!

C.       It has been said, that "Love does something to a person":


1.        Makes people do silly things – embarrassing things

2.        Messes up their minds - so they can't think, eat, or work

3.        Makes people good to nobody - "never mind him - he's in love"


D.      But I want to show you what God's love can do to a person - it is called Charity, and it is like nothing this world has ever seen before! Whatever this kind of love is (and the Bible tells us), according to 1 Peter 4:8, it is capable of covering, burying a multitude of sins - which is an amazing power!


II.       Review – We have Come a Long Way…


A.      Faith is the foundation – we all must start here. A Personal, intimate, living faith in a living all powerful Saviour and God!

B.       Virtue defines what we allow ourselves to do, boxes us in away from sin

C.       Knowledge gives me the answers to what used to scare me, and defeat me – know the truth and the truth will make you free

D.      Temperance gives control of my life over to the Holy Spirit of God

E.       Patience enables me to wait on God as I grow and as I struggle!

F.       When I add Godliness to my life, I am adding actions, thought patterns, habits, desires that match the way Jesus lived

G.       Adding Brotherly Kindness means making sure I love other Christians above my job, my own needs, and that I make them part of my extended family – not kept for only at Church!

H.      But there is ONE MORE STEP TO TAKE… Add Charity!


III.     Message


A.      Let’s Continue to Define the Undefinable (1Cor 13) – Charity


1.        Charity is Not just “love” but:


a.        Loving kindness

b.       Something expressed from the whole heart – not just part (Mt 22:37)

c.        Perfect love – with “self” completely out of the picture

d.       We are talking about a form of love unknown to the world (John 15:19; 1John 3:1) – a love without limits!

e.        Christian love is something that originated only in the Bible, and through personally knowing Jesus– it is experienced, not studied!


2.        Charity is the highest step a person can achieve in this life


a.        It is better than sacrifices and religion (Mt 12:33)

b.       Is more important than life itself (Ps 63:3)

c.        Without it, nothing is worth anything (1Cor 13:1-3)


3.        Charity is the rarest form of love – like the rarest jewel – not common – why? Because it is not affection (fondness), or an attraction, or an attachment, or an affair, or an act – that is normal, natural love


a.        It is not love for lovely objects (Rom 5:6-8)

b.       It is not shown towards someone like you (Mt 5:46,47) – it has to be greater than a normal, natural way of feeling

c.        It is not initiated, or sustained by feelings or emotions – get this!


4.        The Only Selfless Love in the Bible… Jesus (Philp 2:5-8) - All the others had some ulterior motive involved in their love. In other words, Charity is the very Person of Jesus Christ – it’s not an ideal, but a reality! Every line of 1Corinthians 13 is Jesus Christ – full stop!


a.        An Interactive love - He lived, moved, interacted among us

b.       A Proactive love - Jesus was way ahead of our senses and desires. His love, charity was able to see what was really needed - that He lay down His life for us (John 15:13). Didn't have to be asked

c.        A Mature love - one that when everyone and everything went against Him, He remained for them


B.      The Need for Charity


1.        All of life’s problems are heart problems (Prov 4:23) – end of story. If only we focused on this one area of our life, and got it truly fixed, nothing would defeat us! Drugs are a heart problem, drink, bullying, etc

2.        Somebody once said, "All church problems are really love problems. All human problems are love problems” – we either love God, or love sin; we either love God, or love self more; we either love God, or we love this world!

3.        All the problems the Corinthian Christians were experiencing could have been solved with charity (the strife; divisions; incest; marital conflicts; lawsuits; stumbling blocks; financial problems; disorders around the Lord's Supper; the abuse of spiritual gifts). They were all heart problems!

4.        CHARITY versus LOVE – review from last week


a.        “Charity” is a better word than “love” here.

b.       "Love" is sometimes mistaken as a feeling. However, "charity" always refers to love in action / giving – it is our motive for loving

c.        Charity is associated with conduct 9what you do), never emotions.

d.       The world’s idea of love is often lust since it's focus is on self and not others; on getting and not giving.

e.        Both Love and Charity are an act of the will (Mt 22:36-40) involves commitment. It is not accidental, but purposeful. Charity must be PUT ON (Col 3:14) – it doesn’t just accidentally happen.




Given selectively to a few

Given generously to all

Given to those we think are worthy

Given to those who are not worthy

Given to those who can give back to us

Given to those who cannot give back to us

Given as long as it is appreciated

Given even when it is not appreciated

Given in our own strength

Given from God's strength

Given out of what I don't need

Given out of what I do need

Can turn to bitterness if rejected

Grows deeper when it is rejected


5.        Who in this room has Charity? It is plain to see that we all need this in our lives!


C.       The Purpose of Charity


1.        To be the bedrock, the foundation of our lives – it is to be the motive that drives EVERYTHING, absolutely EVERYTHING we do (1Cor 16:14)

2.        If you don't have this foundation, then all other efforts are vain! That is what Paul was saying in 1 Corinthians 13:1-3


a.        If you could master all languages, and command crowds and angels

b.       If you had great faith, and knowledge of the Bible, and the ability to know everything there is to know

c.        If you were the richest person in the world, and gave away all your goods, and even forfeited your life in sacrifice

d.       Yet have not "charity," then you have really done nothing!



D.      The Power of Charity (1Cor 13:4-8a). What Charity Produces:


1.        Charity produces 10 characteristics - marks - in the life of the believer. These are things that only Christ can plant in you, starting in your heart, and produce:


a.        Suffereth long, and is kind - Grace - the ability to suffer long, and yet be kind in your response – that’s what grace is – thank God for the grace of God (Eph 2:8,9) Charity is PATIENT (v. 4), even when you feel like complaining (cf. Gal. 5:22). Charity is willing to suffer pain and trials a long time without resentment.

b.       Envieth not - Contentment - not wishing for another life, or a better life, but instead thankful, so thankful to God for everything already in your l ife. Corinth had a major problem with envy (1Cor 3:3) Charity is not envious (v. 4) of other people when they are getting more attention than you. Charity does not participate in rivalry

c.        Vaunteth not itself - Down-to-earth realness - doesn't try and "vaunt" or make themselves bigger than they really are - does not parade itself in front of others! Charity does not brag or show off (v. 4), even when you feel like telling everyone about your accomplishments. Love deflects praise towards another. Love is never vain.

d.       Is not puffed up - Humility – to be “puffed up” means full of pride, which is only air, vanity! The Christian who has added Charity doesn’t do that – not at all, but steps down as John the Baptist did (John 3:30) Charity is not conceited, proud, self-assertive (“bossy”) or overbearing (v. 4), even when you feel you are right and everyone else is wrong. Love doesn’t act as though you are better than another (Phil 2:3).

e.        Not unseemly in behaviour - Courtesy - is never out of character - always beautiful, always courteous, always polite (oh how we need this)! Charity always acts in good taste (v. 5) and conforms to what is right and appropriate. Love is never rude, indecent, or unmannerly. Love shows respect.

f.         Seeketh not her own - Self-lessness - Desires a change from seeking your own, to seeking another person's benefit! Charity doesn’t demand it’s rights (v. 5), even when you fell like you’ve been violated. Love is unselfish and never seeks it’s own benefits (Phil. 2:4).

g.       Is not easily provoked - Thick-skin - it takes a lot to irritate charity. Charity is not irritable (v. 5), even when you feel someone failed to meet your expectations. Love is not “touchy,” and is not offended.

h.       Thinketh no evil - Forgiveness - the ability to pass right over a direct hurt, and be ready to forgive (Cf 1Tim 6:4, evil surmising) Charity is not critical nor takes into account a wrong suffered (v. 5) even when you feel you don’t deserve the treatment you’ve received. Love holds no grudges. Love forgives (Rom. 12:17-21; 1 Thess. 5:15; 1 Pet. 3:9).

i.         Rejoices not in iniquity - Hates sin. Charity hates to see anyone sin (v. 6). Love gets no enjoyment from sin even when someone else is doing it (cf. Rom. 1:31). Love mourns over sin.

j.         Rejoices in the truth – Delights in Good things, true thingsin Reality - rejoices in certainty. Not blind faith, but following the truth of this Book – the Bible! Charity is truthful (v. 6) even when it would be easier and more profitable to lie. Love rejoices in the promotion of truth. Beware of anyone who doesn’t love the preaching of the Word of God.


2.        THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LOVE (13:4-8a). Since "God is love," these verses give a good description of the character of God. How well do these sixteen characteristics apply to you?


a.        Charity is PATIENT (v. 4), even when you feel like complaining (cf. Gal. 5:22). Charity is willing to suffer pain and trials a long time without resentment.

b.       Charity is kind (v. 4), even when you feel like retaliating or speaking badly about another.


1)       Love is not hurtful, but helpful.

2)       Love is courteous to others.

3)       Love says "please" and "thank-you."


c.        Charity is not envious (v. 4) of other people when they are getting more attention than you. Charity does not participate in rivalry.

d.       Charity does not brag or show off (v. 4), even when you feel like telling everyone about your accomplishments. Love deflects praise towards another. Love is never vain.

e.        Charity is not conceited, proud, self-assertive ("bossy") or overbearing (v. 4), even when you feel you are right and everyone else is wrong. Love doesn't act as though you are better than another (Phil 2:3).

f.         Charity always acts in good taste (v. 5) and conforms to what is right and appropriate. Love is never rude, indecent, or unmannerly. Love shows respect.

g.       Charity doesn't demand it's rights (v. 5), even when you fell like you've been violated. Love is unselfish and never seeks it's own benefits (Phil. 2:4).

h.       Charity is not irritable (v. 5), even when you feel someone failed to meet your expectations. Love is not "touchy," and is not offended.

i.         Charity is not critical nor takes into account a wrong suffered (v. 5) even when you feel you don't deserve the treatment you've received. Love holds no grudges. Love forgives (Rom. 12:17-21; 1 Thess. 5:15; 1 Pet. 3:9).

j.         Charity hates to see anyone sin (v. 6). Love gets no enjoyment from sin even when someone else is doing it (cf. Rom. 1:31). Love mourns over sin.

k.        Charity is truthful (v. 6) even when it would be easier and more profitable to lie. Love rejoices in the promotion of truth. Beware of anyone who doesn't love the preaching of the Word of God.

l.         Charity doesn't collapse under stress (v. 7), even when you feel like everything is going wrong. Love sustains and is tolerant, and puts up with other's who are difficult (Eph. 4:2-3; Col. 3:13).

m.      Charity is trusting and not suspicious (v. 7). Love gives people the benefit of the doubt.

n.       Charity never gives up hope (v. 7), even when a situation looks hopeless.

o.       Charity doesn't quit (v. 7), even when you feel like quitting.

p.       Charity finds a way to succeed (v. 8), even when you feel overwhelmed and doomed to fail.


3.        In summary, Christian love - charity - has five qualities (1Cor 13:7,8a)


a.        It bears up under any pressure - has great strength. Charity doesn’t collapse under stress (v. 7), even when you feel like everything is going wrong. Love sustains and is tolerant, and puts up with other’s who are difficult (Eph. 4:2-3; Col. 3:13).

b.       It gives people the benefit of the doubt - has great grace. Charity is trusting and not suspicious (v. 7). Love gives people the benefit of the doubt.

c.        It believes every promise of God - has great hope. Charity never gives up hope (v. 7), even when a situation looks hopeless.

d.       It outlasts every trial - has great patience. Charity doesn’t quit (v. 7), even when you feel like quitting.

e.        It works every time - never fails


4.        Don’t you think we all need this thing added to all our lives?! Charity finds a way to succeed (v. 8), even when you feel overwhelmed and doomed to fail.


IV.    Conclusion -


A.      The Meaning of Charity - Something quite unknown to the world. It is the by-product of being loved by God, and lived in the life of Jesus Christ!

B.       The Need for Charity – all of life’s problems are heart problems – end of story. If only we focused on this one area of our life, and got it truly fixed, nothing would defeat us!

C.       The Purpose of Charity - to be the bedrock, foundation of our lives in our relationship with God, and then in relation to other people!

D.      The Power of Charity. Charity produces 10 of the most outstanding characteristics that you can only find in a relationship with Jesus!


1.        It bears up under any pressure - has great strength

2.        It gives people the benefit of the doubt - has great grace

3.        It believes every promise of God - has great hope

4.        It outlasts every trial - has great patience

5.        It works every time - never fails


E.       Next Week - How to Grow Charity in the Life of a Believer


Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church

Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland