Fixing Fringe Christians

Praying Through Paul’s Prayer List – Part 2

Ephesians 3:13-19



Pastor  Craig Ledbetter

10 August, 2008 AM

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland



I.       Introduction (Ephesians 3:14)


A.    The theme this month is Bow the Knee as Disciples – The need to become like our Master – like Jesus

B.     That is what a disciple is – a follower, a copy of Jesus Christ!

C.     Discipleship is not something for a select few, but for all believers

D.    Discipleship begins with change


1.      From physical emphasis, to spiritual

2.      Not to the outer man, but in the inner man!


E.     The apostle Paul prays for five things in the live of every believer that would revolutionise their lives if they were allowed to take effect


1.      For Strength in the Inner Man

2.      That Christ would dwell in our hearts by faith

3.      That We would be rooted & grounded in love

4.      That We would comprehend the love of Christ

5.      That We would be filled with the fullness of God!


F.      He is praying for to not miss the most important parts of our Christianity


1.      Not our health, or our accomplishments

2.      But our relationship with Jesus Christ

3.      Every one of the five requests build on each other – necessary for the next request to come true


II.    Background - God Seeks to Dwell In Us


A.    I think this is amazing!


1.      That God thinks of us more than of heaven!

2.      That He would rather dwell in a tent in a desert than live by the crystal sea!

3.      That He would desire to not just visit a sinner like me on occasion, but would trade all of heaven for the chance to “dwell in my heart!”

4.      Listen to these Scriptures:


a.       1Corinthians 3:16 “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?”

b.      1Corinthians 6:19 “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?”

c.       John 14:23  “Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.”

d.      John 14:16-18 “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.”


B.     It all goes way back to Creation


1.      God preferred the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:8)

2.      Then came Adam’s sin and mankind was separated from God by our sin – God was now separate – but it wasn’t what He wanted

3.      So He taught Enoch how to walk with Him (Gen 5:22-24)

4.      And He taught Noah how to walk with Him(Gen 6:9)

5.      But always “on the outside” – along side

6.      But then a wonderful thing happened. God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, and told them to build a tent – a very special tent: called the Tabernacle. Why? So that God could “dwell with His people” again – He wanted to be right there with them in every valley, and on every hilltop. He wanted to actually experience everything His people experienced, from the battles, to the victories. (Ex. 25:8, 29:45-46).

7.      God was always “there”, but that Tabernacle was to remind them of His presence. And it was there so that they would actually live like He was there

8.      But His people didn’t live like He was there, and they constantly forgot Him, neglected Him! Constantly had to be brought back from the bondage of their sins!


C.     Then came Jesus!


1.      Our Emmanuel – God with us (Mt 1:23; John 1:14)

2.      But he didn’t just want to live “among us” but actually “IN us”

3.      What Pre-eminence means: Jesus is first, AND the last. He is highest, above all others, without equal, and the ONLY best in your life. He is before anything else: before breakfast, before school, before bills, before pleasure, before worry! And He rules! Not your friends, Mother, Dad, or your employer! Not your girlfriend or your buddies! Jesus is not just at the Top… He is Lord!


D.    The Problem


1.      Just as it was in the Old Testament, the people made other gods, other loves their focus. Their hearts were filled with this world, instead of God

2.      So it is with us!

3.      Christ is in us, but just as little as possible

4.      And the problem is serious


a.       How often do Christians feel alone? Like “God is not there”?

b.      How rarely do believers actually “walk” with God?

c.       Why are modern Christians experiencing so many emotional and spiritual defeats when according to God, we are more than conquerors?

d.      The modern “Christian” waits for an experience, a miraculous event before sensing the very presence of the Lord in their lives, and so are easily deceived by a miracle working devil

e.       To them, they don’t serve God from their spirit, but only from their flesh, or with their feelings


5.      There still is a “still small voice” that seeks the microphone of your heart – not wanting to only speak to you from the outside

6.      The question is HOW to move Him back to the centre of our lives

7.      THAT is why Paul prayed for us


a.       Because we, like the Ephesian church, could learn all the Bible truths, and still, stubbornly push Jesus to the sides of our lives – keep Him only for Sundays

b.      You cannot get any closer to someone than to be in their heart (Philp 1:7)

c.       The Lord Jesus desires to be in our heart (1Sam 16:7) – He has His eye, not on our house, or our car, or our brain, but His longing is to be in our heart!

d.      “That he may dwell;” not that He may call upon you sometimes, as a casual visitor enters into a house and tarries for a night, and then leaves the next morning!

e.       But that He may dwell; that Jesus may become the Lord and only occupying Tenant of your inmost being, never more to go out.

f.       Did you know that your heart is the best room of your life? Christ does not seek to be in your thoughts alone, but in your affections; not merely in the mind’s meditations, but in the heart’s emotions.


III. Message – Moving Jesus Back Into the Heart!


A.    It starts in the heart with Salvation – getting born again! Salvation is a Heart Operation – not just a mind thing! All of the Christian life is a heart thing!


1.      The opening of the heart (Acts 16:14)

2.      Belief from the heart (Acts 8:35-37; Romans 10:9,10)

3.      Our relationship with Jesus is not a mental agreement (James 2:19) – too many people, most, are only mental believers – and their lives prove it!

4.      So, the heart is where everything that is eternal begins!

5.      We got washed, cleansed, sanctified – so colean!

6.      But rarely does it stay that way


B.     See that SIN has crept back in after the heart was so thoroughly cleaned up by Jesus at salvation. Sin Has a Way of Creeping Back In (Ex 32:1-6, 30-31)


1.      All the Israelites had been set free from slavery in Egypt by the blood of lambs on the door posts of their homes

2.      Redemption – a picture of salvation from sin

3.      One year later, when God had the Tabernacle made, it was placed right in the very centre of the people – at the heart – not on the fringe, or the outer edge

4.      That is where God wanted to be - where He had always wanted to be!

5.      But the people invited other loves, other gods into their hearts at the same time – music, entertainment, flesh, money, gold, girls, guys, the occult

6.      Some of you have no qualms about what you do outside of Church… and you wonder why you don’t experience the presence of Jesus Christ in your life!!! See 2Samuel 17:33

7.      God does not share His space with anyone… and so moved

8.      He didn’t leave – He will never leave us or forsake us (Heb 13:5), but He will pull back, and leave us with our idols


C.     Invite the Lord, not to save you again, but to take over again, all the way from the heart – to fill up our heart with HIMSELF (Exodus  33:1-11)


1.      There are battles ahead that need His help

2.      Without Him, they will not be won

3.      And worse than that, He is more to be worried about than any other battle we may be in!!!


4.      Humble yourself.


a.       It will cost you some humiliation – getting back real

b.      The greatest and hardest act of a Christian!

c.       Quit trying to cover up reality with ornaments (makeup, expensive clothes, fancy home and car, ear rings and jewellery) – all of those things usually cover up a very lonely and empty heart!


5.      Accept that your heart is NOT Christ’s normal dwelling place.


a.       It means accepting the fact that Jesus has actually been moved aside to make room for demonic gods

b.      The entire church of Laodicea had squeezed Jesus out of their lives (Rev 3:14-20)

c.       King Saul tried to fake that God was still active in him, but was a fraud (1Sam 15). He put on a show in front of everyone that in spite of his disobedience to God’s commands, God was still with him – which was a lie!

d.      For most people, Jesus is a thought, a sermon, a word on a page – not a person living, and dwelling in our affections and our loves!


6.      Make the effort to get close to Christ again (Ex 33:7)


a.       It means making every effort to make Him comfortable in you

b.      Get His word saturated in you (Col 3:16)

c.       Go the extra mile in getting to meetings – Convenience Christianity is an empty Christianity

d.      Invite the Lord back into the best part of your life – back into your heart (2Cor 6:16-18; James 4:8)


1)      Make Your Heart a proper Dwelling Place for God – a place of worship (HEY, your heart is a worship place and if you are not worshipping the Lord Jesus, you will worship something else)!

2)      Love the Lord with all thy heart


7.      Start worshipping like you should have been all along – even though it may not feel the same as it did when you first got saved (Ex 33:8-10)

8.      All by Faith, not by feeling, or by sight! Trust God’s word that it will happen as it is written! Every experience of Jesus in your life happens only by obedient faith (Eph 3:17 “That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith”)


a.       The proof of His presence is shown by what you love


1)      Whatever is the centre of your heart will show

2)      Sports, laziness, girls, materialism, guys, worries, fears, food

3)      Or Jesus!


b.      Jesus challenged His disciples to live by faith, by obedience to God’s word, instead of obedience to feelings

c.       The feelings come, but only after Jesus reigns! Is pre-eminent!


IV. Conclusion


A.    God thinks of us more than of heaven! He would rather dwell in a tent in a desert than live by the crystal sea! He would desire to not just visit a sinner like me on occasion, but would trade all of heaven for the chance to “dwell in my heart!”

B.     People have a way of naturally living like God is not there - they constantly forget Him, neglect Him! They make other gods, other loves their focus. Their hearts get filled with this world, instead of God, and so CONSTANTLY have to be brought back from the bondage of their sins!

C.     But Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3:17 is for us today – there is a way to fix things:


1.      It starts in the heart with Salvation – getting born again!

2.      See that SIN has crept back in after the heart was so thoroughly cleaned up by Jesus at salvation

3.      Invite the Lord, not to save you again, but to take over again, all the way from the heart – to fill up our heart with HIMSELF


a.       It will cost you some humiliation – getting back real

b.      It means accepting the fact that Jesus has actually been moved aside to make room for demonic gods

c.       It means making every effort to make Him comfortable in you




Craig Ledbetter |  Pastor  |  Bible Baptist Church  |  021-4871234  +353-21-4871234  |