The Power of the Tongue in the Home

James 3


Sept 15, 2013 AM

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland


I.       Introduction (Matthew 12:36; James 1:26)


A.    The tongue is a very strong muscle!


1.      It can be such a blessing – speaking simple words like, “I love you,” and, “I forgive you.”

2.      Or, it can be such a whip, like – “Your so stupid!”

3.      It can BREAK hearts, and it can heal broken bones!

4.      We think that because we are just using words instead of hammers and knives and guns that it really doesn’t matter – but it does (Mt 12:36)


B.     The tongue is so powerful that God says to bridle it – put it in a harness, that limits what it says, and how far it goes – especially in your home!


1.      We think our tongue, the words we say, and how we say them, are like a soft, cuddly puppy that should be allowed to just wander and roam wherever we want!

2.      When in reality, our words probably are quite vicious and deadly like a German Shepherd, that if left unleashed, would do untold damage!


C.     So, God demands us to bridle our tongues – especially in our homes!

D.    Because a tamed tongue, makes for a perfect home!!


II.    Background (James 3:1,2)


A.    We offend each other with our Words – it’s a given! It happens constantly


1.      The Gospel and the Bible already upsets people – offends them

2.      But masters (teachers, preachers) also upset people, offend them

3.      People who talk a lot, teach, preach, lead… well, we offend everybody

a.       Sometimes on purpose

b.      And sometimes accidently – without even trying!


B.     Someone who DOESN’T offend people is a Perfect Man, a Perfect Woman

C.     More than that, if they have mastered their words, their tongue, they have actually learned how to master their entire life!

D.    Mastering our words means more than will-power over them; it means breaking the power of the tongue and making it say what OUGHT to be said, instead of what we WANT to be said!

E.     That is the purpose of James chapter 3


III. Message (James 3:3-18)


A.    The Power of the Tongue (Jam 3:3-12)


1.      This small muscle is Compared to three things:


a.       A tiny horses bit – the little bit has SO much power over the horse. With the bridle, it governs the direction of such a massive animal

b.      A ship’s helm, keel, or rudder – the little rudder controls the largest of ships! Every large ship, and even airplane has a rudder with a helm attached to it. WHY?


1)      Because those on a ship want to go a certain direction

2)      Because of cross-winds. Because of storms will try to force that boat in another direction, and the helm will keep it on course!


c.       A fire in nature – just one spark, and an entire forest can become ash


1)      A fire is a warm thing to have

2)      But a fire out of control, only destroys life!

3)      It only takes a small fire to destroy an entire forest

4)      And it only takes a few small words, to destroy a marriage, a relationship, a home, and a church!


d.      Our tongue is the same


1)      Our little tongue, can actually control our whole life

2)      It is so little – weighs about 60-70 grams (2 ounces). That’s less than .08% of your total body weight!

3)      Yet our little tongue, actually reflects our whole life – IT controls it

4)      What you say, and how you say those words can reflect what is in your heart, and shows your real relationship with God


2.      This small member of our body is Connected with hell itself (3:6)


a.       Listen to what our tongues are by nature


1)      It is a fire

2)      It is a world of iniquity – all of sin can end up spewing out of our mouths

3)      It defiles the speaker – ruins them first!

4)      It burns down everything around it

5)      Worst of all, it gets its fuel from HELL


b.      What we say can so hurt people, and ultimately destroy the world around us


1)      It ruins the entire course of nature (length and breadth) – like defiling (offending) a child who sees something beautiful, and someone comes along and associates it with something filthy

2)      As fire kindles a flame, so unchaste, angry, and passionate words, stir up the flame of lust, anger, envy, and revenge – where once there was friendship, it can turn to war – simply because of a tongue!

3)      As fire naturally spreads… so do lies, scandal, and evil reports spread by the tongue - that’s what newspapers have become

4)      And as fire devours all that comes in its way, such are the words of an evil tongue; and therefore are called devouring words (Ps 52:4) they devour the good names of men, and corrupt their good manners, and destroy those who make use of them


c.       This is the work of HELL! And, it just ruins the whole body


1)      The Christian’s body – their own life is ruined by the very words he or she says (EX: as a child getting used to saying bad words, and filthy words, and hateful words)

2)      Family body –

3)      Church unit (Gal 5:14,15)

4)      Nations fall by the words of its leaders, as well as its people


3.      Our Tongue is Capable of doing the unnatural – being two things at once (James 3:7-9)


a.       This little tongue has some awesome powers (Pr 18:21)


1)      Hitler knew it and used it– stirred up a nation against the world

2)      Most people use it to their own delight – think about how much control it wields…


a)      Over children – “you’re stupid”, or “you are the best boy or girl”

b)      Over your mate – “I hate you”, or “I love you”

c)      Over armies – “Charge!”


b.      With the same mouth people try and BLESS, and PRAISE God, and then turn around and use the same tongue to curse, and destroy people!!!

c.       If you are a born again child of God, this should not happen (James 3:10)

d.      It doesn’t happen in nature (James 3:11,12)

e.       And it ought not happen in us (James 3:13)

f.       You can’t!

g.      It all comes from evil hearts (James 3:14)

h.      This is so wicked and wrong – it MUST be stopped – it does so much damage like a forest fire (Pr 12:18)


j.        This culture of ours has to be transformed – our speech is so wicked!


1)      Constantly using the name “JESUS” as a curse word (not a prayer)

2)      Constantly saying “GOD” and “Christ!”

3)      Constantly gossiping and gripping and complaining and whinging

4)      Capable of so blatantly lying face to face with each other


B.     The Problem With the Tongue (James 3:8)


1.      There is something wrong with our MOUTHS (Romans 3:10-14)!


a.       Does that describe YOUR mouth and your way of talking?

b.      People worry about their diets (which is good) and the ingredients of the food that goes INTO their mouths…

c.       But so rarely do we worry about what comes OUT!

d.      Full of DEADLY poison – like a poisonous snake!


2.      What is SAID in a home is often the seeds of the destruction of the home! Probably 90% of what we say is usually CRITICAL of others, and usually in front of others who will take what we said very seriously!


a.       “You are not like I thought you would be…“

b.      “You sure have gained weight“

c.       “When are you going to get a real job?“

d.      “I never really loved you“

e.       “You are such an idiot!”

f.        “Who do you think you are?”

g.      “How can you be so stupid?”

h.      “You never listen to a word I say.”

i.        “Playing video games is silly.”

j.        Listen to just how awful and how strong such words are?

k.       I’ll respect you when you have earned it

l.        Or what about, Why can’t you ever be like your sister?

m.    You had better not turn out like your father!

n.      Talking to a friend on the phone, “Oh Mary… you should hear what that old goat just tried to get me to agree to!

o.      A Pastor told me about a deacon in his church. The man, his wife, and his son and daughter came faithfully to every meeting of his church for years. Their children grew up in the church. On the outward appearance everything “looked” right. But as soon as those two children left the home they got involved in all kinds of sin. The daughter was involved in drugs. The son was involved in drugs, robbery and eventually was put in jail. Dad and mom were devastated. They asked the Pastor, “where did we go wrong”? So the Pastor went down to the jail to visit the son. He looked horrible and the Pastor asked the boy, Why did you do this thing? The son shocked the pastor by saying, “I don't want to talk to you, I hate you”! The Pastor said, “Why do you hate me? What have I done to you that you would hate me so much”?

p.      The answer was revealing. The son said, “Almost every Sunday, going home from church, my sister and I listened to my dad and mom discuss how much they disagreed with you and how hypocritical you were. And I believed them! So leave me alone!”

q.      These stupid parents who attended a Bible believing church destroyed God’s work in the lives of their children, little by little every Sunday, because of their critical spirit. They did not even realize what they were doing.

r.        The tongue is an unruly, uncontrollable evil, full of poison!


3.      The human tongue cannot be Controlled by any human (3:8) – it doesn’t fix itself, and no other human can fix it either!


a.       All of us try to control what we say, but we only fail

b.      And no matter how many self-help books we read, we never tame this tongue


4.      It is only tamed, conquered, transformed by the power of the living Saviour, Jesus Christ being in charge of it (2Cor 5:17)


a.       Jesus died to unplug sin’s power behind our tongue!

b.      He was buried to remove its potential for destruction

c.       He rose again to give us something NEW to say (Ps 40:3)


C.     The Taming of the Tongue (Jam 3:13-18; 1Pet 3:10)


1.      James 1:26  “If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.”


a.       If your MOUTH and your TONGUE is not being transformed (changed, made better, sweeter) by your relationship with Jesus Christ… Then your Christianity is worthless!

b.      Our tongues need a bridle, a LEASH on them!


1)      You don’t just let your car go as it pleases on the road, do you? It will end up crashing, or killing, or both!

2)      You don’t just let your dog loose on people as they pass by your house? Do you? Especially if you knew your dog was capable of harming them????

3)      Then why do you allow your tongue to go unbridled?


2.      To Tame Your Tongue Means to:

3.      Listen to it - Allow your words first to Reveal what you really are on the inside!


a.       It will embarrass you, and humiliate you

b.      Our words will SHOW what’s in our Heart! Luke 6:45

c.       It will show each of us as


1)      Selfish

2)      Ungrateful

3)      Angry

4)      Bitter

5)      Uncaring

6)      Worldly

7)      Filthy

8)      Carnal

9)      Empty

10)  Vengeful


d.      If your tongue reveals you are wicked, and filthy in your conversation, then you NEED TO REPENT and GET RIGHT or, GET BORN AGAIN!

e.       If you are saved, it must show (Eph 5:3,4, 12). If it doesn’t show, then you are not truly born again!


4.      Repent of the wrong things you say (3:14-16)


a.       Don’t glory in the destructive power of your tongue – YOU will answer to God for what you say… remember?!

b.      Don’t try and lie about it, or try and hide it – turn it over to God Almighty!

c.       Repent of your words – go to the ones you have harshly spoken to, and seek their forgiveness


5.      Replace your own words with God’s words (3:17,18; see Josh 1:8)


a.       Wisdom from above is God’s word in our hearts!

b.      Notice how that when you are saved, the words of your mouth will MAKE PEACE instead of OFFEND ALL

c.       If God’s word offends, then so be it. Just make sure it is not your own words that make people mad!!!

d.      Study this Book! Make its words YOUR OWN WAY OF SPEAKING!

e.       Do you talk like God does?

f.       Oh that we all would have our conversation transformed – that is what the old time Christians were good at – they started talking like this Book talked – living Bibles! AMEN!

g.      Psa 39:1  I said, I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me.

h.      Take these guarding measures in mind and mouth before speaking …


1)      Is what I am going to say true? For sure?

2)      Is what I am going to say kind?

3)      Is what I am going to say necessary?

4)      If you answered "no" to any of these, then do this …. confess and repent of the sinful thoughts in your heart at that moment … not allowing them to become sinful words, which will only spoil you and stir up strife!


i.        1Peter 3:10  “For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile”


1)      That means no more flippant use of the words, “God” and “Holy BLANK”

2)      That means also, no more lying or hypocrisies


j.        Ephesians 4:29 “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.”


1)      Corrupt means like a corrupt politician – let nothing that would ruin or hurt someone else come out of your mouth!

2)      Let NOTHING corrupt, rotten, evil, sinful, obscene, filthy come out of your mouth – EVER!


k.      Ephesians 5:4 “Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.”


1)      Evidently that includes…

2)      Foolish talking – talking like an unsaved person

3)      Jesting – making light of sober and serious things – like heaven, hell, Armageddon, the Second Coming, staying clean and pure until marriage, drunkenness, and so on!


D.    The Careful Use of a Christian’s Tongue in Your Home! (Psalm 19:14)


1.      First of All – Worship Words - Use Your Words To Worship God


a.       No more wasted words

b.      No more foolish jesting – making fun of life or people

c.       Make sure your words Praise God, thank God, bless God, honour God

d.      Ps 34:1 I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

e.       Eph 5:20  Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


2.      Secondly, Few Words - Spare/Limit Your Words


a.       Don’t say what you may want to say (Matt 27:12-14; Prov 17:28)

b.      You will do a whole lot better NOT saying so much!

c.       Pro 17:27  He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.

d.      Pro 13:3  He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life: but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction.

e.       Pro 10:19  In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise.

f.       1Pe 3:10  For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:

g.      Eph 4:29  Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.


3.      Soft Words - Use Your Words To Quench Anger instead of Fuel It (Prov 15:1; 1st Peter 3:1-4)

4.      Use Your Words To Bless and Build Up Others


a.       Pro 15:4  A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit.

b.      Pro 18:21  Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.


5.      Use Your Words To Correct and Instruct People (Pro 6:23;  2Sam 12:7,13)


a.       It is not wrong to rebuke someone who is doing wrong

b.      Just do it in love (Eph 4:15)

c.       Truth without love is a knife

d.      Love without truth is a lie

e.       But together, they heal


6.      Use Your Words To Honour and Praise Each Other (Pr 27:21; Philp 2:3)


a.       Praise your husband

b.      Praise your wife. Pro 31:28  Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.

c.       Praise your children.  2Peter 1:17  For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.


IV.             Conclusion


A.    The tongue is a very strong muscle!


1.      It can be such a blessing – speaking simple words like, “I love you,” and, “I forgive you.”

2.      Or, it can be such a whip, like – “Your so stupid!”

3.      It can BREAK hearts, and it can heal broken bones!


B.     The tongue is so powerful that God commands us to bridle it – put it in a harness, that limits what it says, and how far it goes – especially in your home!

C.     Because a tamed tongue, makes for a perfect home!!

D.    If you want a better home, a Christian home, you are going to have to let God tame your tongue! Let HIM put a bridle over it, and control it!


1.      It is a fire

2.      It is a world of iniquity – all of sin can end up spewing out of our mouths

3.      It defiles the speaker – ruins them first!

4.      It burns down everything around it

5.      Worst of all, it gets its fuel from HELL


E.     It is only tamed, conquered, transformed by the power of the living Saviour, Jesus Christ being in charge of it

F.      To Tame Your Tongue Means to:


1.      Listen to it - Allow your words first to Reveal what you really are on the inside!

2.      Repent of the wrong things you say (3:14-16)

3.      Replace your own words with God’s words (3:17,18; see Josh 1:8)


a.       Worship Words - Use Your Words To Worship God

b.      Few Words - Spare/Limit Your Words

c.       Soft Words - Use Your Words To Quench Anger instead of Fuel It

d.      Blessing Words - Use Your Words To Bless and Build Up Others

e.       Correcting and Instructing Words

f.       Honouring and Praising Words - Praising Each Other


1)      Praise your husband

2)      Praise your wife.

3)      Praise your children.