Answering the Sceptic – Is There Really a God in Heaven?

Answering Man’s First Question

Proverbs 14:1
Audio MP3

February 3, 2013 AM

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland


I.       Introduction (1Peter 3:15)


A.    The Bible says that we must “Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you”

B.     There is a great Need today to have an Answer for Every Man


1.      Have answers once again

2.      The modern person is a sceptic.  Doubts everything. Questions the validity of everything, especially religious.

3.      Most churches and pastors have ignored answering people’s questions, people’s problems


a.       Example of young Steve Jobs

b.      Countless examples of countless college students who have been taught to reject everything


4.      Modern religious leaders only talk about “mysteries” but not truth

5.      Ignorant of the Bible

6.      Too lazy to study


C.     Evangelism means more than talking about heaven


1.      It means helping people know that they can know God

2.      Trust the Bible – know the way to trust God

3.      Helping people seek truth – not a fairy tale, or false hope, or a religious experience


D.    Not everyone has deep, skeptical questions, but most do, and most are not answered anymore


1.      To some people, all this is perfectly obvious

2.      But to most, the idea of God and heaven and hell and the Bible have only been abused!

3.      They have very good reason to be skeptical


E.     People Have Good Questions


1.      Is there really a good God?

2.      Why doesn’t He act?

3.      Can’t God control evil?

4.      Without solid answers, the issues of government and society will only go more out of control – same-sex marriage, abortion, euthanasia…


F.      We have Good Answers


1.      If we don’t give people good answers, they will never know that God IS good

2.      Not answers from great theologians or great philosophers, but from the author of truth itself – from God!

3.      Faith in God means faith built upon truth – not a stab in the dark – not a good guess, or best hope!


G.    The work of a Christian… the work of the people of this church congregation is


1.      To have answers – not just blind faith! God commands us ALL to have answers (1Pet 3:15)

2.      To be trained to TEACH, and explain, and reason with people (2Tim 2:24-26)

3.      To STUDY (2Tim 2:15)

4.      To have a Godly lifestyle – it matters what your life SAYS

5.      To set out to Open people’s eyes, and turn people from darkness (ignorance) and from the power of Satan (who has blinded them) (Acts 26:18; 2Cor 4:4)

6.      To Pray for God to open heart, minds to the truth as we present it (John 8:32)


H.    This month we will look at several foundational questions that almost everyone has, but have given up on finding out the answer to, like:


1.      Is there REALLY a God?

2.      Is the Bible for real?

3.      Why do we need God?

4.      Which God is the Right God? The True God?

5.      Is the Bible Perfectly True?

6.      Can a Person Change?

7.      What’s the Difference Between Religion and God?


I.       The first and most important question to answer (Psalm 14:1):


1.      Is the REALLY a God? Only a FOOL says there is no God, but evidently, there are a load of fools out there today!

2.      How do we know He exists?

3.      What is He like?

4.      Can He be trusted?

5.      People think “EVERYONE” believes there is a God… but why is it that almost NO ONE is living like He is there?!!!


II.    Message


A.    CREATION Proves There is a God (Psalm 19:1,2; Rom 1:20)


1.      Since we all are here, something caused us.


a.       Your parents, and their parents, and their parents before them…

b.      But who started it all?

c.       Evolution says, billions of accidents brought about the very first primordal life, that led to trillions of accidental improvements, that led to you being born!


2.      A Scientific Law proves there is a Creator! The Second Law of Thermodynamics!


a.       Example of a Wind up clock, or toy spinning top


1)      EVERYTHING is winding down, not up.

2)      Wearing out, not getting better

3)      Burning out, running DOWN-hill

4)      Falling apart


b.      The Bible even says the scientific law like it was simple – which it is (Ps 102:24-27)!

c.       SOMEBODY had to start everything if it is winding down!

d.      Why is that so hard to accept?


e.       If everything has always been around, then nothing would still be here! The longer things are here, the more decay there is


1)      Mountains can’t keep eroding for billions and billions of years – they would ALL be flat by now!

2)      Salt cannot keep accumulating in the oceans – nothing would be able to live

3)      Stars burn out over time – there should be no stars still shining


3.      Only a FOOL would say everything in the universe just happened by an accident. That there is no God, and nothing to worry about – that science can explain everything!

4.      Next time someone says, there is no God, say, REALLY?


a.       The very fact that we are here is a MIRACLE.

b.      LIFE just doesn’t happen in this universe

c.       It is MORE than a series of just chemical reactions that make dead molecules mimic life… NO!

d.      The fact that we LIVE, and that this world is here, PROVES someone MADE IT ALL!

e.       People may say that it is not that simple.

f.       You just look at them and say, it is the best answer!


B.     DESIGN Proves there is a Creator (Psalm 8:3)


1.      Not just the fact that everything is here, but that everything is DESIGNED

2.      The greater the design, the greater the Designer


a.       Beavers can make a wooden dam… Someone smarter made the Inniscarra Dam!

b.      A Thousand Monkeys can type furiously for years on typewriters and may actually accidentally type out a short sentence that made sense. But Shakespeare wrote Hamlet the first try!


3.      Examples of this fact!


a.       Find words written on a rock that said, “Kilroy was ‘ere” – you would know that they did not accidentally appear – someONE intelligent wrote those words

b.      Find a chain of molecules 3 feet long (1 metre!!!!), all encoded with specific instructions on how to make eyes, fingers, hair, toes, skin, bones, a heart, 2 lungs, eye-lashes, etc… YOU BETTER BELIEVE SOMEONE DESIGNED IT!

c.       Find a smooth stone in a riverbed, you imagine the water made it. If you found an arrowhead, you would have to admit that an intelligent being fashioned it – made it! It can’t happen naturally!


4.      Why is this so hard to accept?

5.      Still want to say there is no God? No Creator?

6.      More Examples:


a.       Find a car out on an old abandoned trail – rusted out, no windows, no tires – you wouldn’t say, OH LOOK! ISN’T NATURE SO GOOD AT MAKING THIS FORD? No! You would say, WHAT JERK ABANDONED HIS “DESIGNED” and MANUFACTURED CAR OUT HERE TO RUST?

b.      A child, from its conception is marvellously designed!


1)      Their cells are MORE complex than a Space Shuttle requiring 30,000 technicians to launch!

2)      More complex than a city with 10 million people

3)      The mind of a child is able to learn several languages AT ONCE

4)      It will remember things from the age of about 3 for the next 90+ years!!!!

5)      As an adult, its heart will pump 2,000 gallons of blood a day.

6)      The lungs contain over 300,000 million capillaries (tiny blood vessels). If they were laid end to end, they would stretch 2400km (1500 miles).

7)      The focusing muscles of the eyes move about 100,000 times a day. To give your leg muscles the same workout you would need to walk 80km (50 miles) every day

8)      The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razorblades.

9)      The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue. While you may not be able to bench press much with your tongue, it is in fact the strongest muscle in your body in proportion to its size.

10)  We all truly are fearfully, wonderfully designed! NOT AN ACCIDENT AT ALL!


C.     Morality Proves there is a Creator (Romans 2:14,15)


1.      We all hold the same basic things as right and wrong (John 8:9).


a.       Adultery

b.      Thievery

c.       Disobedience – it freaks us out when we first say “No!”

d.      Even people who don’t believe in morality, don’t think you should be disrespectful when talking to them. They want to be treated with fairness and courtesy!


2.      People don’t just talk about what we do – that is amoral – no morality, that is just history!

3.      We talk about what we OUGHT to do – THAT is morality, and that is how societies better themselves

4.      The next time someone says there is no God, ask them if it is okay to punch them! Spit in their face! Mug them and take their money!


a.       They will respond No! Of course not!

b.      Ask them why is it not okay

c.       They will say it is wrong

d.      But if we are all just animals in the evolutionary tree of life, if I am stronger then you, and I can get away with it, then it doesn’t matter! Might makes right!

e.       If they still hold that it is wrong, then you have them. If it is wrong, then we are NOT just animals, but moral beings that have been wired with a sense of right and wrong whether we will admit it or not!


5.      The fact that everyone on this planet has some morality before they burn it out with the sins they commit, PROVES they were created by a good God who expects us to live BETTER than we do naturally!


D.    THE BIBLE Proves there is a Creator!


1.      Next time someone says, How do you KNOW there is a God, POINT to this Bible and say it is no ordinary book!


a.       Don’t be afraid to use your Bible to prove there is a living, eternal God in heaven!

b.      THAT Book claims to be “thus saith the LORD!” and then proves it!


2.      Somebody smarter than Aristotle, Einstein, and Stephen Hawkins, wrote down things that could not even have been imagined 500 years ago, much less 3,000 years ago


a.       Isaiah 40:21,22 “the CIRCLE of the earth”

b.      Job 26:7 “He hangeth the earth upon NOTHING”

c.       That dead animals and dead people need to be stayed away from if you want to stay healthy – before anyone had any idea that there are GERMS and BACTERIA that can make you sick and kill you!


3.      The prophecies are impossible to repeat


a.       Of the birthplace of a Messiah being written 700 years before His birth

b.      Of the means of the murder of that same Messiah – crucifixion, with the hands and feet being PIERCED

c.       That the Messiah would heal the lame, and raise the dead


4.      Over 40 authors wrote the 66 books of the Bible in different lands (Job in Mesopotamia, Moses in Jordan, Paul in Rome and Greece, John in Turkey, Peter in Babylon), and at different times, covering a period of over 2,100 years (from 2000 B.C. to 95 A.D.), and yet never contradicting each other! Try to duplicate that!

5.      This Book examines our hearts and exposes our sins! Proving that our problems are not caused by faulty genes, but by sinful hearts!

6.      Still want to say there is no God? Only a FOOL would still not believe there is a God in heaven who made everything!


E.     A Changed Life Proves A Saviour!


1.      One of the greatest PROOFS that there is a God


a.       Is not the magnificent temples made with hands, or the amazing accomplishments of religious zealots…

b.      It is the changed life of a sinner, who once was lost, but now is found!


2.      Changed from a life of sin and sorrow, to one that is full of life and joy and peace and forgiveness (Romans 14:17)

3.      2 Corinthians 3:2

4.      John 4:28-30, 39

5.      Mark 5:1-8, 15

6.      No amount of explaining, can compare to a life that has been thoroughly CHANGED by the work of the God of the Bible in a man’s life!

7.      No amount of evidence is equal to ONE DIFFERENT life!


III. Conclusion


A.    Evangelism means more than talking about heaven


1.      It means helping people know that they can know God

2.      Trust the Bible – know the way to trust God

3.      Helping people seek truth – not a fairy tale, or false hope, or a religious experience


B.     Not everyone has deep, skeptical questions, but most do, and most are not answered anymore

C.     People Have Good Questions

D.    We have Good Answers – the ONLY answers

E.     The work of a Christian… the work of the people of this church congregation is


1.      To have answers – not just blind faith! (1Pet 3:15)

2.      To be trained to TEACH, and explain, and reason with people (2Tim 2:24-26)

3.      To STUDY (2Tim 2:15)

4.      To have a Godly lifestyle – it matters what your life SAYS

5.      To set out to Open people’s eyes, and turn people from darkness (ignorance) and from the power of Satan (who has blinded them) (Acts 26:18; 2Cor 4:4)

6.      To Pray for God top open heart, minds to the truth as we present it (John 8:32)


F.      We will look at several foundational questions that almost everyone has, but have given up on finding out the answer to, but this morning, we have looked at the first question on most minds and hearts: Is there REALLY a God?

G.    The answer is a resounding YES!


1.      Creation Proves There is a God

2.      Design Proves there is a Creator

3.      Morality Proves there is a Creator

4.      The Bible Proves there is a Creator!

5.      A Changed Life Proves A Saviour!


H.    Any of those PROOFS could be just what someone needs to hear before they will listen to you explain to them to Gospel, and their need for repentance because of sin!

I.       Take this message seriously!

J.       The FACT that there is a God in heaven ought to frighten you… but it ought to drive you to seek to know Him… the author of this Bible, the Creator of your life, and the Judge of your sins! He is waiting for someone to look to Him to be saved – to follow the life of His Son, Jesus!