The Insignificant in Christmas

Luke 2:1-20


I.                     Introduction


A.      The Christmas story has everything needed for a great story: Political intrigue, conflict, anticipation, the drama of a delivery room, fear, doxology, and amazement.

B.       But one thing that impresses about the Christmas story is how simple and unadorned it really is. In fact what captures me is the "insignificant" element.

C.       Some might object by saying, "Insignificant?" How could the birth of the virgin-born Son of God be insignificant? Indeed for God to become human (John. 1:14) is no small thing. But watch how Luke shows in the Christmas story how God fills the seeming insignificant with His presence and makes what might have been mundane into profound mystery.


II.                   Message -  The Mystery of Christmas is found in:


A.      Insignificant Places.


1.        The "happening" places of the world were Rome and Syria.
People who ruled others lived there, and that mattered.
No one cared much about Palestine, tucked away in a
small pocket of the Roman Lake (Mediterranean Sea)—except God.

2.        But our story sets its focus on little places:


a.       Like Bethlehem—granted, the City of David, but
really not all that important in terms of size and clout.

b.       Like Nazareth—and even Nathanael asked, "Can anything
good come out of Nazareth?" (John 1:46).

c.       Like a manger—a common cow trough but mentioned
three times in our text.

d.       Like fields—where shepherds watch flocks. The first
Christmas took place "down on the farm."


3.        When God comes near all the little places become big!


B.       Insignificant People.


1.        The important people of the world were mentioned
in v. 1 & 2: Caesar Augustus and Quirinius. They were the movers and shakers. When they spoke people listened. They could call for taxes and the word was, "So let it be done."

2.        But our story looks to different key players:


a.       Like a young poor couple from Nazareth—Mary and Joseph.

b.       Like shepherds—Biblically shepherds had important roles, but socially they were outcasts.

c.       Like the innkeeper—this person is so insignificant that technically he is not even mentioned in the text.


3.        When God comes near all the little people suddenly seem to matter!


C.       Insignificant Event.


1.        The event that would makes news was taxes—it still does. And the weather, and

2.        But our story gives attention to the birth of a baby.
Granted, for the believer this is anything but normal:


a.       There was the matter of fulfilled prophecy.

b.       There was the matter of the appearance of that star.

c.       There was the matter of the virgin conception and birth.


3.        When God comes near all the little events of life suddenly are big!


D.      Insignificant Goal.


1.        The goal of Hannah was to have a son

2.        The goal of Zacharias and Elisabeth was to have a baby

3.        The goal of Mary and Joseph was to serve the Lord

4.        All seemingly insignificant goals in the eyes of the world

5.        But think: God started to save the world with the birth of a baby.
Babies are born everyday. The Bethlehem paper would have read the next morning: Joseph and Mary, a boy. Big deal—it happens every day. But therein is the wisdom of God (cf. 1 Corinthians 1:26f). When God comes near all little events take on spiritual power!

6.        When God comes near all the little goals of life suddenly are eternal!

7.        What goals do you have?


a.       A godly family is a great goal

b.       A fruitful year - spiritual growth, and souls-saved!

c.       A readiness for the rapture - AMEN!


III.                 Conclusion