What I Am Going to Do When I Get to Heaven

Revelation 21:1,2

DATE: 16 Aug, 2003 PM          PLACE: BBC Blarney

I.         Introduction


A.      What are we going to be doing when we get to heaven?

B.       Every thought about that? You are going to be with Jesus for a very long time, thank God! So, it would hurt to do some dreaming, and planning – like dreaming about what all you would be doing on an upcoming holiday

C.       Well, the Bible describes enough of heaven to excite even the most backslidden of Christians!

D.      Tonight, I want to tantalize your dreams, and get us all looking forward to a place Jesus called HOME!

E.       And to do that, I just want to boast about what I plan on doing for the first billion years or so when I get to heaven!


II.       Message


A.      I am Going to See Some Things.


1.        The Bible that has been settled in heaven (Ps 119:89)

2.        The Book that has my name in it (Lk 10:20; cf Rev 20:15)

3.        The Bottle that’s got my tears in it (Ps 56:8)

4.        The Bride that has made herself ready – all glorious (Rev 19:7; 21:9-11)

5.        The Brother that I have never seen – other Christians (Philp 4:3)

6.        The Brook that flows from the throne of God – the River of Life, lined by trees that produce twelve different kinds of fruit (Rev 22:1)

7.        That’s not to mention, all the mansions, the streets of gold, and the angels – it is going to take an eternity to see it all!


B.       I am Going to Say Some Things.


1.        Amen – IT’S TRUE

2.        Holy, Holy, Holy (Rev 4:8)

3.        Worthy is the Lamb (Rev 5:11,12)

4.        Blessing, Honour, Glory, Power goes to HIM that sits on the throne, all victorious!

5.        Hallelujah – praise ye the Lord!

6.        Might as well get used to saying those things down here!

7.        I am going to quote the entire book of Psalms – from a perfect memory!

8.        I am going to say, “I LOVE YOU JESUS!”

9.        I am going to say THANK YOU!


C.       I am Going to Sing Some Things.


1.        Some New songs (Rev 5:9)


a.       Every song since I got saved was a new song to me

b.       I love learning new songs

c.       I come to find out though, that all the songs here on earth are all the old fashioned, Godly songs – and I thank God for them!

d.       But in heaven, I will be learning new songs for all eternity!

e.       Songs that Abraham sang, that were not written down! Songs that Adam and Eve sang. Songs that the angels sang at the creation of the world!

f.        I can’t wait!


2.        Some Old songs as well


a.       I will take to heaven with me, all the songs of that hymnal that I have memorized, and sung day after day

b.       I will sing the precious songs like The Touch of the Master’s Hand


3.        Heaven is waiting for God’s choir to assemble to sing once again

4.        What will it sound like when 200,000,000 believers join together in unity and harmony?


D.      I am Going to Shout All Over Heaven (Ps 47:1)


1.        Heaven is no place for the timid, reserved, the quiet

2.        You can’t Praise God without shouting!

3.        Worshipping God – falling at the feet of Jesus

4.        Thanking God – I will come back again and again, every time that I remember something else to thank Him for!

5.        There will be no complaining, no murmuring there


E.       I am Going to be Sorry for Some Things.


1.        Sorry for Very little praying and walking with God

2.        Sorry for Very little tapping into the power of the Holy Spirit in my life

3.        Sorry for Very little effort expended for eternity

4.        Sorry for Very little struggle against sin and temptation, when I was given the victory with the blood of Jesus Christ!

5.        I am going to be so sorry for not living like I was a child of the King of kings – but instead, living like I was my own man!

6.        I hate regrets – so, God help us to be sorry now, so that we can be shouting later!


III.     Conclusion


A.      Are you looking forward to heaven?

B.       Are you even sure that you are going?

C.       Today is a good day to settle your eternity!

D.      Sorrow in heaven is only for a brief moment, and cannot be compared to the sorrow of those in hell for eternity!