Strangers to Ourselves

Getting to Know Myself

James 1:14

DATE: 25 Feb, 2001   PM         PLACE: BBC Blarney


I.         Introduction (Hebrews 12:1)


A.      What are “besetting sins?”

B.       Did you know that we all have them?

C.       Did you know that we all have the command here to lay them aside?


1.        Not just once at salvation - But every day!

2.        It is an exchange


a.       Love of money for the cross (Mark 10:21)

b.       Love of self for a new life

c.       The trap of our sinfulness for rest (Mt 11:28,29)


II.       Background


A.      We Are Born with a Sinful Heart (Jer 17:9)

B.       My sinful heart is the source of the strength of my “Flesh” (1Pet 2:11)

C.       “My Way” is the life I live in my flesh – the opposite of being “in the Spirit”


III.     Message – Strangers to Ourselves


A.      What every person needs to know is, What is the ruling lust of my heart?


1.        Our disposition; our natural things we do that are not of God


a.       In other words, What drives my emotions?

b.       What behaviour does my lust and desire fuel?

c.       Could it be…


1)       To always be FIRST in what you do – more than just ambition

2)       To be accepted by everybody

3)       To be right – not made right, but to be above others

4)       To get even? Revenge

5)       To


2.        It is not always apparent to us (Luke 9:55)

3.        It is usually different in every person


a.       As varied as there are “personalities”

b.       People are affected by different temptations


1)       Music affects some, and not others

2)       Cigarette smoke affects some as a temptation, but not others

3)       Drink, Money, etc


4.        My lust is defined by what I think about


a.       Rock music, filthy photos, cigarettes, drink, are all sinful and wrong, but only tempt us if they are part of what we think about

b.       EX: Look at fashion.


1)       The fashions that affected people 20 years ago no longer affect people (thankfully). The fashions are no longer desired

2)       The desires changed when the thinking changed about how important it was to HAVE a certain style


5.        My controlling lust is what Christ died to conquer – have you let Him conquer it yet?

6.        What is the importance of this understanding?


a.       Unless you are aware of what causes you to fail, temptation will constantly entangle you

b.       If we however remain ignorant of what “besets” us, we will all our lives live in the same old paralysed state


7.        Let’s look at what we are talking about – it is simply called “my way”


a.       Judges 17:6

b.       Psalm 81:12

c.       Prov 3:5, 7

d.       Prov 12:15

e.       Prov 23:4

f.        Prov 28:26

g.       Philp 2:21

h.       2Tim 3:2

i.         Jude 16


B.       Let’s look at a great example of someone who did not know himself – King Saul in 1 Samuel 15:16-


1.        Thought he was obeying the Lord’s command

2.        Thought he could blame others for his own way (15:21)

3.        truly thought his way was not just good enough for God, but even BETTER than what God had asked for (15:22)


C.       How Does Anyone ever Change? Or Be Changed?


1.        See your own way as “stubbornness” (15:23) – fixed like a rock – must be broken up (Luke 20:17,18) – stubbornness can not see itself!


a.       That’s why you need godly friends – who will always be truthful, and honest, and straight-up with you, all the while loving you!

b.       That’s why you need a strong Bible-preaching church

c.       That’s why you need a strong King James Bible – to break you

d.       That’s why you need time of real prayer in earnest for the Holy Spirit to work on your cold hard heart!


2.        See that our way is actually a rejection of the word of God (15:23) – such a serious sin – as idolatry (worship of my self)

3.        See that our own way can NEVER please God (Rom 8:5-8)

4.        Repent of our own way – surrender your life into the hands of such a Saviour as Jesus!

5.        There is no greater work than the work of repentance, and there is no greater fruit than when repentance has allowed the forgiveness of Christ to cleanse and make us fully whole!