Spiritual Reasons - Just for Jesus! Part 2

Doing Things For the Right Reason

Mark 14:1-8

DATE:  21 Oct, 2007  AM

PLACE: BBC Ballincollig


I.         Introduction (Galatians 5:16,17)


A.      We are going through a series of studies on Walking in the Spirit, instead of walking, living in the flesh – living according to our old habits and ways

B.       The Christian leads a double life – one that is Physical, and is Spiritual

C.       The two lives are against each other – they go in exactly opposite directions

D.      I am focusing on the Christian’s OTHER Life– the Spiritual life that we have! That part of our life that makes our physical, and emotional burdens a whole lot easier to bear! That part of our life that has been empowered by the presence of God!

E.       But HOW do you live Spiritually? The answer is heartily as if to the Lord (Col 3:23)

F.       To live Spiritually, means:


1.        Heavenly minded instead of worldly minded

2.        For Jesus instead of for self, or even just for others

3.        Passionately, not pathetically


G.       Illustration:


1.        On a Sunday morning, at the Bible Baptist Church of Elkton, Maryland, a man came into the meeting who had never attended the church before

2.        he was awed at the number of people, and their joy and singing, and attention during the preaching

3.        He sat two rows back from the front, and listened with keen interest to the Gospel message that morning. His eyes would gleam, and then fall, and then rise again with the good news of forgiveness through Jesus Christ!

4.        When the invitation was made, and the pastor asked for a show of hands from people who knew they needed to be born again, that man’s hand shot up and waved back and forth until he knew that the pastor had seen it!

5.        As the crowd rose to sing a song for the invitation, the pastor asked that anyone who wanted to come forward and settle their sin account with God through prayer, should do so now.

6.        Well, that man literally bounced out of his chair and almost ran to meet the pastor at the front. They both knelt, and after a few moments in the Bible, they both prayed right there. The man called upon the name of Jesus to save his lost soul! When he stood up, he was a new man! He smiled from ear to ear.

7.        But that was not the end! The pastor asked him if he would like to be baptized that morning, to which he replied, I’ would like that very much!

8.        Since they could baptize indoors, in a large baptistery, the crowd continued singing as they went and got into the water.

9.        The man gave a very simple, and powerful testimony of being saved now by the grace of God that morning because of the preaching! And then the pastor baptized him.

10.     When the man came back out of the water, he shouted, “HOT DOG! HOT DOG! HOT DOG!”

11.     With a huge smile on his face, the pastor turned to the crowd and said, that was one of the best “Halellujah’s” he had heard in a long time!

12.     Folks, THAT’S Christianity! Passionate, sold-out, on fire, simple, powerful, life-changing Christianity!


H.      What Has God done for us (Rom 5:8)?


1.        Loved us when we were ungodly

2.        Died in our place

3.        Defeated everything, absolutely everything that was against us

4.        Made a heaven just for each of us!

5.        Everything that God does is for us – not for the whales, the birds, the climate, the planets, the stars and galaxies – just us!


I.         The question I want to deal with this morning, and answer is, Why do we do things as Christians? (2Cor 5:14,15)


1.        Why do we go to church, read our Bibles, pray, witness to people, give our tithes, love our families, work our jobs, and try to do anything hard?

2.        Many people have very selfish reasons why they do things – only about gain, and “what do I get out of it?” and make choices based only on whether they benefit.

3.        I want to answer that question… that is HAS to be for a better reason than just what “I” get out of it. Yes, all those things bring a benefit to me, and even a physical benefit. But those benefits fade, and are not strong enough.

4.        The best, and really the only reason why a Christian should do absolutely anything… are you listening?... is because of Jesus – because you want to please Him, and make Him happy with your life, and want to love Him, and want to do things as if you were doing them to Him alone!

5.        Not many people do that!

6.        This message is intended to change that!

7.        Everything we do reflects our attitude towards God. Our every move is a testimony to our love for God. Other people see it in us – if it’s there!


J.        Have you ever felt like most of what you do is wrong, and never works out right? Wouldn’t it be great if what you did, no matter how small or even messed up, it actually meant something in the big scheme of things? Well that’s what we are going to try and develop this morning!

K.      There are some specific things that we can do like this woman, and there is a specific reason why we should do them all – for the glory of our precious Lord


L.       A Review of Some Things to Do for the Right Reason from Last Week.


1.        Believe on Jesus Christ

2.        Bow only to Him. Worship only Him, instead of self, or modern idols

3.        Become a blessing to others instead of always a burden

4.        Start bending to the authorities in your life

5.        Get busy, serving and working harder than anyone else on the job

6.        All because you love the Lord Jesus! At least you should! He is doing everything for us out of love! How can we do any less?


II.       Message – Doing Things for the Right Reason - Just for Jesus


A.      Bury Some Things For the Lord Jesus (Colossians 3:1-9)


1.        One important thing that you need to do as unto the Lord

2.        Put some thing in your past – put them away finally, and for good! Bury them, and leave them behind TODAY! Not because I am saying it, but because of Jesus in your life! Because he wants you too, and because he is worth doing it for!


a.        Fornication – messing around outside of marriage, including pornography! It is wicked, and ruining this generation!

b.       Uncleanness – wicked thoughts!

c.        Inordinate affection – wrong loves, like loving a leather ball, or a car, or a dog, or the same sex, instead of loving people, and the brethren, and your own family!

d.       Evil concupiscence – sinful desires

e.        And covetousness, which is idolatry – the demands of children are sin

f.         Anger – wicked sin!

g.       Wrath – what you do when you are angry!

h.       Malice – the joy you have being angry

i.         Blasphemy – the use of your tongue attacking God and His ways

j.         Filthy communication out of your mouth – filthy stories and jokes, and gossip

k.        Lies!


3.        Do you know what all that is all rolled up into one thing? Your TV, especially late night TV!!!

4.        You may have a had a hard time putting that stuff away

5.        But could you do it for the Lord?

6.        Would you put away your cigarettes for the Lord if he asked you to?

7.        Would you turn off your TV if he asked you to?

8.        Would you give up your sports if they are taking over your life… if Jesus asked you to?

9.        Would you confess it as SIN, and beg God for the victory over it?

10.     Would you bury your bitterness and wrath and lying if He asked you too?

11.     Well, he is. That Bible asks us to put away everything that besets us, comes between us and God and derails our Christian walk!

12.     If anything is more important to you than Jesus, then it needs to be dethroned, removed from power in your life!

13.     Don’t do it for me, or even for yourself. Do it for the Lord’s honour, and praise!


B.       Bestow Your Gifts Just to Jesus (Matthew 6:1-4)


1.        Who are you giving to on a Sunday in the Offering Box?

2.        People say: I give to the Church to pay its bills; to our missionaries; to people who have needs; to the building fund so that we can buy our own property soon

3.        But all our giving is to be to the Lord Jesus!

4.        It is not a time to show off, or to be embarrassed - Giving is an act of love for HIM!

5.        I love our missionaries, and our love our people, and I hate our bills ;)

6.        But I love the Lord Jesus, and I give as if to Him

7.        There is more to give by-the-way than just our money: how about our time, our talents, our plans, our pride


a.        To give you time, start with setting it aside – 10% belongs to God

b.       To give your talents to God means not being embarrassed when singing, soul-winning, serving – do it for the lord Jesus!

c.        To give your plans means let HIM decide your life! Scary? No!


8.        At Christmas, we take up a special gift just for Him! It’s HIS birthday

9.        Make sure you bestow/give as if you were giving back to the Lord

10.     He has given everything to us!

11.     If you grumble and complain about giving, just remember that Jesus could treat you the same way, and how would you fare then?


C.       Be Submissive Because of Jesus (Ephesians 5:22-24,33) in the home


1.        We live in such a wicked generation of men, I know

2.        But ladies, don’t join them in disobedience to God

3.        Honour your husband, as if he were the Lord Jesus Christ – it will kill him! You think it will kill you, but it will conquer him!

4.        He KNOWS he is not worthy! Do it anyway!

5.        Don’t think it won’t have a great effect on him – it will! There is NOTHING more powerful than a submissive, honouring wife! Period!

6.        The world has taught this modern generation that the power of a woman is in her anger, and her wrath, and in control of the bedroom, and control of the money etc!

7.        But God almighty says that her power is in her honour that she gives to her husband!

8.        Don’t get mad at me! Get mad at the devil who lied to you! And get mad at believing the lie of the devil!

9.        Most homes are ruined today not because of arguments, and differences, but because of TWO people being stubborn

10.     TRUTH: God made your husband to be a bit more stubborn than you ladies, (AMEN) so quite trying to be in competition! Thank God for some men who are NOT wimps, and wishy-washy, and walk-matts!

11.     Remember: it is you honouring the Lord Jesus by honouring your husband! Not because your husband is worthy, but because Jesus is!


13.     If you are constantly fighting your husband, you are not really fighting your husband, you are fighting the lover and Saviour of your soul – Jesus! Are you sure you want to do that?


D.      Behave For Jesus (Ephesians 3:1-3) – for Children


1.        Honour, love and obey your parents as if they were Jesus

2.        God works through them – even when they are not right all the time

3.        The best thing kids you can do to bless the Lord Jesus, is honour and obey your parents – treat them like Jesus was your father or your mother!

4.        The fastest way to win your parents to Christ (it doesn’t matter how old your are) is to honour them - treat them with extreme honour like you would Jesus!

5.        HEY!


a.        How would you treat the rugby world cup winners if they were the Irish team?

b.       That’s only a tiny bit like how we will treat our victorious Lord!

c.        That’s how we should treat our parents!


6.        They won’t know what hit them when they get hugs and kisses and love and honour that they have never ever before experienced!

7.        And did you know that the Lord will bless YOU for that? With a long life! With a good life!

8.        Kids, young people, teenager – will you honour them for Jesus’ sake?


E.       Bear Up Because of Jesus (Philippians 1:29) – suffer a bit – get some thicker skin will ya?!


1.        Quit quitting

2.        Quit complaining

3.        Quit crumbling

4.        Put up with whatever is happening in your life! YOU REALLY AREN’T THAT BAD OFF! You’re not in hell are you? You have been born again haven’t you? God is still good isn’t He?

5.        Well, endure hardness as a good soldier of WHOM?

6.        Suffer a bit All for the glory of the Lord – all for His sake!

7.        It is HE who has allowed it into your life to begin with

8.        It is He who will make it turn out for your good if you will let Him

9.        Put up with things a little longer this week, because of Jesus! Will you?


III.     Conclusion - (Col 3:23,24; Rom 14:6-8)


A.      Some Final Thoughts. For everything not spelled out, there is the general instruction that just everything we do should be to the Lord, for his glory, and with His help!


Two little lines I heard one day, Travelling along life's busy way;

Bringing conviction to my heart, And from my mind would not depart;

Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.


Only one life, yes only one, Soon will its fleeting hours be done;

Then, in 'that day' my Lord to meet, And stand before His Judgement seat;

Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.


Only one life, the still small voice, Gently pleads for a better choice

Bidding me selfish aims to leave, And to God's holy will to cleave;

Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.


Only one life, a few brief years, Each with its burdens, hopes, and fears;

Each with its clays I must fulfil, living for self or in His will;

When this bright world would tempt me sore, When Satan would a victory score;

When self would seek to have its way, Then help me Lord with joy to say;

Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.


Give me Father, a purpose deep, In joy or sorrow Thy word to keep;

Faithful and true what e'er the strife, Pleasing Thee in my daily life;

Oh let my love with fervor burn, And from the world now let me turn;

Living for Thee, and Thee alone, Bringing Thee pleasure on Thy throne;

Only one life, yes only one, Now let me say, "Thy will be done";

And when at last I'll hear the call, I know I'll say "twas worth it all";

Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.


Author Unknown


B.       What has God done for us – for each of us? Everything!

C.       What are we doing just for Him? Anything at all?

D.      Why are you going to go out of here this morning different? Why are you going to


1.        Believe on Jesus Christ?

2.        Bow only to Him? Worship only Him, instead of self, or modern idols?

3.        Become a blessing to others instead of always a burden?

4.        Start bending to the authorities in your life?

5.        Get busy, serving and working harder than anyone else on the job?

6.        Why are you going to start burying some things in your past and leaving them there?

7.        Become submissive to your husbands, honouring them, and even reverencing them?

8.        Start behaving, even though you are a stinking rebellious teenager that everybody just expects to rebel? Why not show them a different kind of teenager from now on?

9.        Start bestowing your tithes and offerings regularly?

10.     Bear up under struggles and pressures and even persecutions?

11.     All because you love the Lord Jesus! At least you should! He is doing everything for us out of love! How can we do any less?



Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland
