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What a joy it is to personally know the
Saviour who was really born in the
little town of Bethlehem 2004 years ago! Christmas marks that occasion with the
wonder and amazement that Jesus the Messiah would come to this sin-cursed earth, for
the likes of you and me! So let’s start off this Christmas season right, with the emphasis
being on HIM, and not on all the pressure, debt, rushing around, sales, and
Santa! To help us keep our focus right during this holiday season, we always have a special
dinner in Christ’s honour - this year, it is on Saturday, 4th of December,
and Everyone
is welcome! This dinner is in-formal in nature, meaning that we
will be having some great fun and activities and much food to enjoy. You
won't need to bring a thing either! The dinner is being completely catered by
the staff of the Westgate Foundation!. We will finish with a special devotional message
from God’s word! Please be sure to arrive early (like at around 5.45pm) so that
we can get all the tables set, and so we can fellowship a bit before the dinner
And by-the-way, remember that
2005 is
quickly approaching! Let’s determine that it will be a year lived for
Christ like no other year!
I sure do appreciate you, and pray for you
God Bless you very, very much
as you serve Him in 2005!
Your Pastor, and Friend,
Craig Ledbetter