10.15 Arrive at the classroom to setup for class, and to have a brief time of prayer
before the kids come
10.30 Arrive in Church for the General Assembly time
10.50 Your kids will arrive down to your classroom - Get them all organized into their
10.55 Start singing some Bible Songs - ask for favourites, and use Song Posters
11.05 Take attendance of those who are there
11.10 Open with prayer - ask the children if they would like to pray for something-
like maybe their sister is sick, etc.
11.10 Begin your Lesson Time
11.30 Have a Bible Quiz about the things you taught
11.40 More Bible Songs - Allow the children to stretch their legs and move around
11.45 Craft Time - have something for the students to do with their hands that relates
to what you taught them.
12.00 Read a Bible Story out of a Bible Story book (if you have time)
12.10 Close with prayer. Tell the kids how special this time has been for you!
12.10 Snack Time
12.20 Clean up and head back in to church
Some Final Notes on Teaching Sunday School
 | Walk with the Lord yourself throughout the week. You can't give out, what you don't
have. |
 | Pray for wisdom, and help (James 1:5,6) in both preparing to teach, and in teaching. |
 | Keep a list of the children who are in your class, so that you can pray for their
spiritual growth. |
 | Find out what portion of the Bible that you will be teaching from - it usually will be
defined by the Sunday School Materials provided to you by the Pastor. |
 | Read through the section, and determine the central subject idea (main idea) that you
learn from it (ie, Getting forgiveness, Being forgiving, Salvation, Winning over
temptation, Obedience, The love of Jesus, Satan's tricks, God's promises, Having a humble
heart, Standing up for what is right, etc.). |
 | Keep a notebook. In that Sunday School Notebook, begin to list all the things that are
ingredients to the main idea (information that helps you and the students understand the
main idea), and let those things be the items that you want to teach the children. |
 | List the important people, and places of the portion of Scripture being taught. Make
sure that you can explain who these people are, and where these places are - don't let the
children get the idea that this is all a fairytale. Let them know these people really
lived, and loved God! |
 | List any special words that might be hard for the children to understand. Don't take it
for granted that they understand everything you say. Take the time to explain to each of
them. |
 | Think of ways to get the children involved in the teaching of the lesson - invite them
to act out a part of the lesson with you (use only the good children to make an incentive
for those misbehaving). |
 | Go back through your list of things that you learned from the Scripture portion and
think of ways of helping the children learn it - using flannelgraph figures, drawing it
yourself on a white-board, puppets, collages of pictures from magazines, story books,
picture books, etc |
 | Use objects that can help present the truths of what you are teaching (like a rock and
modeling clay can be used to teach children to have a soft heart towards God). |
 | Come up with a craft that will reinforce their understanding of what you just taught
using simple paper-puppets, colouring pages, small figures on a stick, etc. |
 | Be efficient. Don't drag on and on as you teach. Be like a machine gun, or a race car,
and have everybody in the class "hop on" as you teach them the Bible! |
 | Come to class with several games that the children can get involved in like a Bible
Drill, Bible Hangman, "Who Am I?" (a child comes up to the front of the class
and has to give clues about who they are, and the class has to try and guess it) - make up
teams of boys against the girls, or set aside the group of children into two teams for
competition. |
 | Have a small special prize for the winning team. |
 | If the children are getting out of hand, have a special "Quiet Seat Prize" for
the person who is the most quiet and good during the lesson. |
 | Have lots of Bible Songs to fill up the time - use Pastor's Song Posters |
 | Have fun yourself! |
 | Have special class activities outside of class - like a class hike, or 10-pin bowling,
or something just for your class. The best thing would be to have something once a month,
but that will not always be possible. |