Genesis 24 Encounters are casual meetings for

Single, born-again, Christians

aged 25 and older.

Come along to an afternoon of godly fellowship, entertaining games, great food, and

helpful Bible-based preaching!


This event will be a great opportunity to get to

meet other Single Christians throughout Munster.

Download Invitation Flyer
When: The next Encounter is Saturday, December 1st at 2pm

Bible Baptist Church Activity Centre
Unit A, Enterprise Business Park
Innishmore, Ballincollig, Cork P31Y954
(Located just behind the Lidl's in Ballincollig)


Andrew Day at 085-8705895

Ray Sheehy at 086-3675054

Cost: 5 Euro for lunch & dress for Christmas theme!

Text and let us know if you are planning on attending

Genesis 24 Encounters is a Ministry of
Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork