“From Wimps 2 Spiritual Warriors” (W2SW)


A Program for Building Strong Godly Christian Men in 2018

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It is okay to be MEN today.

It’s important that men BE men today!

It’s even possible to BE the RIGHT kind of men today!

It just takes some working out and working in of some important things to forge GODLINESS, MANLINESS and INTEGRITY (Christ-likeness) into all of us!

So, this Saturday, Jan 13 from 8-11am we are having our FIRST "Wimps 2 Spiritual Warrior" Men's Breakfast and Battle Session in our Activity Centre in Ballincollig! Let me know if you are coming so I can let the 'chef' know! www.biblebc.com

This is a year-long effort to strengthen the Man we see in the Mirror every day (James 1:25).

So, throughout this year, we will strive to:
1. Develop some manly Christian friendship amongst ourselves – we need this!
2. Discover Spiritual Manhood instead of only wimpy, or even angry manhood.
3. Become the right kind of examples for our children – on purpose!
4. Learn what OUR Dads probably didn’t teach us about being husbands and fathers.
5. And build Godly courage and leadership into all of us.

These get-togethers will mainly be for our men from 13 years old and up, but will be open for you to bring other men along.
Every get-together will have well-planned fun and super-challenging activities, but will also enable everyone young and old to add something great to their lives from the Bible.
We will have good fun and great laughs as well as loads of good food – but don’t be surprised if sometimes we do some fasting!
Most of the events will be free, but some will cost, and they will be more than worth it!
Just make sure you come no matter what!
It will usually be held in the New Activity Centre early on Saturday mornings.
Make this year, the year we men become more than what the world expects of us!Schedule of Upcoming Get-Togethers

2018 Calendar of Men’s Events

Jan 13 (Sat)        8-11am       Saturday Men’s Battle Breakfast

Mar 3 (Sat)         8-11am       Men’s Hobby Presentation & Breakfast

Apr 4-7                                   (Wed-Sat) Men’s Spiritual Camp – Learning About Hezekiah

Apr 8 (Sun)         6pm            Men’s Camp Preaching Re-Cap at Church

Apr 28 (Sat)        1-4pm         Men’s Saturday afternoon BBQ

June 16 (Sat)      11.30am     Nursing Home Father’s Day

June 17 (Sun)      10.30am     Father’s Day Church Service

June 23 (Sat)      8am-3pm    Men’s Rock Climbing/Abseiling Saturday

Aug 25 (Sat)       8-Noon        Men’s Morning ‘Walk the Talk’

Oct 20 (Sat)        8am-3pm    Men’s Saturday Hill-Walking Trip and Dinner

A Ministry of the Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig.
Contact Pastor Ledbetter at 087-2766764
