Born to Die...
A Christmas Cantata

Sunday, 21st December, 2008 at 10.30am
Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig
Westgate Foundation, Main Road, Ballincollig

On the first Christmas Eve, the very first Christmas Eve, the whole world was unaware of what was magically happening in a barn in Bethlehem. Joseph and Mary knew what was happening; angels gathered in countless numbers praising and rejoicing because of what was happening; Shepherds gathered to see what was happening; it was the wondrous birth of God’s Son, Jesus! But that birth was not the point. It was not the climax. Jesus had not been born to become great and powerful, and take over the world. The Bethlehem baby, born in a humble manger, born the Son of Almighty God, had been born… to die!

You and your family are very welcome to come and enjoy a new Christmas Cantata performance honouring the reason for the birth of Jesus the Christ!

Brand New Song,
"Born to Die"
 Born to Die
Gospel Tract
See Photos of the entire Cantata
2008 Christmas Cantata
Video of the Cantata Song,
Born to Die!
MP3's of the Song,
"Born to Die"

You and your family will enjoy specially written music celebrating the birth of the Lord Jesus at Christmas time! Our Cantata seeks to help everyone follow the wonder of the birth of the Lord Jesus in a Manger in Bethlehem, all the way through the cross, and finally to an empty tomb! Christmas really was more than just a lowly manger, and Jesus is much more than a religious icon! Come hear a Musical and Scriptural presentation of the supernatural prophecies that pointed to His birth, and learn how His cross can make anyone free from the darkness of sin! It will be a presentation enjoyed by young and old alike!


For more information, contact Craig Ledbetter at (021) 487-1234,
or Email us at The church website is


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