
Student Online Class

The Gospel of Matthew - Part 2
October - December 2019

The following course notes and audio are provided free of charge. If you want to enrol in the Cork Bible Institute, there is
25 euro charge for this class, which will entitle you to the exams and quizzes, and an official transcript of your grades and
Class Credits that go along with this course.

Matthew Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Chapter 11
Matthew Chapter 12 Chapter 12 Chapter 12
Matthew Chapter 13 Chapter 13 Chapter 13
Matthew Chapter 14 Chapter 14 Chapter 14
Matthew Chapter 15 Chapter 15 Chapter 15
Matthew Chapter 16 Chapter 16 Chapter 16
Matthew Chapter 17 Chapter 17 Chapter 17
Matthew Chapter 18 Chapter 18 Chapter 18
Matthew Chapter 19 Chapter 19 Chapter 19
Matthew Chapter 20 Chapter 20   Chapter 20
The last 8 chapters are covered in the Next Semester's Course    
Matthew Final Exam You have to be a registered student to take this exam and get credit for it.  
(Click HERE to download the entire course minus the exams)

Class Requirements

Course Objectives - After successful completion of this course students should have:

A.     A thorough knowledge of the content of the book of Matthew and its portrayal of Jesus;
B.     Some familiarity with different theories regarding the setting, composition, structure, and pur-pose of the gospel;
C.     An awareness of different approaches to studying and interpreting the book of Matthew (his-torical studies, source criticism, form criticism, atheistic criticism);
D.     Familiarity with key themes in the book and with Matthew’s views on matters such as: Chris-tology, Kingdom of God, discipleship, understanding of history, use of the Old Testament, sig-nificance of the Jewish law, conflict with Jewish leaders, etc;
E.     Awareness of how the book of Matthew is both similar to and different from other early Chris-tian portrayals of Jesus;
F.     Some understanding of the interpretation of Matthew in the history of Christian thought, and an appreciation for what the book can contribute to modern Christian faith.

Required Textbooks

King James Bible

Course Requirements

The Book of Matthew must be read through TWO times before the completion of the Course.
A Report listing the 25 prophecies presented in Matthew that were fulfilled by Christ and the apostles – you will have to take note of each of the prophecies pointed to in Matthew, and write out completely the verses in Matthew, and in the Old Testament where the prophecy was given. You are not allowed to look up on the internet, or in any other book than in the pages of Scripture for the prophecies and their fulfilment.
A chapter-by-chapter brief summary of the Book of Matthew. One sentence per chapter is sufficient. The idea is to summarize each chapter in your own words. This needs to be thought out. For example:

1. Chapter One – the Genealogy and birth of Jesus Christ
2. Chapter Two – etc.
3. …
4. Chapter Twenty Eight - …

Completion of the Study Exam at the end of the Course
Class attendance and participation. It is imperative that students commit to attending the entire semester of class sessions (certainly emergencies will be recognized that might preclude atten-dance). You are graded also based upon your participation in class discussions.
You will need to write a Research Paper on a passage in Matthew or on a topic pertaining to Matthew. Approximately 1,500 words minimum (3 pages).
Due date: All course materials are due on _____________.

Grading Summary

A. Attendance and Participation 15%
B. Prophecy, and Chapter Summary 25%
C. Research Paper 25%
D. Section Quizzes 20%
E. Final Exam 15%