Modern era = no need for God!
so many religions, and so many abuses
religions, can anyone really know God anymore, much less
trust Him? Isn’t it time we all just moved on, and
forgot about eternity?
Yet something deep down inside tells us this is not
Death never stops its long march. War is a constant
threat world-over! Suicides occur if not in our direct
family, at least in our circle of friends. Drugs, well,
they are as common as Corn Flakes. HIV and AIDS is
rampant even in Ireland. And then there is
life in general
with all its overwhelming heartaches that just confirms
that the human race is a mess, and with all our modern
advances in science and technology, we are no better-off
than our grand-parents were, and in many ways, we are
the worse for it.
With all our knowledge, and accomplishments, we still
ache deep inside.
We all need to be reminded that that ache is a empty
hole, made by God to remind us we desperately need Him.
Oh yes, most of us put on a good show, and act like we
are good little boys and girls—but as far as our souls
are concerned, we are seriously lost.
And, amazingly, we are lost not because of the lack of
religions, and lack of good works, but because of the
lack of access to the pure Words of Almighty God—the
Just Your Interpretation
It would be nice to just ignore the Bible because it is
just a “book” that can be interpreted any way you
Well, for sure, there have been a lot of people who have
USED the Bible for their own purposes and to their own
ends, but anyone who reads the Bible knows it was
written to be understood by careful study of the words
as a BOOK,
instead of just phrases out of context. No one
misunderstands words like, “There
is none righteous, no not one”
as found in Romans 3, verse 10.
No, the people who have a problem with
interpreting the Bible, are too lazy to take the
time to read it! God wrote it to speak directly
to us, and get us out of our mess called life,
by saving us from a devil’s hell, and making us
fit for heaven! As a matter of fact, the apostle
Peter said in 1 Peter 1:23, a person is “born
again, not of corruptible seed, but of
by the word of God,
which liveth and abideth for ever.”
People blindly trust their priests and their
churches instead of the Bible! Faith in anything
else is only a waste!
The Bible is the only infallible source of information
God gave us. ALL religions, and absolutely EVERY church
is full of sinners, who may steer others wrong, even
unintentionally! The only way to know and trust God is
to know the contents of the Holy Bible—not just in your
head, but in your heart!
You see, this Bible thing is more time-consuming than we
really want in our lives. Yet, without it, our world is
rapidly moving closer and closer to something called “The
Great Tribulation”
(as described in Matthew chapter 24). You probably don’t
know anything about that do you? Well, it is coming. And
you may not even make it into the time of the Great
Tribulation - that is, if you were to die today. Death
is a welcome exit for many people, but most do not know
that on the other side of death’s door, is a place Jesus
(see Luke 16:19-23). Hell was created for the devil and
his angels (Matthew 25:41), and all of us are headed
because of our sins,
unless someone SAVES us (Matthew 23:33)! No pope,
priest, prince, perseverance, or prayer can save
you—only a perfect Saviour can. And His name? Well, it’s
Only Jesus
Now we have come to the nitty-gritty.
All other “saviours” and methods that we may be trusting
to rid us of guilt and sin, are frauds! Listen to what
Jesus says in His word!
am the door of the sheep.
All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers:
but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door:
by me
if any man enter in,
he shall be saved.”
John 10:7-9
Whether you admit it or not, we are all sinners,
separated from God! “For
all have sinned,
and come short of the glory of God.”
Romans 3:23
And there’s no escaping it—our sin is killing us! “The
wages of sin is death.”
Romans 6:23
God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we
were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8. Did you get that? Jesus died in your place
NOT when you were a good person, but when you were a
good-for-nothing sinner!
Finally, “The
gift of God
eternal life,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Romans 6:23
What you need is
only Jesus—It
was Jesus who came, died on the cross, was buried, and
three days later rose again—not to bring more religion,
but to bring
Only when you realize you’re a sinner in desperate need
of Jesus, are you ready to be saved from your sins. Call
on that name right now in prayer, and ask to be forgiven
of all your sins, and by faith, receive the gift of
eternal life. “For
whosoever shall
upon the name of the Lord,
shall be saved.”
Romans 10:13
Pray, “Lord Jesus, I know I’m lost and I deserve hell. I
never realized that is was only YOU who died to save my
soul. I have tried so many other ways to get my sins
forgiven, but now I trust only what you did on the cross
for me as sufficient for all time!
Please save me now.
I ask it in your name, and I believe it because your
word is true! Thank you for saving me! Amen!”
Your Call
Hey, don’t pass up this opportunity to be
saved—there may not be another one! You have no guarantee of tomorrow. Go back
and re-read this leaflet, and then with your whole-heart, call on Jesus’ name,
asking Him to save your soul! He promises He will!
You're Invited
Come visit a place where you can see, hear, and experience genuine love for God
in action! We are just a group of Christians who love the Lord Jesus, and meet
every Sunday in the west end of
Ballincollig in
Westgate Foundation,
on the Main Road.
In every meeting we
simply study the Bible, so that we can live for the Lord Jesus
faith in His
unfailing promises. You will find no rituals here - only the clear words of our
Lord directed right to our hearts! Church is all about answering the issues of
the heart from God’s perspective!
As Christians, we simply
believe the Bible. You will not find a warmer, friendlier atmosphere where
people care about each other and learn how to show it, than in Ballincollig!
Come visit a church that cares about YOU personally knowing the God, “who
loved us, and gave Himself for us!”
We hope to see you out in church soon!
you have any questions, need prayer, or would like more information, please
contact us at the address below.
Meeting Sundays at 10.30am and 6pm
At the Westgate Foundation
Main Road, Ballincollig
Post: 29 Westcourt Heights
Ballincollig, Cork
Tel: 021-487-5142
A Place,
A People,
A Passion...
for the Lord Jesus!