The Miracle of Marriage

How to Enjoy the Miracle of Marriage

Matthew 19:4-6


6 Feb, 2011  AM

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland


I.        Introduction (Matthew 19:4-6)


A.      Marriage is a miracle! Seriously!

1.       When we talk about marriage, we are talking about something miraculous!


a.       A man and a woman coming together and becoming one person, no longer two – that’s a marriage

b.       A man and a woman coming together and loving each other more and more with time – not less and less – that’s a marriage – and it’s a miracle!

c.        That two very different people becoming extreme givers of themselves – that’s a marriage – and it’s a miracle!

d.       That two very different people complimenting and changing each other over time for the better – that’s a marriage – and it’s a miracle!

e.        Two very different people not only getting married but staying married, for LIFE – that’s a marriage – and it’s always a miracle!


2.       It’s a miracle that such a thing called Marriage could actually work and keep working!


B.      A Marriage is made up of two very different people


1.       You are Two different sexes (male and female)

2.       You come from Two different families

3.       You have each experienced Two different cultures growing up

4.       You each have Two different expectations about each other and about life

5.       You have Two different sets of emotions and feelings

6.       You naturally have Two different ways of thinking about things

7.       Two different ways of reacting to things (one cries, and the other yells)

8.       Two different views on things

9.       Two different goals in life

10.    Two very selfish natures – for a while you may be giving, but we seem to always return to our selfish nature

11.    Two sets of past hurts and pains that get multiplied when mixed with another person

12.    Two different memories of events – they are never the same

13.    Two different levels of maturity


C.      The two of you are not the same! Thank God too! You would not be able to live with yourself!!!

D.      Human marriage is incredibly designed by a loving and very wise God


1.       Marriage is not fake!

a.       Television actors make sex and guy/girl relationships look so easy and fun and uncomplicated, but it is all a lie!

2.       Marriage is not “natural”

a.       They portray guys and girls as only animals finding their own way through life!

b.       But, the animal kingdom does not have marriage – one mate for life except with some: Beavers, Bald eagles, Salamanders, small Gibbon monkeys, a few mice in California (obviously), and a small group of African Dik-dik Antelopes

c.        In the rest of the animal kingdom, it’s a free for all – and only the fittest survive

3.       With humans, marriage is different


a.       Marriage is not an animalistic instinct

b.       GOD made you male or female

c.        GOD joined you or is working towards joining you together as one

d.       Marriage is not earthly, but from heaven

e.        It is a picture of God’s love for us, and Christ’s relationship with a believer!


E.       Human marriage has absolutely everything imaginable working against it! It has the fiercest of enemies!


1.       There is a spirit in the world today that is directly against Biblical marriage (1Tim 4:1-3)!

2.       Satan himself is dead set against marriage – hates EVERYTHING that God created good! He has his own way of running things – twisting what is good:


a.       Living together – “this is my partner” instead of your wife or husband!

b.       Constant mental adultery and fornication (2Peter 2:14)

c.        Having as many sexual partners as possible – thinking they are having fun

d.       And so people today end up:


1)       Abused

2)       Sterile from sexually transmitted disease

3)       In abortion clinics in England

4)       With what they think are unwanted babies

5)       Absolutely UNHAPPY because of the complications that children, and responsibilities and sin brings!


3.       Your flesh is against marriage! It doesn’t like being tied down! Man’s natural tendency, no matter how moral, or determined you are, is to fall away from your mate, to look away, turn away, fall apart, and to let your relationship die! That’s why there used to be LAWS defining boundaries and punishments for stepping out of marriage!

4.       Society is against marriage! At least the commitment to it! There is less and less support anywhere in our modern society, even from extended family

5.       Entertainment is against marriage! There is a constant portrayal of adultery and “fun” physical based relationships without any commitment on TV and in movies – fewer and fewer happily ever after fairy tales

6.       No wonder marriages are not working!


F.       What God had designed to be a fairy tale marriage in the Garden of Eden, turned into a disaster, and it repeats itself over and over in almost every home!

G.      So, in order for marriages to survive, God attempts to blend in among the two, flawed, sinful, self-centred people, a THIRD Person – The Lord Jesus! Eccl 4:9-12. HE can make marriage a miracle!


II.      Message - Making Marriage a Miracle


A.      The Bible’s Truth About Marriage – What is Marriage?


1.       Marriage is GOD’S Business


a.       Just like salvation is, forgiveness

b.       So is your home – that’s what God does best!

c.        God loves marriage

d.       He says A wife is a good thing

e.        He says A husband is a blessing


2.       God joined you two (Mt 19:4-6)


a.       It doesn’t matter how you two came together… some of you came together for the wrong reasons and had no idea what you were getting into

b.       Yet, here you are!

c.        Examples


1)       Brought Adam and Eve together, miraculously – they stayed married 930 years! Now THAT is a true world record! It lasted so long because of a Lamb, and them wearing its skins for the rest of their lives!!! Never getting over the forgiveness they experienced that day, their last day in the Garden!

2)       Kept Noah and his wife married, even through the year long flood

3)       Kept Abraham and Sarah married against all odds

4)       Brought Isaac and Rebekah together and kept them married in spite of all their differences and problems – and boy did they have problems

5)       Brought Boaz and Ruth together in one of the most amazing pictures of Jesus Christ and His foreign bride, the Church!

6)       Brought Hosea and Gomer together and kept them together in spite of her adulteries, and his natural rejection of her!

7)       Brought Joseph and Mary together and kept them together in spite of the struggle with the reality of a virgin pregnancy!


3.       God commands you to stay together! “Let not man put asunder” (split up)!

4.       And not just stay together, but be heirs together (1Pet 3:7)

5.       God helps you in the marriage! Whether you believe it or not, God actually helps you two now, not just one of you, when you seek to stay together, His way!


B.      The Worst Enemy of Marriage. Our main focus this morning!


1.       Now, I have said already that Human marriage has absolutely everything imaginable working against it! It has the fiercest of enemies! And I listed FIVE of them!

2.       But there is ONE enemy that is worse than all those combined! More destructive and more damaging than a category five hurricane!

3.       God says the greatest enemy against your home, is HARD-HEARTEDNESS

4.       It is not lying, adultery, drugs, drink, friends, no!


a.       What was the ruin of the greatest king of Egypt? His hard heart (1Sam 6:6)

b.       What was the ruin of the last king of Israel (Zedekiah) just before they all were carried away into slavery in Babylon? Hardness of his heart (2Chron 36:13)

c.        No one has ever hardened himself against God and prospered (Job 9:4)

d.       What caused the Israelites to have to wander in the wilderness until they died off when they could have walked directly into their Promised Land? Hard hearts (Heb 3:8,9)

e.        What caused the humiliation of the greatest king of Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar)? A hard heart (Dan 5:20)

f.        Why does divorce even occur? Because of HARD HEARTS (Mt 19:7,8)

g.        Why don’t people normally, easily trust and believe on Jesus Christ for forgiveness and salvation? Because of HARD HEARTS (Mark 3:1-5)

h.       Why don’t Christians trust God easily for the impossible and for the tough times? Because of their hard hearts (Mark 6:41-52)

i.         Why does it take so long for most Christians to mature and grow up spiritually? Because of hardness of hearts (Mark 8:13-17)

j.         Why is it that no matter what Jesus does in people’s lives, even the apostle’s, they still struggle with unbelief? Because of hard hearts (Mk 16:9-14)


5.       Definition of a hard heart


a.       Cold, insensitive, unfeeling, and unyielding. If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll have to agree that there are certain areas of your life where you have a hard heart toward God. Especially your mate!

b.       God made us so that we can harden our hearts towards unwanted influences. It was meant to be a positive thing, but for most people, what God meant for good has actually worked against us. We become cold are hard towards the very ones we used to love and cherish!

c.        We so often see a cold, insensitive, unfeeling and unyielding heart in others, but we must check ourselves.


6.       Causes of a hard heart – Two Causes


a.       Sin will harden it – that’s obvious (Heb 3:13)


1)       Every time you disobey God, and do your own thing, and seek your own will, your heart gets harder and harder – and not just towards God, but towards the very people you love and the very life you are so desperately seeking

2)       Most of the hard hearts in this room are from all the secret sins that have been done by us, all the wicked movies, all the rebellious attitudes, all the stubborn refusals to yield

3)       No wonder our generation is the hardest against God and against each other!

4)       But there is a second reason for hard hearts – more subtle, and not so easily admitted


b.       Preoccupation with anything other than God


1)       When you spend so much time on natural things, that you don’t have any time for spiritual things

2)       Whatever you neglect, your heart will become hard towards it

3)       Satan will seek to get you preoccupied with your children, your problems, your feelings, your “rights”, your financial needs, your health needs, your friend’s approval, your hobbies, your entertainment, and you will just naturally grow cold, indifferent, unfeeling, and unyielding towards God

4)       By neglect you will become hard towards God

5)       The same is true in your marriage

a)       Satan will get you all wrapped up in what she said, what he did, what he meant, what she didn’t do

b)       That you grow cold towards that person, and hot towards your anger! You become in love with your anger!

6)       Whatever you focus on, your heart will grow softer to!


7.       The dangers of a hard heart


a.       It only grows colder and deader – it never just corrects itself

b.       It is the source of all the sins in your life

c.        It will be judged by God, worse than all the sins you commit (Rom 2:5)


C.      Making a Miracle Marriage – the Cures of a Cold Marriage


1.       A miracle marriage is not one that is easy to have! It is the fixing of the impossible ones that are miracle marriages!!!

2.       Let’s do things God’s way, not the easy way. The easy way is to just go with the emotions, and just grow colder, and harder, and deader towards each other!

3.       Four by Four Fix - four easy steps, once you do the four hard steps!


a.       Easy Step! Agree with God if you have a hard heart – towards anybody


1)       Don’t try and kid me!

2)       There is not a person in here who does not struggle with hardness of heart

3)       That doesn’t mean that you HATE someone, but that you just don’t CARE about them!

4)       That doesn’t mean that you think poisonous thoughts about someone, but that you have no good thoughts about them!

5)       And even though you may not be HATING someone right now, if you don’t soften your heart, it will only get harder, and you WILL hate them ultimately


b.       Easy Step! Yield to God, and be willing to obey His Instructions in His word – to do whatever it takes!


1)       There will be no change in your life and especially your heart until you stop blocking God’s work in your heart! Decide to allow God to do the hard things in your life!

2)       Stop fighting God. You see, every time you are fighting your mate, or your parents, or your boss, you are actually fighting God since HE put you all together

3)       Become a doer of God’s word FOR your home

4)       Only by obeying God’s instructions will your marriage be saved, and your home be changed!


c.        Fairly easy step! Fast and pray for God to do a miracle in your heart! NOT in your mate’s heart (Ezek 36:26).


1)       Start this evening, don’t eat, just close your bedroom door while everyone is busy doing other things, and pray and beg God to soften YOUR heart, to change YOUR heart first towards HIM, and then towards your mate, or even your worst enemy!

2)       Do it again tomorrow morning, and then at every meal time

3)       Wait for God to start to soften that cold hard heart of yours

4)       When tears flow, when “I’m sorry” comes easy, when heart aches return and sorrow for being such a rebel overwhelm you, then you can rejoice that softness has returned


d.       Hard Step! Tear down your hard heart


1)       As God begins to change your heart, you need to start demolishing it and taking it away to the rubbish dump! Don’t just want God to patch up your heart, tear it down so a whole new heart can be put in it’s place!

2)       Some things when they have become broken may be repaired; but the heart of mankind is so thoroughly ruined that it must be pulled down even to its foundation (like a derelict house), and a new house must be erected. To attempt mere improvement is to experience only certain failure sometime later in the future. A man’s or a woman’s heart is like an old garment that is ripped and rotten; if any of us try and mend it with new cloth, all we do is make the rent worse, Jesus says.

3)       So, Do absolutely everything possible to humble YOURSELF (James 4:6,10), because until you do, God is against you, and humbling YOU!


a)       Thank God for your mate, no matter how much of a mess he or she may be – thank God for your future mate

b)       Praise your mate – yes you may need to correct the, and rebuke them, but do more praising than slamming!

c)       Bless your mate – serve them

d)       Pray for your mate. Pray FOR their needs, and for their softness not towards YOU and your needs, but towards GOD


4)       Those four things, if you would be man or women enough to do, would allow God to rebuild your relationship – stronger, better, longer lasting than it ever could otherwise!


e.        Last Step is an Easy Step! Finally, Cling to your mate.


1)       Hold their hand

2)       Sit next to them

3)       Just be with them

4)       That’s what you started doing when you first got married,

5)       And you need to still keep it up!

6)       Do not let the devil come along and trick you into thinking you don’t need your other half anymore, and that you will do better without them and their hurt!

7)       This step will be so easy without your hard heart getting in the way!


III.   Conclusion


A.      Marriage is a miracle!


1.       When we talk about marriage, we are talking about something miraculous! It’s a miracle that such a thing called Marriage could actually work and keep working!

2.       A Marriage is made up of two very different people


a.       The two of you are not the same! Thank God for that fact!


3.       It was incredibly designed by a loving and very wise God


a.       It is not “natural” – it is not earthly, it is of heaven!


4.       It has absolutely everything imaginable working against it!

5.       So, in order for it to survive, God attempts to blend in among the two, flawed, sinful, self-centred people, a THIRD Person – The Lord Jesus! Eccl 4:9-12. HE can make marriage a miracle!


B.      We have focused our attention this morning on The Worst Enemy of Marriage.


1.       What is it?

2.       A Hard Heart!

3.       What is the Definition of a hard heart?


a.       Cold, insensitive, unfeeling, and unyielding.

b.       If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll have to agree that there are certain areas of your life where you have a hard heart toward God. Especially your mate!


4.       What are the Two Causes of a hard heart?


a.       Sin will harden it – that’s obvious (Heb 3:13)

b.       Preoccupation with anything other than God


5.       What are the dangers of a hard heart?


a.       It only grows colder and deader – it never just corrects itself

b.       It is the source of all the sins in your life

c.        It will be judged by God, worse than all the sins you commit (Rom 2:5)


C.      Is there a Cure? Yes


1.       Every Marriage Can be Fixed! But it has got to be God’s way, not the easy way.

2.       Four by Four Fix - four easy steps, and four hard steps!


a.       Easy Step! Agree with God if you have a hard heart – towards anybody

b.       Easy Step! Yield to God, and be willing to obey His Instructions in His word – to do whatever it takes!

c.        Fairly easy step! Fast and pray for God to do a miracle in your heart! NOT in your mate’s heart (Ezek 36:26).

d.       Hard Step! Tear down your hard heart


1)       So, Do absolutely everything possible to humble YOURSELF (James 4:6,10), because until you do, God is against you, and humbling YOU!


a)       Thank God for your mate, no matter how much of a mess he or she may be – thank God for your future mate

b)       Praise your mate – yes you may need to correct the, and rebuke them, but do more praising than slamming!

c)       Bless your mate – serve them

d)       Pray for your mate. Pray FOR their needs, and for their softness not towards YOU and your needs, but towards GOD


2)       Those four things, if you would be man or women enough to do, would allow God to rebuild your relationship – stronger, better, longer lasting than it ever could otherwise!


e.        Last Step is an Easy Step! Finally, Cling to your mate.


D.      You find all this impossible? Not if you have the Lamb of God in your life! But He only enters by invitation! Will you invite Jesus to be the Saviour of your soul, the forgiver of all your sins, and the builder of your home and marriage?