I Patrick…

 A Sinner




Ireland has been away from the Truth for too long!



There was a man, named Patrick. Not in a galaxy, far, far away, but in a time, not so much different than today. A rebel, a slave, a sinner – turned preacher of the Gospel to a people who were, just like him, sinners, in need of the Saviour. What happened? And why did it so affect Ireland, and Europe?

Because of St. Patrick, Ireland became known as "the land of saints and scholars." It became a thriving centre of Bible Christianity, a light to all of Europe where multitudes came from far away lands to learn the Word of God - the Bible.

Who was St. Patrick?

Patrick (A.D. 389 - 465) was the son of a church minister and his grandfather also was a pastor. He was born in Scotland near a village called Bannavem Tabernia, which is now called Dumbarton.

When he was sixteen years old, he was carried away from Scotland to Belfast by a band of marauding Picts (or Celts). For six years as a slave, he was forced to shepherd sheep on hillsides. It was on these lonely hillsides that he remembered what his daddy had taught him from the Bible about Jesus, and finally turned to God. As a slave he repented of his sinful life and called upon the Lord Jesus Christ to save him. In his Confession he wrote,


“At 16 ... in a strange land the Lord opened my unbelieving eyes and I was converted.”

  It was in Ireland Patrick surrendered to Jesus and was saved from his deserving punishment of hell, and received eternal life all because of Christ whom he now dearly loved.

After escaping from Ireland, and arriving back home in Scotland, the love Patrick had for Christ burdened his heart to return to his enemies to tell them with such zeal that they must be saved also.

Patrick laboured in Ireland for about fifty three years turning thousands from their pagan religion, which was predominantly druidism, to Christ. He speaks of baptising thousands of converts and is credited for starting hundreds of local churches where the Bible was preached.

Patrick's only reason for coming to Ireland was to preach the Gospel to its lost people.

"I testify in truth and in joy of heart before God and His holy angels that I never had any reason except the Gospel and its promises why I should ever return to the people from whom once before I barely escaped."

So, What’s This About Sin?

Why did Patrick call himself “a sinner” instead of a saint? Why was Ireland considered “lost”?

In both his letters Patrick begins with the words,

"I am Patrick, a sinner, most unlearned…"

He said this because, with a humble heart, he knew the Lord Jesus had only come to save sinners. He, like the apostle Paul realised it was for them, as sinners, that Christ died that awful death on the cross. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief” 1 Timothy 1:15. Any other self-assessment was a slap in the face of God.

Over, and over again, the Scriptures emphasise,

“I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” Luke 5:32 

“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21 

“For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. Luke 19:10 

“For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Ro 5:6

This is the gospel of Salvation for sinners, and it is obtained only from surrender to Jesus Christ.

Although Patrick came from a Christian family, he was not a Christian until the day, on some hillside, that he repented of his sinfulness, and cried out for mercy from the Saviour, as he says in his letter;

"And there the Lord opened the sense of my unbelief that I might at last remember my sins and be converted with all my heart to the Lord my God".

Because Patrick realised he was a sinner, and knew full well the punishment on sin, which is eternal hell fire, He sought complete forgiveness from Christ!

Like Patrick we are all sinners without exception before a holy and righteous God, and we must repent of our sinful lives, and by faith call upon the Lord Jesus Christ to save us.

God has put a punishment on sin, which is death and hell. But the good news is that Jesus Christ has paid the full price by taking the full punishment for our sin on the cross 2,000 years ago. Now as a lost sinner, if you will repent with all your heart and cry out to Him to save you, He will.

Here's the Bottom Line

As a sinner, you will face the wrath of your Creator unless someone perfect, and sinless takes your place. The only person did take your place was Jesus, the Son of God! You cannot pay for your sins yourself - that is why Christ had to die for you!

Gods Plan of Salvation

1. You must Repent. That means hate your sins - all of them, and agree with God you deserve hell. “God … commandeth all men every where to repent” Acts 17:30. Hate not only your sins, but also your goodness, and good works, because you can never be good enough to earn God’s perfect GIFT of heaven. It has to be free!

2. You must believe Jesus Christ is all you need to be saved from hell. Jesus said, “I am the way… no man cometh unto the father, but by me” John 14:6. You can’t get to God through your church, your priest, or good works.

3. You then can FREELY accept the gift of salvation - eternal life comes only from Jesus Himself. "The gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord" Romans 6:23. Jesus died to give you the forgiveness of your sins. Talk to Him in prayer right now, and accept the forgiveness that He offers you for ALL your sins. "The blood of Jesus Christ God's Son cleanseth us from all sin" 1 John 1:7. Jesus alone is your ticket home to heaven!

Cry out to God right now. Ask Him to have mercy on you, and save your soul. "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13. It is that simple! Don't be so proud you would miss this opportunity. Hell is full of good people who were too proud to do what needed to be done, right away!


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