How Succeed in 1997

How To Start the year Off Right, and Be a Success in God’s Eyes

Psalm 12:1

DATE: 29 Dec  1996 AM          PLACE: BBC Blarney


I.      Introduction (Psalm 12:1)


A.   Christians fail. But they don’t have to. There is a secret to godly success, and it is worth incorporating into our lives this year!

B.    Lots of “New Year’s Resolutions”. Here is a list that will really help!


II.    Message - How Succeed in 1997 (Psalm 12:1)


A.    Stop Bearing Your Own Sins - Get Saved (Isa 53:5-7; Mt 11:28)


1.        Failure begins here for 99% of the population of the whole world - everyone is carrying the load of their sins, all the while trying to convince themselves that their sins aren’t really there, or are getting lighter, or are someone else’s fault

2.     This world is lost in sin, is bearing the responsibility for its sin, and will end up in a devil’s hell - ultimate failure. Satan’s victory.

3.     But that is why Jesus came - to be the “sin-bearer.” He came to exchange lifes: his eternal life for our condemned life.

4.        Have you been saved? Today is a good day to turn your back on the wickedness of your life, and ask Christ to save your lost soul!

5.     I guarantee you on the authority of God’s word, if you trust Christ for salvation, then you have found true success!

6.     If a person is saved, born-again, then don’t waste any time trying to carry your sins anymore. Live for God now, free of sin’s weight


B.    Stop Carrying Your Own Sorrows (Isa 53:3-4; 1 Pet 5:7)


1.     For some strange reason, many many Christains are defeated, even though they are saved! Why? Because they may have given to Jesus their sins, but they are so used to carrying their sorrows and heartaches that they cannot get along without them. EX: of getting rid of wallet in back pocket - there is a “hole” left.

2.        Your heartaches and troubles are not made to crush and defeat you, but to strengthen you as you learn to lean more and more on Christ - not on yourself (Prov 3:5,6 - wont you memorize this?)!

3.        Replace all the places of sorrow with God’s love, joy and strength. EX: of delivering a baby (all the sorrow is replaced, not made worse). EX: of loneliness (is replaced when you meet Someone who “really” cares and understands) - meet Jesus (Is 51:11)

4.     The best way to stop carrying your own sorrows is two-fold:


a.     Each time a heartache pops up, give it immediately to Christ

b.     Start carrying other people’s sorrows - don’t be numb


C.                Renew” Your Mind Daily (Rom 12:1,2; 2 Cor 4:16)


1.     You can be saved, and glad in Christ, but can still fail if you don’t preserve your walk with the Lord, and grow in it.  EX: of an athelete getting accepted into the Olympics, but not maintaining the exercise programme.

2.     The Christian mind must be renewed DAILY - not weekly! That is why we have so little faith, and spiritual strength - because we are STARVING - our bodies may be full, but our souls are empty

3.     To renew (charge up) our minds involves:


a.     Storing truth (not lies and theories) into it (Ps 199:11

b.     Meditating on the truths, the promises (Ps 1:3)

c.     Challenging, testing and proving those truths - not just blindly, but coming to a conclusion (Acts 17:11)

d.     Getting to where truth is taught - be in church, in regular Bible study, be around other Christians - we need each other


D.    Carry Christ’s Cross - Bear His Shame (Luke 9:23,26)


1.        Hurray for those who HAVE been saved, and who HAVE cast away their sorrows, and ARE renewing their minds. But be careful that you don’t become ashamed of the cross that brought you your forgiveness! Modern Christianity wants to have only the “good” news, and the positive parts of Christianity: Salvation, Truth, Joy. But the Christian life is not popular, and not easy!

2.        Don’t settle for a counterfeit cross that is easy to carry, and attractive - that’s the problem with “religious jewelry”

3.        People only demonstrate a type of Christianity that is “culturally acceptable”: not one that honours God, and is true to the Bible

4.     So called “Christians” are ashamed of the Jesus of the Bible, so they make up new “Jesus’” - SuperStar, hippy Jesus, Love Jesus - not the only Saviour, soon coming King, the Judge of the earth!

5.     The name “Christian” is a derogitory term (Acts 11:25,26). And you will find this out when you attempt to live only for Jesus


a.     You will be mocked (John 15:18-20)

b.     You will be misunderstood

c.     You will be different - but it all goes with the territory!


E.     Cast down the ‘god’ out of your belly, possessions, own plans (Phil 3:17-19)


1.     God hates idolatry - especially in the lives of His people

2.        Your ‘belly’ (basic selfish desire) is your god when:


a.     You easily obey your stomach’s hunger, but not your soul’s

b.     You easily find rest in your pillow, and not in prayer

c.     You love possessions, but not being possessed by Christ - filled by the Holy Spirit (Eph 5:18; 1 Cor 6:19,20)


3.     Be careful not to allow your belly, or your heart, or your selfishness to ruin you as a Christian! EX: of a married man losing his family because he ALLOWED his mind to wander!  EX: of a politician losing his  job because he ALLOWED his ‘belly’ to get in the way of serving people. SAME with us!!!


F.     Keep Your Eyes only on Jesus (Heb 12:1-3)


1.        Satan will get you to fail by getting your attention on “failures” - even your own! He works hard to discourage us, so to slow us down, and hinder us!

2.     But if we have out hearts steadfast, and anchored in Christ, we will stand strong and firm - will be able to run our race, and WIN

3.        How to keep our eyes on Jesus?


a.     Stay in this Book - learn of HIM

b.     Stay in love with the Lord Jesus - if He has ever caught your “eye” then keep that romance with Him fresh - don’t let anything spoil it - protect your spiritual “love life”


III.   Conclusion - How Not to fail in 1997! How to Be a Success!


A.    Stop Bearing Your Own Sins - Get Saved - Today!

B.    Stop carrying your own sorrows - Replace them with something greater

C.    Renew” Your Mind Daily - KEY!

D.    Carry Christ’s Cross - Gladly Bear His Shame

E.     Cast down the ‘god’ out of your belly, possessions, own plans

F.     Keep Your Eyes ONLY on Jesus


Will you do this year? Then 1997 will be a truly successful year for us all!