The Day After Christmas

So, What Happens to Everybody AFTER Christmas?

Luke 2:20


I.                     Introduction (Ps 118:24)


A.      One of the things I like so much about the Christmas season is how so many people's attentions are for a times, focused upon Christ. People far and wide celebrate Christmas. There is lots of travelling, but people who never attend church the rest of the year make it to meetings during the Christmas season!

B.       Maybe that first Christmas WAS something like what we see! They had the angels singing, so the air was filled with Christmas music. They had the shepherds visiting, kind of like local friends dropping by. And they had the Wise men coming in from out of town - they did not make it in time for Christmas, but they got there for the same reason! Kind of like when we go to visit family in other cities, and we don't get there for Christmas, but we do show up around that time of year!

C.       But let me point out to you an interesting little note! Luke 2:20 records for us, that after the shepherds had visited the baby, "the shepherds returned!" In fact, if you think about it, for most everybody, life got back to normal after that first Christmas day! But what was "normal" now? I guarantee you, normality was never the same!

D.      Yes, the shepherds returned to their flocks. Yes, the angels silenced their singing. Yes, the Wise Men made the long trip BACK HOME. So it seems like everybody so naturally just forgets all about that Holy Night! But that might be true with any other "story" - but not with Jesus around!

E.       Now that Christmas is over this year, will you simply return to life as normal, perhaps praising God briefly for the chance to celebrate Christmas, but really, none different than you were before? Or will you have your lives radically changed by Christmas?

F.       Oh I know that on the day after Christmas, many people are tired, in debt, stressed out, worn-out, stuffed with turkey, and tired of putting together toys and reading instruction manuals. Oh, I know all about that stuff


II.                   Message


A.      The Day After Christmas was Different (2:20)


1.        This Christmas, millions, of people will come to see and worship Jesus. But the greatest majority will simply pass on saying "That's nice!" And go on with life as usual. It will be only the few who having seen Jesus Christ, determine never to leave His side again!

2.        No longer the same for the following people:


a.       Those shepherds - these folks who were the poorest paid, and worked the longest hours, and usually had the filthiest of mouths


1)       Were praise God

2)       And were glorifying God! WOW! AMEN!

3)       Their lives were CHANGED (2 Cor 5:17 still is true)!

4)       This was the continual testimony of all the publicans and sinners (Lk 15:1)


b.       Joseph and Mary - their life was going to be different now that Jesus was around - surprises every day were in store for sure

c.       The area community


1)       Both in Bethlehem - The shepherds would make sure everyone in Bethlehem knew about Jesus

2)       And in Nazareth - this little family, especially as it grew would make a difference in the lives around it


d.       The Saviour Himself - He who had been in the form of God, was different now - had "emptied," and limited Himself of His powers - no longer the same - He was truly, as a Man, having to walk, and sleep!


3.        No longer the same because of the following reasons:


a.       These people had heard from God - God had gotten their attention with His word

b.       These people had found God's promises are always true - to the letter - Over 300 prophecies were now being fulfilled before their eyes!

c.       These people had had an encounter with Jesus - you can never be the same once you have met HIM - never neutral - maybe against Him more, or in love with Him more - but never the SAME!

d.       Hey! What else would you expect?

e.       If there is no difference in your family, or in your mate, or in YOUR life because of Christmas, then you did not have Christmas AT ALL!


1)       Oh you may have had a bunch of presents

2)       But you didn't have Jesus

3)       Folks ought to be ashamed of themselves at Christmas when Jesus has no place in your home or lives!


B.       The Day After Christmas Deliberate (2:21,22,42)


1.        Every day now could be lived with purpose - no wandering, or meandering through life anymore - now on the strait and narrow

2.        Notice how the shepherd's life was deliberate


a.       They told the world around them that Jesus was here

b.       They went back to work, and into their community as different

c.       Peter on the Mount of Transfiguration wanted to stay on the mountain-top forever, but Jesus said let's get back down there where people are so that we can have an impact - you have to deliberately get moving after mountain-top experiences


3.        Notice how Joseph and Mary deliberately  obeyed God's word, and brought baby Jesus to be circumcised


a.       The pages of the Bible were even different now - because of Jesus

b.       The commands of the Lord were no longer grievous and hard, but a joy, and lived deliberately - on purpose - AMEN!


4.        Realise that Joseph and Mary held Jesus every day, ON PURPOSE


a.       They walked with Jesus

b.       They followed Him - had to go back to Jerusalem

c.       They sought to be near Him (Lk 8:19-21)


5.        Before salvation, your job, and family, and life has very little purpose other than survival - after meeting Jesus,


a.       You go to work on purpose - as a light, and to please and obey God

b.       You say things on purpose - no longer uncontrolled lips, but lips that with carefulness, praise and glorify the God who loved you so!

c.       You love people on purpose

d.       You talk to people on purpose, all because of this life of Jesus in you


6.        There are a lot of "christians" who may be saved, and know it, but are not growing in their relationship with Him - all because they do not set out to grow on purpose


C.       The Day After Christmas is Demanding (2:51,52)


1.        We think the days leading up to Christmas are demanding - well, let me tell you, when you have had a good Christmas, the following days can be even MORE demanding!

2.        Christmas didn't take away our responsibilities (to work, to put up with people, to witness, to raise our kids, to pay our bills, etc) - it just made it all worthwhile - no matter the effort

3.        Think about it - Joseph & Mary had a whole new responsibility - to Jesus


a.       Had to train this boy - Dt 6 - He probably waited on them, to teach Him - could have been a prodigy, but chose to learn!!!

b.       Had to stay ahead of Him, and find the answers for this teenager!

c.       Had to still work, AND make time to spend with Jesus - just made it natural - never looked at it as an option - very demanding though

d.       Had to go it alone sometimes - Mary lost Joseph at some point - kept going, with 6 kids (Mt 13:55,56)


D.      The Day After Christmas is Dangerous (2:34,35) - any radical change in your life is going to be dangerous!


1.        They were now going against the flow


a.       Everybody else was just going back to normal - back to the grid - back to the same old attitudes and actions

b.       Those touched by Christmas, and who had surrendered to this Jesus were going to stand out in the crowd - no filthy mouths

c.       They were going to carry on the relationship everyday - not just at Christmas-time (all the godly music that gets played at Christmas on the radio is quickly replaced by the songs of the devil) - but not in the homes of the saved!


2.        The devil all along hated, and tried to destroy anyone even connected with this baby (Lk 2:4-7) - on the journey and the accomodation

3.        Had to flee to Egypt at one point for safety (Mt 2:13-18)

4.        Herod was against this Child

5.        The Pharisees would end up against this Man from Galilee


III.                 Conclusion - You can experience Christmas TODAY (2 Cor 6:2)

Here we are this "day after Christmas", and I wonder what kind of people we all are? Are we like the shepherds, and the Wise men, who came to see Jesus, and were never the same? Are we like Mary and Joseph, for whom, Christmas was only the beginning of a radical new way of life, and thought! Is jesus integrated into our lives? Do any of us nurture our relationship with Christ? Do we keep all that was said by and about Jesus and ponder it in our hearts?


A.      The Day After Christmas ought to be Different


1.        Starts with salvation

2.        Continues with a life that praises and glorifies God in everything we do


B.       The Day After Christmas ought to be lived Deliberately (2:21,22,42)


1.        Every day now could be lived with purpose - no wandering, or meandering through life anymore - now on the strait and narrow

2.        Tell the world around you that Jesus was here! And He reigns in your life

3.        Live God's word on purpose - do everything on purpose


C.       The Day After Christmas is always going to be Demanding (2:51,52)


1.        Christmas didn't take away our responsibilities (to work, to put up with people, to witness, to raise our kids, to pay our bills, etc) - it just made it all worthwhile - no matter the effort

2.        Think about it - Joseph & Mary had a whole new responsibility - to Jesus


a.       Train you family in this Book

b.       Find the answers for life's struggles!

c.       Work! Work hard! AND make time to spend with Jesus

d.       Go it alone sometimes


D.      The Day After Christmas is Dangerous (2:34,35) - any radical change in your life is going to be dangerous! But is really the safest way to live!