Men's Retreat
2006 |
This is a spiritual retreat for men and their sons. This
form must be filled out by every adult who is coming. If someone (i.e. a
teenager or child) is coming without their father, they must have their
parent's permission and signature at the bottom of this form. Print out
this form, and then post it to the address above.
NAME: ________________________________ AGE:
_______ TEL: _______________________ ARRIVAL DATE: __________________ APPROX ARRIVAL TIME: _____________ CHILDREN COMING WITH YOU: NAME: ________________________________
AGE: _________ COSTS:
€30 per person, €20 for
under 12's
[___] I have enclosed a check for ____________________ YOUR SIGNATURE: __________________________________ DATE: __________________ IF A CHILD UNDER 18 WANTS TO ATTEND WITHOUT THEIR PARENT "My son _______________________________ has my permission to attend the 2006 Men's Retreat being held in Killarney, Co. Kerry, and will be in the care of ________________________________________ during his time at the Retreat. If there are any medical emergencies, please contact me at (my mobile number) ______________________, and you have my permission to take him to the A&E of a local area hospital for treatement." PARENT'S SIGNATURE: ______________________________ DATE:______________ 19 Jan, 2006 - Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland - |